2024年3月2日 星期六

In truth, a plodding mediocrity, predictable. plodding win the race. RFK Jr: How anti-vaccine misinformation has shaped his 'truth-teller' candidacy

RFK Jr: How anti-vaccine misinformation has shaped his 'truth-teller' candidacy

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It’s immensely challenging for America to replicate the ecosystem in Taiwan that supports chip manufacturing, from the expertise in constructing fabs to the companies that clean the gowns worn inside them. And America is a plodding bureaucracy where it’s harder and more expensive to get environmental approvals and building permits than it is in other countries.


/ Aesop /
The Hare and the Tortoise
The Hare was once boasting of his speed before the other
animals. “I have never yet been beaten,” said he, “when I
put forth my full speed. I challenge any one here to race
with me.” The Tortoise said quietly, “I accept your chal-
lenge.” “That is a good joke,” said the Hare, “I could dance
round you all the way.” “Silence your boasting till you’ve
beaten me,” answered the Tortoise. “Shall we race?” So a
course was fixed and a start was made. The Hare darted
almost out of sight at once, but soon stopped and, to
show his contempt for the Tortoise, lay down to have a
nap. The Tortoise plodded on and plodded on, and when
the Hare awoke from his nap, he saw the Tortoise just near
the winning-post and could not run up in time to save the
race. Then said the Tortoise: “Plodding wins the race.”
"Aesop was a Greek fabulist and storyteller credited with a number of fables now collectively known as Aesop's Fables. Although his existence remains unclear and no writings by him survive, numerous tales credited to him were gathered across the centuries and in many languages in a storytelling tradition that continues to this day. Many of the tales associated with him are characterized by anthropomorphic animal characters. Scattered details of Aesop's life can be found in ancient sources, including Aristotle, Herodotus, and Plutarch. An ancient literary work called The Aesop Romance tells an episodic, probably highly fictional version of his life, including the traditional description of him as a strikingly ugly slave who by his cleverness acquires freedom and becomes an adviser to kings and city-states. Older spellings of his name have included Esop and Isope."
Born: c. 620 BCE
Died: 564 BCE (aged c. 56), Delphi, Greece
Nationality: Greek
Genre: Fable
Notable works: Number of fables now collectively known as Aesop's Fables (quote)

Building a Bench
A Supreme Court nomination is perhaps the least predictable event in political life. A president never knows when a justice might decide to give up his or her lifetime appointment. It did not happen in Jimmy Carter's four years or in the first term of President Bush. (The Washington Post) The Washington Post leads with an overview of the continuing health care battles in Congress as lawmakers appear ready to ignore President Obama's Aug. 7 deadline. Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid's announcement that his colleagues wouldn't be able to vote on legislation before the August recess confirmed the "growing consensus on Capitol Hill that the White House's fast-track approach has failed, and that a more plodding and contentious process has taken hold," reports the paper.

  plod (WORK) Show phonetics 
verb [I + adverb or preposition] -dd- to work slowly and continuously, but without imagination, enthusiasm or interest: 
For years, he's plodded away at the same dull routine job. Alex is just plodding along at school, making very little progress.

plodder noun [C] Dennis is a bit of a plodder, but he gets the job done in the end. 

  plodding  adjective ━━ a. とぼとぼ歩く; こつこつ働く[努力する]. a.Progressing in a slow, toilsome manner; characterized by laborious diligence; as, a plodding peddler; a plodding student; a man of plodding habits. --Plod·ding·ly, adv. 

  mediocre adjective DISAPPROVING not very good: The film's plot is predictable and the acting is mediocre. Parents don't want their children going to mediocre schools. 

  mediocritynoun [C or U] A goal just before half-time rescued the match from mediocrity. These people are just mediocrities (= people who do not have much skill or ability at anything). ━━ n. 凡庸, 平凡(な人). 

  談 a plodding mediocrity:兼談做為舌人,職責就是;遣辭用句,努力忠實以赴 2005 「職責」有意思。參考昨日貼文:「關於CXO 讀『朝日新聞』,知道他們如此翻譯,可參考。 「井原勝美・副社長兼最高財務責任者=CFO=(54)」」 --- 「努力以赴」也有意思。參考昨日貼文:「關於美國大法官的自述」:(Cardozo's opinion of himself shows somewhat of the same flair as his opinions:) In truth, I am nothing but a plodding mediocrity--please observe, a plodding mediocrity--for a mere mediocrity does not go very far, but a plodding one gets quite a distance. There is joy in that success, and a distinction can come from courage, fidelity and industry. 在真理的追求,我的才能也不過是認真的中器者(取「大器晚成」義)。不過請注意我的遣辭 a plodding mediocrity-- mediocrity只是"泛泛之輩",我則是個終生「努力以赴」的凡人,所以成就雖然有限,可還是路遠知馬力。此「不凡」之成就,來自個人真誠無畏的努力, 聊可自賀。 --- 參考昔日,胡適、趙元任等做的『努力歌』,他們真正的努力過。他們的言行、發言遣辭,往往有情致、內容。

predict verb [T] to say that an event or action will happen in the future, especially as a result of knowledge or experience: It's still not possible to accurately predict the occurrence of earthquakes. [+ that] Who could have predicted that within ten years he'd be in charge of the whole company? [+ to infinitive] The hurricane is predicted to reach the coast tomorrow morning. [+ question word] No one can predict when the disease will strike again. 

  predictable  adjective 1 Something which is predictable happens in a way or at a time which you know about before it happens: Comets appear at predictable times. NOTE: The opposite is unpredictable. 2 DISAPPROVING happening or behaving in a way that you expect and not unusual or interesting: The ending to the film was just so predictable.

predictably adverb as expected: Predictably, after the initial media interest, the refugees now seem to have been forgotten. 

  predictability  [U] the state of knowing what something is like, when something will happen, etc: Although her job is boring and monotonous, she likes the sense of predictability and security that it gives her. 

  predictive  adjective FORMAL relating to the ability to predict: The predictive value of this new method of analysis has still to be proven.
