PIetrus Christus, 1449, In the goldsmiths shop
Goldsmith, Oliver. The Deserted Village
209: Lands he could measure, terms and tides presage,
The ascension of Mr. Brauchli, 47, to replace Mr. Downie, 66, continues a sharp generational shift at The Post. Ms. Weymouth, 42, took over as publisher in February, and is considered the probable successor to her uncle, Donald E. Graham, 63, as chairman of The Washington Post Company.
On Sunday after Our Lord's Ascension, Master Dietrich, the
glass painter of Antwerp, invited me and asked many other
people to meet me, and especially among them Alexander, the
goldsmith, a rich, stately man, and we had a splendid
dinner, and they did me great honour. I have done in
charcoal the portrait of Master Marx, the goldsmith, who
lives at Bruges. I bought a broad cap for 36 stivers. I paid
Paul Geiger 1 florin to take my little chest to Nuremberg,
and 4 stivers for the letter. I have taken the portrait of
Ambrosius Hochstatter in charcoal, and I dined with him: I
have dined at least six times with Tomasin. I bought some
wooden dishes and platters for 3 stivers. I have given the
apothecary 12 stivers. I have given two books of the "Life
of Our Lady," one to the foreign surgeon, the other to
Marx's house servant; I also paid the doctor 8 stivers, and
gave 4 stivers for cleaning an old cap. Lost 4 stivers at
play; have given 2 florins for a new cap. I have changed the
old cap because it was clumsy, and have given 6 stivers more
for another.
━━[動](他)…に(純度検証の)極印を押す;…の品質を保証する, …に折り紙をつける.
[Goldsmiths' CompanyがあったLondonのGoldsmith's Hallから. ここで貴金属の純度保証の印がつけられた]
- Of, relating to, or appropriate for a feast or festival.
- Merry; joyous: a festive party.
[Latin fēstīvus, from fēstus.]
festively fes'tive·ly adv.festive 
IN BRIEF: Merry.

- festive atmosphere 歡樂的氣氛
- festive season 收獲季節
日本語 (Japanese)
adj. - 祭りの, 祝祭の, 陽気な, 楽しい
- festive atmosphere お祭り気分
- festive season めでたい時期

━━ n. 上昇; 即位; (キリストの)昇天; (A-) キリスト昇天節 (Ascension Day) ((Easter後40日目の木曜)).
On Sunday after Our Lord's Ascension, Master Dietrich, theglass painter of Antwerp, invited me and asked many other
people to meet me, and especially among them Alexander, the
goldsmith, a rich, stately man, and we had a splendid
dinner, and they did me great honour. I have done in
charcoal the portrait of Master Marx, the goldsmith, who
lives at Bruges. I bought a broad cap for 36 stivers. I paid
Paul Geiger 1 florin to take my little chest to Nuremberg,
and 4 stivers for the letter. I have taken the portrait of
Ambrosius Hochstatter in charcoal, and I dined with him: I
have dined at least six times with Tomasin. I bought some
wooden dishes and platters for 3 stivers. I have given the
apothecary 12 stivers. I have given two books of the "Life
of Our Lady," one to the foreign surgeon, the other to
Marx's house servant; I also paid the doctor 8 stivers, and
gave 4 stivers for cleaning an old cap. Lost 4 stivers at
play; have given 2 florins for a new cap. I have changed the
old cap because it was clumsy, and have given 6 stivers more
for another.
Ascension of Christ:耶穌升天:耶穌基督離開塵世、投向天父的日子,表示基督通過苦難,進入光榮,成為萬物的元首;同時也是人類及物質世界在末日被提昇的預兆和保證。其節日在復活節後第四十日;在中國移到復活後第七主日慶祝。拉丁文稱作 Ascensio Domini。
In Christian belief, the ascent of Jesus into heaven 40 days after the Resurrection. The Book of Acts relates that, after several appearances to the Apostles over a period of 40 days, Jesus was taken up in their presence and hidden behind a cloud, a symbol of God's presence.
The event is thought to indicate a new relationship between Jesus and God and between Jesus and his followers. The feast of the Ascension is universally observed by Christians, and its celebration emphasizes the kingship of Christ. Since the 4th century, it has been celebrated 40 days after Easter and 10 days before Pentecost.