Several people were woken by a "loud bang" in the early hours of Sunday.
beriberi thiamine
In the late 19th century, rice was king. Fine, polished white rice was especially treasured–it was expensive and laborious to husk, hull, polish, and wash. Doing all this, however, stripped the nutrient from the rice, and a lack of thiamine causes what we now know as beriberi. (via Gastro Obscura)

How Killer Rice Crippled Tokyo and the Japanese Navy
脚気(かっけ、英: beriberi)は、ビタミン欠乏症の一つであり、ビタミンB1(チアミン)の欠乏によって心不全と末梢神経障害をきたす疾患である。
聲爆(或音爆,英文:Sonic boom)是在空氣中運動的物體速度突破音障時,產生衝擊波而伴生的巨大響聲。音爆的聲音能量巨大,聽起來像爆炸一樣。超音速的子彈飛過頭頂,或者揮動長牛鞭,都會產生較大的噼啪聲,這些都是微型的音爆。
ソニックブーム(英: sonic boom)とは、主に戦闘機などの超音速飛行により発生する衝撃波が生む、轟くような大音響のこと。衝撃波以外の原因で生じる単発的な大音響