2024年3月29日 星期五

enlivened, patrimony, matrimony, dynamo, longtime, endowment. enlivens the world of a group of Roman emperors that readers already fascinated by a classical version of Roman antiquity will certainly love.

Edward Watts reviews Mary Beard’s "Emperor of Rome": "Beard has put together a wonderful narrative that enlivens the world of a group of Roman emperors that readers already fascinated by a classical version of Roman antiquity will certainly love." https://lareviewofbooks.org/....../the-crisis-of....../

的行為去為這件東西(資訊)加值。 經濟學家給上述的偏誤現象安個學術性的詞彙,就稱之為「稟賦效應」(The Endowment Effect)。

Wall Street's Newest Regulator a Longtime Foe Richard Cordray, President Obama's pick to lead the new Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, has a history of bringing cases against Wall Street.

In all circumstances, and particularly in time of war, works of art, the patrimony of humanity at large, should be left untouched by national or political passion.

And Richard Seabrooke, the creative director of a Dublin graphic design group called Dynamo, said that in the absence of such a cultural patrimony, there has been a longtime tendency to embrace cultural clichés.
"We're still finding our way away from the Celtic-Riverdance thing," he said.

Our solitude was soon and often enlivened by the visit of the friend of my youth, Mr.
Deyverdun, whose absence from Lausanne I had sincerely lamented. About three years after my first departure, he had emigrated from his native lake to the banks of the Oder in Germany. The res augusta domi, the waste of a decent patrimony, by an improvident father, obliged him, like many of his countrymen, to confide in his own industry; and he was entrusted with the education of a young prince, the grandson of the Margrave of Schavedt, of the Royal
Family of Prussia.
  • 建築與遺產城(Cité de l'Architecture et du Patrimoine),包括法國古迹博物館(Musée national des Monuments Français),在東翼(巴黎翼),從此可進入位於地下的夏樂國家劇院(Théâtre national de Chaillot)。

The design of 'Portrait of a Boy aged 11' by Jacob van Oost the Elder concentrates upon the face and its expressions. The colouring is muted, enlivened only by the fur of the muff and the hat:http://bit.ly/1OSzZJX

The Shorter OED
Sixth Edition, 2 Vol.

Truly valuable
The first new edition since 2002, updated, enlarged, and enlivened by new words—includes new CD.
Price: $175.00

verb [T]
to make something more interesting:
The game was much enlivened when both teams scored within five minutes of each other.


(păt'rə-mō') pronunciationn., pl. -nies.
    1. An inheritance from a father or other ancestor.
    2. An inheritance or legacy; heritage.
  1. An endowment or estate belonging to an institution, especially a church.
[Middle English, from Old French patrimoine, from Latin patrimōnium, from pater, patr-, father.]
n. - 繼承的遺產, 教會的財產, 祖產, 繼承之事物
日本語 (Japanese)
n. - 世襲財産(⇔matrimony)., 遺産, 基本財産

patrimonial pat'ri·mo'ni·al adj.
patrimonially pat'ri·mo'ni·al·ly adv.

NOUN (plural patrimonies)

1Property inherited from one’s father or male ancestor:owners refuse to part with their patrimony in theinterests of agricultural development[AS MODIFIER]: patrimony laws
1.1Valued things passed down from previousgenerationsheritage:an organization that saves the world’s culturalpatrimony by restoring historic buildings
1.2chiefly historical The estate or property belongingby ancient endowment or right to a church or other institution.


middle english: from Old French patrimoine, from Latinpatrimonium, from paterpatr- 'father'.
dy·na·mo ('nə-mō')
n., pl., -mos.
  1. A generator, especially one for producing direct current.
  2. An extremely energetic and forceful person: a vice president who was the real dynamo of the corporation.
[Short for dynamoelectric machine.]


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en • dow
endowed (過去形) • endowed (過去分詞) • endowing (現在分詞) • endows (三人称単数現在)
1 ((形式))〈大学・病院などに〉永久的基金[財源]を寄付する;〈大学などに〉(基金などを)寄付する((with ...))
endow a hospital
endow a scholarship
The museum was endowed with a million dollars by Mr. Smith.
2 [endow A with B]〈神などが〉〈A(人)にB(才能・資質・権利など)を〉授ける, 賦与する;〈A(人・動物)にB(資質など)が〉あると考える;((受身))〈人が〉(生まれつき)〈Bを〉もっている. ▼受動態がふつう
be highlyrichly] endowed
天分豊かである(▼受動態でwith ...がない場合は, 副詞が必要)
well endowed
a meagerly endowed nation
She is endowed with great beauty.
[古フランス語endouer (en-の上に+douer嫁資を与える). 初めは嫁資(dowry)を与えることに限られていた]
Definition of endowment


  • 1 [mass noun] the action of endowing something or someone:he tried to promote the endowment of a Chair of Psychiatry
  • [count noun] an income or form of property given or bequeathed to someone: university endowments
  • 2 (usually endowments) a quality or ability possessed or inherited by someone: his natural endowments were his height and intelligence [mass noun]:differences in genetic endowment
3 [usually as modifier] a form of life insurance involving payment of a fixed sum to the insured person on a specified date, or to their estate should they die before this date:an endowment policy

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