2020年1月9日 星期四

unexpected resurgence, the Tea Party, Google and Friends to Gang Up on Facebook

No one is sure why inflation has remained quiescent even as unemployment has fallen. Could there be an unexpected resurgence?

Al-Qaeda’s media wing has announced the upcoming launch of Resurgence, a terror magazine for English-speakers: http://ti.me/1nbZblN

Since its resurgence in the late 1990s, Apple has generally shied away from trumpeting processor speeds, cache sizes or other technical details. It does make exceptions, however, as in the case of the recent launch of the iPhone 5s. Executives have hyped its "64-bit" A7 processor. Why has Apple made the jump to 64 bits? http://econ.st/1aT3nR2

One of her friends, Chloe Davis, 16, said that some girls would "gang up" on Holly, and that others posted abusive messages on her Facebook page.



Google and Friends to Gang Up on Facebook

Published: October 31, 2007

SAN FRANCISCO, Oct. 30 — Google and some of the Web’s leading social networks are teaming up to take on the new kid on the block — Facebook.

On Thursday, an alliance of companies led by Google plans to begin introducing a common set of standards to allow software developers to write programs for Google’s social network, Orkut, as well as others, including LinkedIn, hi5, Friendster, Plaxo and Ning.

The strategy is aimed at one-upping Facebook, which last spring opened its service to outside developers. Since then, more than 5,000 small programs have been built to run on the Facebook site, and some have been adopted by millions of the site’s users. Most of those programs tap into connections among Facebook friends and spread themselves through those connections, as well as through a “news feed” that alerts Facebook users about what their friends are doing.
The New York Times learned of the alliance’s plan from people briefed on the matter. Google, which had planned to introduce the alliance at a party on Thursday evening, later confirmed the plan.
“It is going to forestall Facebook’s ability to get everyone writing just for Facebook,” said a person with knowledge of the plans who asked to remain anonymous because he was not authorized to speak on behalf of the alliance. The group’s platform, which is called OpenSocial, is “compatible across all the companies,” that person said.
“Facebook got the jump by announcing the Facebook platform and getting the traction they got. This is an open alternative to that,” the person also said.
The alliance includes business software makers Salesforce.com and Oracle, who are moving to let third-party programmers write applications that can be accessed by their customers. The start of OpenSocial comes just a week after Google lost to Microsoft in a bid to invest in Facebook and sell advertising on the social network’s pages outside the United States. And it comes just before the expected introduction by Facebook of an advertising system next week, which some analysts believe could compete with Google’s.
Joe Kraus, director of product management at Google, said that the alliance’s conversations preceded Microsoft’s investment in Facebook. “Obviously, we would love for them to be part of it,” Mr. Kraus said of Facebook. Facebook declined to comment.
Facebook’s success with its platform has proved that the combination of social data and news feeds is a powerful mechanism to help developers distribute their software. They are now seen as must-have functions for many Internet companies. Other social networks and Web companies, including MySpace and the instant messaging service Meebo.com, have announced plans to open their sites in similar ways.
For now, however, Facebook has become the preferred platform for software developers.
By teaming with others, Google hopes to create a rival platform that could have broad appeal to developers. A person briefed on the plans said the sites in the alliance had a combined 100 million users, more than double the size of Facebook.
The developers of some of the most popular Facebook applications, including iLike, Slide, Frixter and RockYou, are expected to be present Thursday evening at Google’s headquarters in Mountain View, Calif., where they will announce that they will tailor their programs to run on the OpenSocial sites.
The effort faces several hurdles. Developers may not see the advantage to writing programs that run across such remarkably different networks as, for example, LinkedIn, which caters to business professionals, and hi5, which is popular in Central America.
For Google, the effort could breathe new life into Orkut, which is popular in Brazil and other countries, but not in the United States. While the move could also help some rival social networks, Google could benefit from their success, in part, by helping to sell advertising on those sites.
Indeed, that strategy would fit into a model that Google has begun talking about recently. Vic Gundotra, who heads Google’s developer programs, said last week that Google would soon begin an aggressive project to create software tools and give them away free in an open-source format.
The goal, he said, is to improve not just Google’s applications, but any software that runs on the Web. That, in turn, would drive more Internet use, and Google would benefit indirectly by selling advertising, he said.
Google has not been able to establish itself as a force in social networking, and it clearly wants to. “One of the things to say, very clearly, is that social networks as a phenomenon are very real,” Eric E. Schmidt, Google’s chief executive, said in a recent interview. “If you are of a certain age, you sort of dismiss this as college kids or teenagers. But it is very real.”
Google said it has advertising relationships with several social networks, including a $900 million partnership to sell ads on MySpace, which the company said is performing well. Google is also making some money on Facebook, through ads that run inside applications that are used on that network.
A person familiar with Google’s efforts said that those applications have been far more effective for advertisers on social networks than users’ personal pages. “It is early, but those ads work very well, whereas the ads in overall social media platforms have shown less performance,” the person said. Mr. Kraus said that over time Google hoped to bring other social elements to Web applications, whether or not they run inside social networks. Analysts expect other Google services, including iGoogle, to be equipped with social features eventually.

Facebook Logo (2019).svg
Type of site
Social networking service
Available inMultilingual (140)
Coordinates37.4848°N 122.1484°WCoordinates37.4848°N 122.1484°W
Area servedUnited States (2004–present)
Worldwide, except blocking countries (2005–present)
ParentFacebook, Inc.
Alexa rankIncrease 5 (December 2019)[1]
UsersIncrease 2.45 billion monthly active users (as of September 2019)[2]
LaunchedFebruary 4, 2004; 15 years ago
Current statusActive
Written inC++PHP (as HHVM), D
Facebook "f" logo

gang up on 〈話〉~を集団で攻撃する・My wife's relatives gang up on [against] me when she complain... - 

Tales of the Tea Party
Liberals are desperate to find a storyline that explains the right-wing resurgence, and then explains it away.


Pronunciation: /rɪˈsəːdʒ(ə)ns/
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[in singular]
an increase or revival after a period of little activity, popularity, or occurrence:a resurgence of interest in religion

陸以正專欄-茶黨攪局 美選舉有得瞧

  • 2010-10-18
  • 中國時報
  • 【本報訊】

 再過兩個星期,三億人口的美國,就要選舉三十七位參議員,四百卅五位眾議 員,五十位州長,與數不清的州參議員和州眾議員。照理來說,民主黨目前在參眾兩院都佔有絕對優勢,歐巴馬的人望也居高不下,這場選舉應該穩贏不輸。但距離 投票日越近,民主黨的選情反而越不樂觀,其間原因甚多,右派「茶黨」攪局,就是其中之一。
 國人大多不清楚「茶黨」這個名詞的起源。Party一字在英文有幾種解釋:其一是一群人在一起聚會甚或狂歡,中文音譯作「派對」。其二是 政黨,如工黨、共產黨、社會黨等。其三意指一群人在一起做某件事,如一同去打獵(foxhunt party)、尋找失蹤的人、或追捕嫌犯(search party)等。
 一七七三年,美國東岸還是英國殖民地。那年英國國會通過法案,對美洲出產的茶葉課稅,引起移民美洲的英籍人不滿;他們的口號是「沒有代表 權,就不繳稅(No representation, no tax)」。那年十二月十六日,反對苛捐雜稅的英國移民,在波士頓港內登上英籍船隻,把船艙中待運往英國的茶葉都丟進海裏,史稱”Boston Tea Party”。美國小學生對此詞可謂耳熟能詳,卻因兼具洩憤與搗亂雙重含意,很難譯成中文。
 今天美國政治的「茶黨」,從無人注意的「自由人權黨(Libertarian Party)」演化而來,只有四年歷史。創辦人之一是經濟學家卜洛克(Walter Block)。單靠一個小黨本身,不能成大事。卻因美國經濟不振,右派怪罪歐巴馬;保守的中西部人民,本來就不喜歡黑人做總統。許多因素湊在一起,竟然把 預定在十一月二日舉行的「期中選舉」,轉變成一場對民主黨與歐巴馬本人的民意支持度測驗。
 假若時間倒退到一年或半年前,共和黨只能摸摸鼻子,自認霉氣。問題在於眼看選舉日期迫近,眼前忽然出現一線曙光,共和黨全國委員會為把握 時機,爭取二○一二年大選的勝利,決定飲鴆止渴,向茶黨傾斜,不惜傾全黨之力,支持茶黨預定兩年後的總統候選人 |阿拉斯加州異軍突起的女將裴琳(Sarah Louise Palin)。
 我剛收到共和黨全國委員會主席Peter Terpeluk的電子信說,裴琳十月十六日將在加利福尼亞州的安那漢(Anaheim, CA)演講,廿三日則將在佛羅里達州的歐蘭度(Orlando, FL)演講。此種安排,通常只有總統候選人才能享受,顯示共和黨就快被茶黨從內部攻佔了。
 裴琳怎麼會如此吃香?她具備了很優越的條件。且不提一張明星臉,資歷也完整。從當選本州瓦昔拉(Wasilla)市長開始,她做過該州油 氣公司(Alaska Oil & Gas Corporation)董事長。四年前當選阿拉斯加州長,成為頭一位女性州長。二○○九年七月,應麥侃參議員(John McCain)之邀,做共和黨副總統候選人,才犧牲了尚餘一年半的任期,自動辭職。
 裴琳能言善道,正好補充麥侃木訥寡言之不足。但是兩人聯合,仍敵不過歐巴馬帶給自由派的新鮮感。雖然輸了選戰,卻造就了她個人的聲望。裴 琳畢業於愛達荷州立大學,做過老師;現在是福斯新聞網的政治評論家,常在電視露面。她出版過兩本著作,去年推出的自傳,書名《無所忌憚:一個美國人的人生 (Going Rogue: An American Life)》,洛陽紙貴,賣了二百萬冊。
 她的第二本書《從心底裏就是美國人(America by Heart)》,預定下月廿三日問世,肯定又會暢銷。連白宮發言人Robert Gibbs都說:「她是共和黨內一股厲害的力量(a formidable force in the Republican Party)」。
 茶黨以小吃大的策略,簡單有效,就是爭取共和黨黨內各級幹部提名,整批地換成效忠茶黨哲學,不滿現狀的中西部老實人(the common folk)。美國經濟衰退,正好增長了茶黨的聲勢。《紐約時報》刊登過一篇專文,分析茶黨黨員。這班人大都受過高等教育,全是白種人,不喜歡黑人做總統, 男性居多,已近中年,家境富有,政治思想極度保守,反對華府習於大把花錢的政客,甚至反對歐巴馬推行的健保改革。
 《紐約時報》另外一篇報導,揪出了茶黨幕後金主,正是眾所周知的世界媒體大王梅鐸。此人原籍澳洲,歸化美國,手下的報紙、廣播、電視台分 布英、美、澳三國,總數百餘家,財產總值六十二億美元。因為他自己是赤手空拳起家的,所以支持茶黨的基本哲學,即唯有靠自身力量奮鬥,才能打出一片天下。
