Duterte talks of China like a moonstruck lover. Rub your eyes: America’s strongest ally in South-East Asia appears to be falling into China’s hands
Duterte talks of China like a moonstruck lover. Rub your eyes: America’s strongest ally in South-East Asia appears to be falling into China’s hands
How to Moonwalk like Michael
By Claire Suddath
On March 25, 1983, Michael Jackson took one small step onto a television stage that turned out to be a giant leap for dance choreography. But how exactly do you moonwalk? TIME finds out
afflicted with moonstruck madness
- acting or done quickly and without thought or care."she might live to rue this impetuous decision"
"an impetuous but controlled flow of water"
moonstruck[móon・strùck] Crazy or insane when affected by the phases of the Moon.
[形]((略式))(月光が狂気をもたらすという信仰から)気がふれた;感傷で心が乱れた;ぼうっとした.cho·re·og·ra·phy (kôr'ē-ŏg'rə-fē, kōr'-) 
n., pl., -phies.
- The art of creating and arranging dances or ballets.
- A work created by this art.
- Something, such as a series of planned situations, likened to dance arrangements.
[French chorégraphie : Greek khoreia, choral dance; see chorea + -graphie, writing (from Latin -graphia, -graphy).]
choreographic cho're·o·graph'ic (-ə-grăf'ĭk) adj.choreographically cho're·o·graph'i·cal·ly adv.