2019年12月29日 星期日

lupus, arrant, Leviathan, suffered two bouts of cancer, Homo Homini Award, Homo homini lupus

In a study from earlier this year, a therapy approved for use in people with certain cancers was shown to wipe out lupus in mice. #WeekendReads


But rather than going on to give Mr Gates the considerable praise he is due for turning Microsoft into a corporate Leviathan as its chief executive, the book instead dwells on the clashes that the two men got into over the size of their respective ownership stakes while they were still working together—arguments that were stoked by Mr Gates’s fear that his partner was not sufficiently committed to making Microsoft a success. In the end, Mr Allen, who has already suffered two bouts of cancer, decided to leave to pursue other projects.

捷克人权组织People in Need在四海一家电影节开幕式上将今年的人权奖Homo Homini Award授予目前仍被中国警方秘密拘押的中国知识分子刘晓波,以表彰他为和平促进中国民主所作出的贡献。同时受到表彰的还有零八宪章的所有签署者。

M. Jackson 皮膚多狼瘡
  1. Systemic lupus erythematosus.
  2. Any of various chronic skin conditions characterized by ulcerative lesions that spread over the body. No longer in scientific use.
[Medieval Latin, from Latin, wolf.]

Homo homini lupus is a latin phrase meaning "man is a wolf to man." First attested in Plautus' Asinaria ("lupus est homo homini"), the sentence was drawn on by Thomas Hobbes when he wrote "Man to Man is an arrant Wolfe" in the opening line of the De cive, Epistola dedicatoria section of Leviathan as a concise expression of his view of human nature. The phrase is sometimes translated as "man is man's wolf", which can be interpreted to mean that men prey upon other men.
It is widely referenced when discussing the horrors of which humans are capable.

1 《聖書》レビヤタン:海にすむ巨大な怪獣〈《聖書》ヨブ記41:1〉.
2 巨大なもの[船, クジラ];((比喩))全体主義国家.
3 ((L-))『リバイアサン』:Thomas Hobbes著の政治哲学論(1651).
[後ラテン語←ヘブライ語līwyāthān(lawaねじれる, 巻く+-than=ねじれた尾を持つヘビ)]

Completely such; thoroughgoing: an arrant fool; the arrant luxury of the ocean liner.
[Variant of ERRANT.]
arrantly ar'rant·ly adv.
