2016年10月4日 星期二

tax avoidance, tax credit, exempt, exempt charity, legacy admission, tax-exempt, tax form, exemption

US Exempts Japan and 10 Other Countries From Sanctions Over Iran Oil
New York Times
WASHINGTON — The Obama administration on Tuesday exempted Japan and 10 European nations from the prospect of biting sanctions intended to punish countries that continue to buy oil from Iran, but it left open the fate of other major importers, ...

Highway crashes are the largest cause of fatalities in the oil industry, partly because of safety exemptions that allow truckers to work longer hours than other drivers. 

“Harvard should be fined for every legacy admission. Since Harvard is tax-exempt, its admissions should be based on merit alone.”
Posted by Hilary

legacy admission,
託祖宗之福取得入學許可 tax-exempt 免稅

Greek Wealth Is Everywhere but Tax Forms
Studies have estimated that the government may be losing as much as $30 billion a year to tax evasion.

IRS tax forms are used by taxpayers and tax-exempt organizations to report financial information to the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) of the United States. They are used to report income and calculate taxes owed to the federal government of the United States.
The best-known of these is form 1040, which is for individual income tax, and is widely filed.

The Obama administration said that it would exempt seven more nations, but not China, from sanctions against countries and banks that do business with Iran.
EU representative praises Taiwan's EU visa waiver program
eTaiwan News - 19小時前
10 (CNA) The top European Union (EU) representative in Taiwan said Taiwan's“e-Passports”and broadened visa exemptions for some EU member countries provide a ...

The University is a higher education corporation established under Section 121 of the Education Reform Act 1988 and is an exempt charity under charity legislation.[1]

 An exempt charity is an institution established in England and Wales for charitable purposes which is exempt from registration with, and oversight by, the Charity Commission.

America's nuclear deal with India: Time to decide

India should have no exemption from the world's nuclear rules

The Department of Lucrative Athletics
If college presidents were truly serious about addressing the commercialization of intercollegiate sports, they would fight to ensure that athletic programs lose their tax exemptions.
 tax-exempt ━━ a. 無税[免税]の.

Michigan. Michigan in the same time frame likely creates ten to twenty Web 2.0 companies. Most get no funding and die on the drawing board. Others move to California. And the few remaining ones who are successful, well, if they have an exit strategy it likely involves selling the company and moving it to California. After all, the only people stupid enough to buy it, are in California.
Final score: California, tens of thousands of new jobs in new industries, without a single tax credit to create them. Michigan, 0.

tax credit
noun [C]
a sum of money that is taken off the amount of tax you must pay

━━ n. 税, 租税; 無理な要求, 重荷 ((on)).
after [before] tax 税引き[込み]で.
━━ vt. 課税する; 重荷を負わす, 酷使する; 非難する; 【法】(訴訟費用などを)査定する.
tax・a・ble ━━ a., n. 課税の対象となる; 課税対象.
tax・a・bil・i・ty n.
 ━━ n. 課税; 税収; 税額; 税率.
tax avoidance 節税, 減免税措置.

Apple’s Tax Avoidance Illustrates Gap Between Law and Economics 

American companies like Apple aren’t just world-class innovators in personal technology and marketing. They are also, it turns out, world-class innovators in tax avoidance, Greg Ip writes.

tax break 税制上の優遇措置.
tax collector 収税吏.
tax court 〔米〕 租税裁判所.
tax cut 減税.
tax-deductible ━━ a. 課税控除される.
tax-deferred ━━ a. 後になって課税される.
tax disc 〔英〕 自動車税納付済証票 ((フロントガラスに貼る円いステッカー)).
tax-dodger 脱税者.
tax evasion 脱税.
tax-exempt ━━ a. 無税[免税]の.
tax exile (税金逃れの)国外移住者.
tax-free ━━ a.tax-exempt.
tax haven 租税回避地 ((税金の安い[ない]国や場所)).
tax・ing ━━ a. (仕事などが)きつい, 重荷となる, (問題など)厄介な.
tax inspector 課税査定官.
tax・man 収税吏; 〔英〕 (the ~) 国税庁(Board of Inland Revenue)の擬人化.
tax・payer 納税者.
tax rate 税率.
tax relief 課税控除.
tax return 納税[所得]申告.
tax shelter 税金(逃れの)対策.
tax threshold 課税対象最低限度所得額.
tax write-off 〔米話〕 課税控除対象 ((慈善事業への寄付など)).
tax year 税制年度 ((米国では1月1日より;英国では4月6日より)).

verb [T]
to excuse someone or something from a duty, payment, etc:
Small businesses have been exempted from the tax increase.

with special permission not to do or pay something:
Goods exempt from this tax include books and children's clothes.
Pregnant women are exempt from dental charges under the current health system.

noun [C or U]
Candidates with a qualification in Chemistry have exemption from this course.


[動](他)〈人・物から〉(義務・苦痛などを)除いてやる, 免じてやる((from ...))
exempt a person from taxationthe final exam
commodities exempted from customs duty
━━[形](…を)免除されている;(…の)ない((from ...))
a character exempt from malice
He is exempt from the draft.
