Saving Face in Hairy IPO
One lesson from the Facebook debut: It's much easier to turn hype into first-day profits when shares are scarce.
Hair dresser turns shoe maker, creates hairy heels
Her works also include brooches and a small black rat which are not for sale. She is now planning a range of hairy corsets and dresses to develop her hobby further.
Things may get hairy for the Quadrangle Group Friday -- the deadline for an investor decision on whether to cancel future commitments to the private equity fund once run by Obama auto task force head Steven Rattner.
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這hairy 不是吃重 是極難
proximity 喻空間"接近"而非"近似"
In my two years at Bell Labs, we worked in two-person offices. They were spacious, quiet, and the phones could be diverted. I shared my office with Wendl Thomis who went on to build a small empire as an electronic toy maker. In those days, he was working on the ESS fault dictionary. The dictionary scheme relied upon the notion of n-space proximity, a concept that was hairy enough to challenge even Wendl's powers of concentration. One afternoon, I was bent over a program listing while Wendl was staring into space, his feet propped up on the desk. Our boss came in and asked, "Wendl! What are you doing?" Wendl said, "I'm thinking." And the boss said, "Can't you do that at home?"
Go to Article from The New York Post»
這hairy 不是吃重 是極難
proximity 喻空間"接近"而非"近似"
In my two years at Bell Labs, we worked in two-person offices. They were spacious, quiet, and the phones could be diverted. I shared my office with Wendl Thomis who went on to build a small empire as an electronic toy maker. In those days, he was working on the ESS fault dictionary. The dictionary scheme relied upon the notion of n-space proximity, a concept that was hairy enough to challenge even Wendl's powers of concentration. One afternoon, I was bent over a program listing while Wendl was staring into space, his feet propped up on the desk. Our boss came in and asked, "Wendl! What are you doing?" Wendl said, "I'm thinking." And the boss said, "Can't you do that at home?"
每日一詞:Hairbag,老警察。據時報報導 ,一名自稱被迫退休的警官以年齡歧視為由,把在背後說他是“hairbag”的上司告上了法庭。 Hairbag一詞是個起源模糊的古老俚語。一說認為,“bag”在警察行話中意為“制服”,當一名警官長期服役,其製服在重複使用中會變得毛茸茸(hairy)。但另一些人認為,該詞源自“老油條”警察過去以理髮為藉口擅離職守的習慣,他們通常會要一小包碎發作為證據,是種侮辱性說法。
hairy lie
The Birth of Esau and Jacob - These are the generations of Isaac, Abraham's son: Abraham fathered Isaac, and Isaac was forty years old when he.
5 And Rebekah heard when Isaac spake to Esau his son. And Esau went to the field to hunt for venison, and to bring it. 6 And Rebekah spake unto Jacob her son, saying, Behold, I heard thy father speak unto Esau thy brother, saying,.
Genesis 27:41 KJV: And Esau hated Jacob because of the blessing wherewith his father blessed him: and Esau said in his heart, The days of mourning for my father are at hand; then will.
See 'Esau' instances in the King James Version (KJV). ... he did eat of his venison: but Rebekah loved Jacob. Genesis 25:29 | View whole chapter | See verse in context: And Jacob sod pottage: and Esau came from the field, and he was faint:
創世紀:Chapter 27 | Next |
1依撒格年紀已老,雙目失明,看不見了,遂叫了他的大兒厄撒烏來,對他說:「我兒!」他回答說:「我在這裏。」 |
2他說:「你看,我已年老,不知道那天就死。 |
3現在,你拿器械、箭囊和弓,往田間去打點獵物, |
4照我的嗜好給我作成美味,拿來給我吃,好叫我在未死以前祝福你。」 |
5依撒格對他的兒子厄撒烏說這話時,黎貝加聽見了。厄撒烏就到田間去給父親打獵, |
6黎貝加對自己的兒子雅各伯說:「我聽見你父親對你哥哥厄撒烏說: |
7你去給我打點獵物來,作成美味,叫我吃了,好在死前當着上主的面祝福你。」 |
8現在,我兒,要聽從我吩咐你的話。 |
9到羊群裏去,給我拿兩隻肥美的小山羊來,我要照你父親的嗜好,給他作成美味, |
10你端給父親吃,好叫他死前祝福你。」 |
11雅各伯對母親黎貝加說:「但是我哥哥渾身是毛,我卻皮膚光滑, |
12萬一我父親摸我,必以為我哄騙他,我必招來咒罵,而不是祝福。」 |
13母親對他說:「我兒,咒罵歸於我,你只管聽我的話,去給我拿來。」 |
14他遂拿了來,交給了他的母親,他母親就照他父親的嗜好作成了美味。 |
15黎貝加又將家中所存的大兒厄撒烏最好的衣服,給她小兒雅各伯穿上; |
16又用小山羊的皮,包在他的手上和他光滑的頸上, |
17然後將自己作好的美味和餅,放在他兒子雅各伯的手裏。 |
18雅各伯來到他父親前說:「我父!」他答說:「我在這裏!我兒,你是誰?」 |
19雅各伯對父親說:「我是你長子厄撒烏。我已照你吩咐的作了。請坐起來,吃我作的野味,好祝福我。」 |
20依撒格對他兒子說:「我兒!你怎麼這樣快就找着了?」雅各伯答說:「因為上主你的天主使我碰得好。」 |
21依撒格對雅各伯說;「我兒!你前來,讓我摸摸,看你是不是我兒厄撒烏?」 |
22雅各伯就走近他父親依撒格前;依撒格摸着他說:「聲音是雅各伯的聲音,手卻是厄撒烏的手。」 |
23依撒格沒有分辨出來,因為他的手,像他哥哥厄撒烏的手一樣有毛,就祝福了他。 |
24隨後說:「你真是我兒厄撒烏嗎?」雅各伯答說:「我是。」 |
25依撒格說:「我兒!遞給我,叫我吃了你作的野味,好祝福你。」雅各伯於是遞過去,他吃了;又給他拿了酒來,他也喝了。 |
26他父親依撒格就對他說:「我兒!你前來吻我。」 |
27他就前去吻了父親。他父親一聞到他衣服上的香氣,就祝福他說:「看!我兒子的香氣,像上主祝福的肥田的香氣。 |
28惟願天主賜與你天上的甘露,土地的肥沃,五穀美酒的豐裕! |
29願眾民服事你,萬國叩拜你!願你作你兄弟的主人,你母親的兒子叩拜你!凡詛咒你的,必受詛咒;凡祝福你的,必受祝福。」 |
30依撒格一祝福了雅各伯,雅各伯剛由他父親依撒格面前出來,他哥哥厄撒烏打獵回來了。 |
31他也作了美味,給他父親端來,對他父親說:「我父!請起來,吃你兒預備的野味,好祝福我。」 |
32他父親依撒格對他說:「你是誰?」他答說:「我是你兒,你長子厄撒烏。」 |
33依撒格不禁戰慄起來,驚問說:「那麼,是誰打了獵物給我送了來?並且在你未來以前,我已吃了,已祝福了他;他從此必蒙祝福。」 |
34厄撒烏一聽見他父親說出這話,就放聲哀號,對他父親說:「我父,請你也祝福我!」 |
35父親答說:「你弟弟用詭計來奪去了你的祝福。」 |
36厄撒烏說:「他不是名叫雅各伯嗎?他已兩次欺騙了我:以前奪去了我長子的名分,現在又奪去了我的祝福。」繼而問說:「你沒有給我留下祝福嗎?」 |
37依撒格回答厄撒烏說:「看,我已立他作你的主人,將所有的兄弟都給他作僕人,將五穀美酒都供給他了。我兒,我還能為你作什麼?」 |
38厄撒烏對父親說:「我父,你只有一個祝福嗎?我父,你也得祝福我。」厄撒烏就放聲大哭。 |
39他父親依撒格回答他說:「看,你住的地方必缺乏肥沃的土地,天上的甘露。 |
40你要憑仗刀劍生活,要服事你的弟弟,但你一強盛起來,將由你的頸上,擺脫他的束縛。」 |
41厄撒烏因為他父親祝福了雅各伯,便懷恨雅各伯,心下思念說:「為父親居喪的日期已近,到時我必要殺死我弟弟雅各伯。」 |
42有人告訴了黎貝加她大兒厄撒烏所說的話;她便派人叫了她小兒雅各伯來,對他說:「看,你哥哥厄撒烏想要殺你洩恨。 |
43現在,我兒!你得聽我的話,起身逃往哈蘭我哥哥拉班那裏去, |
44與他住些時日,直到你哥哥忿怒消失了。 |
45幾時你哥哥對你息了怒,忘了你對他作的事,我就派人去,從那裏接你回來。為什麼我在一日內要喪失你們兩個呢?」 |
46黎貝加就對依撒格說:「為了這兩個赫特女人,我厭惡得要死;假使雅各伯也從這地的女人中娶一個像這樣的赫特女人為妻,我還活着做什麼?」 |

adj., -i·er, -i·est.
- Covered with hair or hairlike projections: a hairy caterpillar.
- Consisting of or resembling hair: a hairy overcoat.
- Slang. Fraught with difficulties; hazardous: a hairy escape; hairy problems.
hairy (FRIGHTENING) Show phonetics
adjective INFORMAL
frightening or dangerous, especially in a way that is exciting:
I like going on the back of Laurent's motorbike, though it can get a bit hairy.
adjective INFORMAL
frightening or dangerous, especially in a way that is exciting:
I like going on the back of Laurent's motorbike, though it can get a bit hairy.