2020年1月1日 星期三

【#逐字學英文國際日報】39:New Year's Resolutions, Fall By the Wayside, stick around, stick it out, throw things at the wall and see what sticks

If you can make it past March, your New Year's resolution has nearly a two-thirds chance of persisting until December

"多做愛、少看新聞、藏起手機、留意開支、試試大麻二酚……告別狂躁的2018年,如何在2019年做得更好?" (紐約時報)
Happy New Year to all fans & readers from the SAMUEL BECKETT page!
Got any new year's resolutions? How about fighting climate change? Sounds impossible? It's not.
Check out United Nations' Lazy Person's Guide to Saving the World: https://on.unesco.org/2PRXREp

Spectrum | 13.01.2009 | 04:30

Why New Year's Resolutions Fall By the Wayside

It’s a time-honoured tradition: come New Year’s Day people come up with ambitious resolutions.

Some want to lose weight, others want to start exercising or spend less money or make more time to be with family and friends. But in spite of the best of intentions most resolutions are abandoned by March the latest. Two American researchers have an idea about what goes wrong in the process and some suggestions about how to better stick it out this time around.

New Year('s) resolution, learning by doing

新年 新希望 悲願 2007-01-01 02:00:52

最近好像看Sony 的LCD電視,玩新年新決心(RESOLUTION)與LCD電視螢幕的解析度(resolution)--這很親切,因為20年前為電子所-工業局做過{High Resolution CRT 可行性分析},現在20幾年過去,終於另外科技崛起;今年與Hans談Bill的論文時:「英文試用版己可作此轉換,如無需要暫不作此 high resolution圖加工。」。

做老師比較可以說大話:我四年前在{寶成-戴明通信錄 新年專號}寫過這「新年新決心」( New Year's Resolution New Year('s) resolution)。不過自己怕做:HC s Resolutions for the New Year。

一年,多半可以暴露出自己的「心有餘而力不足」。與玉燕參加2006歲末頂級盛宴:荷西‧卡瑞拉斯(Jose Carreras)與加拿大蒙特婁歌手喬琪亞.芙曼蒂合作的「跨年演唱會」: 長榮交響樂隊(指揮David)、實驗和敦煌合唱團。說真的,竟然興起歲月不饒人之嘆。

昨晚,試擬{品質與社會 通信},其實我4-5年前出版過月刊(每月約60頁A4)。我相信許多事情做下去就會激發出創造力,真的是 Learning By Doing 。這次列一列,發現可用的東西很多呢!

好,我必須許些願(有「願景」),並決心完成之,可不要讓它們成為「悲願」(日文英譯是one 's desperate [earnest] desire [wish].還是中文比較習慣:佛菩薩由慈悲心所發出的誓願。五燈會元˙卷一˙八祖佛陀難提尊者:此子昔曾值佛,悲願廣大,慮父母愛情難捨,故不言不履耳。)

我們Deming 信徒不談「年度考績」,所以我們每天算帳:不過記得要見仁見智、見樹見林。

"We are no longer at the point that it is acceptable to throw things at the wall and see what sticks."
MICHAEL SNOW, chairman of the Wikimedia board, the nonprofit in San Francisco that governs Wikipedia, on steps to impose editorial review on articles about living people.

resolve (DECIDE)
verb [I] FORMAL
to make a decision formally or with determination:
[+ that] She resolved that she would never speak to him again.
[+ adverb or preposition] After hours of argument, they resolved against taking legal action.
[+ to infinitive] The company resolved to take no further action against the thieves.
See also resolute.

noun [U] FORMAL
strong determination:
to weaken/strengthen/test someone's resolve

adjective [after verb] FORMAL
[+ to infinitive] He was resolved to ask her to marry him the next day.

noun [C]
1 an official decision that is made after a group or organization have voted:
to approve/adopt a resolution
[+ to infinitive] The United Nations passed (= voted to support) a resolution to increase aid to the Third World.

2 a promise to yourself to do or to not do something:
[+ to infinitive] I made a resolution to give up chocolate.In economicslearning by doing refers to the process by which producers learn from experience. This process gives rise to increasing productivity over time and to economies of scale.

stick it out (CONTINUE) phrasal verb INFORMAL
to continue to the end of a difficult or unpleasant situation:
I know things are difficult at the moment, but if we just stick it out, I'm sure everything will be OK in the end.

stick around phrasal verb INFORMAL
to stay somewhere for a period of time:
You go - I'll stick around here a bit longer.
