2023年3月2日 星期四

hanker, hankering, yearning. sportsman, archipelagic, “quiet, flashy, unflashy decency and competence”

Like John Coltrane, his mentor and predecessor in Davis’s previous quintet, Shorter wasn’t flashy or spotlight-hungry. But his presence was commanding. Davis sometimes started concerts without him onstage; when Shorter came on, playing his way up to the microphone, it was an event.

One task of a post-populist is to pick up the pieces, which requires a “quiet, unflashy decency and competence”, says a friend of Sir Keir Starmer.
The Labour leader sees Britain’s biggest problems as insecure work and the hollowing-out of public services. Can he be the one to solve them?
Both Labour’s and Sir Keir’s ratings are poor. Covid-19 has robbed him of opportunities to campaign and influence the news agenda. But his supporters are hoping that after the tumult of Brexit and Jeremy Corbyn’s hard-left populism, voters are hankering for stability and professionalism.
His electoral chances now depend on two questions. To find out what they are: https://econ.st/3EttY7R

The two archipelagic countries have fared far worse than the rest of South-East Asia. Known coronavirus cases are rising fast

Japan lacks the climate coffee plants need to thrive, but some growers on the archipelago's southern islands are sure they can overcome this handicap with their excellent soil and farming techniques.


Japan -- land of exotic coffee beans
Farmer's decades-old experiment pays off as globe hankers for specialty

“You may feed the wolf as you will; he has always a hankering for the woods.” 
―from A SPORTSMAN'S NOTEBOOK by Ivan Turgenev

The Los Angeles Times devotes its top nonlocal spot to a look at how the gunmen who killed three British security personnel over the last week in Northern Ireland may have reinforced how much the area's residents yearn to move on from their troubled past. Thousands took the streets yesterday to condemn the shooting and even hard-liners have spoken up against retaliation. "These attacks not only represent a setback, but they can represent an opportunity in further entrenching the peace process," an expert on Northern Ireland said.

Are you outraged by the disrespect shown to our nation’s circus folk? Hankering for an evening that celebrates clowns - and roller coasters?

Today's highlight on DW-WORLD:

Bring Back the D-Mark Back, Says One in Three Germans

Six years after German adopted the euro, 34 percent of people
still hanker for their former currency. To many, it represented
Germany's economic miracle of the post-war years -- and they
blame the euro for rising prices.

To read this article on the DW-WORLD website, just click on the
internet address below:


Netflix Soars on Strong Profit
Netflix shares soared as its movie-buff following flourished and hungry investors had a hankering for Brinker International. However, there was a distinct lack of craving for Kraft Foods.




  1. 1
    very fashionable or expensive in a way that is deliberately intended to impress people

archipelagic state


a man who plays sportespecially one who plays it well

someone who plays sport in a way that shows respect and fairnesstowards the opposing player or team:

He'll be remembered both as a brilliant player and as a true sportsman.

WordNet: hanker
The verb has one meaning:
Meaning #1: desire strongly or persistently
Synonyms: long, yearn


n Definition: strong desire
Antonyms: aversion, dislike, hate, hatred

verb [I]
to desire very strongly, especially something that you cannot have or something that is very difficult to have:
Despite his great commercial success he still yearns for critical approval.
[+ to infinitive] Sometimes I just yearn to be alone.

noun [C or U]
I suppose it's because I live in a crowded city that I have this yearning for open spaces.
