2019年12月6日 星期五

calumny, slander 種種形和文化

Now palaces and halls are lofty and extravagant, the people's strength withers away and is exhausted, anger and calumny arise together, and none protect their xing.
Zuo Zhuan, Duke Zhao, Year Eight
Mencius 孟子

Linda Le slander 種種形和文化

歐巴桑:「請問 Linda Lê的中文是什麼 ?她應該是名越南裔女家。」

CH Linda Le姓黎。
巴黎就叫Ba Le;,早年越文對外來語是按中文翻譯外語的。
網路上說 1963 Linda Lê was born in Dalat, Saigon to a French mother and a Vietnamese 是錯誤的,Dalat (大叻 )位於中部山區,與西貢有好幾小時的車程。

Slander: Calomnies by Linda Le - Fiction - 1996 Translated with an afterword by Esther Allen 這本英文翻譯小說的「書後語」(Afterword )有作者簡介,包括這是第五本書(當時第令六本近完成),也是她最著名的。
Hc 查辭典,這法文書名Calomnies 竟然有這麼多義:calumnies, blasphemous, blasphemous, scandalously, slanderous, slanderously, blasphemous, calumnious, libeller, libellous, malicious, mudslinging, scandalous, scurrilous.
他又發現一奇怪例,所以問:可以用 calomny字眼嗎?
Mr. Riley\''s statements (or insinuations) about my \"modus of operating\"
have no factual basis and would be calomny (punishable under penal law
Germany: false factual assertions designed to attack people\''s

RL: hc--可用 calomny嗎? calomnies calomnie 之複數形,其對應英文為calumny ,複數為calumniescalomny應是 calumny之誤。」
calumny form calomnie f (from Dictionnaire Cambridge Klett Compact)

ca・lum・ni・ate ━━ vt. 〔章〕 中傷する.
 ca・lum・ni・a・tion, cal・um・ny
 ca・lum・ni・a・tor ━━ n. 中傷する人.
 ca・lum・ni・ous ━━ a.
CALUMNY中文至少有一對應字:【讟】注音一式 ㄉㄨˊ 
解釋: 怨恨。說文解字:讟,痛怨也。北史˙卷三十二˙崔挺傳:陳既主昏於上,人讟於下。 

杜預˙注:讟,謗 也。隋書˙卷七十五˙儒林傳˙何妥傳:屈辱既加,則有怨恨,謗讟之言出矣 。


讀者還可以用 SLANDER查《林語堂當代漢英詞典》網絡版,可以找出許多相關的中文字眼。
孟子(Mencius  Zuo Zhuan, Duke Zhao, Year Eight ):
Now palaces and halls are lofty and extravagant, the people's strength withers away and is exhausted, anger and calumny arise together, and none protect their xing.
-------- 名畫
... 與此同時,波提切利繪製了《誹謗》(Calumny)——據說古希臘畫家阿佩 ...(

noun [C or U]
a false spoken statement about someone which damages their reputation, or the making of such a statement:
The doctor is suing his partner for slander.
She regarded his comment as a slander on her good reputation.
Compare libel.

slander  verb [T]
to damage someone's reputation by making a false spoken statement about them

slanderer  noun [C]

slanderous  adjective
a slanderous accusation/allegation/comment
libel noun [C or U]
a piece of writing which contains bad and false things about a person:
She threatened to sue the magazine for libel.
Compare slander.

libel verb [T] -ll- or US USUALLY -l-

libellous, US USUALLY libelous adjective
libellous accusations

(from Cambridge Advanced Learner's Dictionary)
我们知道英國在 1660年才將 SLANDER(口說)和LIBEL (書面)區分。這在法學上可以細說,不過一般用法不這樣分明。
libel and slander, in law, types of defamation. In common law, written defamation was libel and spoken defamation was slander. Today, however, there are no such clear definitions. Permanent forms of defamation, such as the written or pictorial, are usually called libel, while the spoken or gestured forms are called slander.

The Culture of Slander in Early Modern England
by M Lindsay Kaplan - Social Science - 1997 - 160 pages
第一章- 1 The paradox of slander
 To gain a sense of the scope and operation of early ...this point that I tend to privilege the use of "slander" as a general term,
末章論莎士比亞 'Measure for Measure '(大陸版本『一報還一報』或梁實秋翻譯的『惡有惡報』)
Isabella's disclosure of Angelo's terms for her brother's Slander for slander in Measure for Measure….
11. 圖賴 [tu2lai4], v.i. & t., try to dishonor obligations, disown responsibility or to cheat or libel.

 V.t. (2)  To vilify, defame, make false accusation, commit libel against: 誣告 [wu2gao4] ;

 Words 1. 毀謗 [hui3bang4], n. & v.t., slander, libel.

 Words 2. 喪謗 [sang4bang0], v.t., to blaspheme; to revile, slander.
 Words 17. 揭帖 [jie1tie3], (1) v.t., see [jie1shi4]; (2) n., a written note: 匿名揭帖 an anonymous letter or poster, usu. of a slanderous nature.

 Words 15. 嘴打人 [zui2da3ren2], v.i., to abuse, slander or ridicule people.

 Words 2. 贓埋 [zang1mai2], v.t., (MC) malign, slander, accuse falsely.

 Words 6. 忍辱 [ren3ru4], v.i., meekly accept abuses, insults: 忍辱負重 discharge one's duties conscientiously in spite of slanders.

 Adv. 厚誣  a great slander.

注音一式 (語音)ㄨ (讀音)ㄨˊ
解釋 陷害、毀謗。如:誣賴、誣陷。南朝梁˙江淹˙自序傳:或為世士所嫉 ,遂誣淹以受金者。明史˙卷一八七˙馬中錫傳:誣為盜,遣甯杲、柳尚義繪 形捕之,破其家。
 欺騙、矇騙。孟子˙滕文公下:邪說誣民,充塞仁義也。宋˙司馬光˙資治通 鑑史論選:當文宗求治之時,僧孺任居承弼,進則偷安取容以竊位,退則欺君誣 世以盜名,罪孰大焉!


解釋 不是愚蠢,就是故意欺騙人。莊子˙秋水:是猶師天而無地,師陰而無陽,其不可行明矣。然且語而不舍,非愚則誣也。韓非子˙顯學:無參驗而必之者,愚也;弗能必而據之者,誣也;故明據先王,必定堯舜者,非愚則誣也。

 N. Gossip, slander: 60A.21.

 V.t. (1)  To slander, revile, vilify.

 N. & v.t. Slander: 怨誹 people's grievances, baseless or not.

Words 1. 誹謗 [fei3bang4], n. & v.t., slander.

 V.t. Malign, calumniate, slander: 夫人譖公於齊侯 (AC) she maligned him before the marquis of Chir;

Words 1. 譖人 [zen4ren2], n., a slanderer.
2. 譖言 [zen4yan2], n., calumny, slander, wilful misrepresentation of s.o.'s character.

 Words 1. 讒謗 [chan2bang4], v.t., to slander, smear (a person).
3. 讒言 [chan2yan2], n., malicious, slanderous talk.

 V.t. (2)  To slander: 毀謗 [hui3bang4] ;
詆毀,訪毀 to slander, besmirch one's good name;

Words 1. 毀謗 [hui3bang4], n. & v.t., slander, libel.
2. 毀詆 [hui2di3], v.t., to slander.

 V.t. (1)  To humiliate, insult, slander: 侮慢,侮辱 [wu3man4], [wu3ru4] ;

 N. 暗箭傷人 make sniping attacks, slander others behind their backs;

(the act of making) a statement about someone that is not true and is intended to damage the reputation of that person:
He was subjected to the most vicious calumny, but he never complained and never sued.
