As several airlines prepare to phase out printed boarding passes in 2024, our obituarist laments the decline of paper tickets of all kinds:
Ruth Padel resigned after she acknowledged helping publicize charges that her rival for Oxford University’s chair in poetry had sexually harassed a former student.簡介poetic justice:惡有惡報?自業自得?詩的公正?
The works on display at The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York express the Jewish, Islamic, and Christian cultures of the time, the three great Abrahamic faiths sharing a city holy to them all, when they weren’t bloodily contesting it.
'Did you get the bikes back?'
' Well, Pat, we have one bike here, but somebody stole the other from the culprits. I guess you could call that poetic justice.'
《我的春天投資》(My Investment in Spring by Patricia Sullivan)載《讀者文摘 1986年五月號 英漢對照 》pp.146-52
不過,用poetic justice 查一下中文網站,除大陸一談電影片名解釋它為「Poetic justice-即美德受褒揚,惡行被懲罰。
道德及審美的心靈去真實面對「詩性懲罰」(poetic justice)。」
... 亦即以違逆自然方式來營造社區;則既使有民主程序,
區總體營造。這就面臨了詩性的審判(poetic justice)[7],繼而在詩性法庭中
聽任社區居民集體的野蠻復歸,社區本身即成為歷史懲罰的對象 ... [7] 參考維柯關於「詩性審判」之論述。
Webster 1913 Dictionary無此辭條。
1) poetic justice. ...The rewarding of virtue and the punishment of vice, often in an especially appropriate or ironic manner....The American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language: Fourth Edition. 2000.
--(from Cambridge Advanced Learner's Dictionary)
poetic justice noun [U]
when something happens to a person that seems particularly fair and deserved, usually because of the bad things that person has done:
What poetic justice that Brady has to go to court to plead to be allowed to die, just like his innocent victims pleaded to be allowed to live.
--- 《The New Oxford American Dictionary》
The fact of experiencing a fitting or deserved retribution for one's action:
The noise was deafening and it was poetic justice when the amplifiers stalled just before the start.
-- 如果我們懂得佛教的「業」之意思,那麼日文的「自業自得」
■今日のイディオム 「自業自得」■
It was ( ) justice that the bomber blew himself up with a bomb
intended to kill others.
poetic justice(詩的な正義)で、「自業自得」「勧善懲悪」
He deserved it. (それを受けるに値する)とか
He asked for it. (彼自身がそれを求めた)というフレーズで、
poetic justiceの方も表現力アップのためにぜひ覚えておいてくだ
It was (poetic) justice that the bomber blew himself up with a bomb
intended to kill others.
*****文學辭典關於「詩學正義」(poetic justice)?
根據Oxford Concise Dictionary of LITERARY TERMS
The term,"Poetic Justice," is coined by Thomas Rymer in his Tragedies of the Last Age Consider'd(1678) 它原來的意思是這種 「詩的公正」,通常在詩歌、戲劇和小說等中比較可能發生,
Poetic justice-即美德受褒揚,惡行被懲罰。
昨天談poetic justice。其實poetic 一字,除了與詩情相關,一直與"美和豐富的情感流露"相關(
Poetic第2義: APPROVING very beautiful or expressing emotion。)
今 天讀1900 年8月26日【紐約時報】發的"尼采教授的訃聞"(Prof. Nietzsche Dead),文末說明他的主要著作
(principal publications): "The Old Faith and the New,"* "The Overman," "The Dawn of Day," "Twilight of the Gods," and "So Spake Zrathustra," which is perhaps the most remarkable of his works.
*2016.7.2 :這本應該非尼采作品:
German philosopher and radical theologian David Friedrich Strauss (1808-1874) distinguished himself as one of Europe's most controversial critics of the Bible and an intellectual martyr for freethought. In The Old Faith & the New (1872) he uses both 19th- century science and leading philosophers to reject God as the creator of the universe and humankind, the divinity of Christ, and the reality of miracles (the Old Faith), thus consigning religion to the domains of history, myth, and ethics. With Christianity's cosmology undermined, Strauss constructs a new view of the universe and humanity's place in it grounded in science and contemporary technology, Darwinian evolution, and inductive reasoning (the New Faith), all of which offered the hope of finding solutions to human problems.
Abrahamic religion - Simple English Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Shortly before 5 p.m., Mr. Rangel, who manages the company’s finances, was waiting to take Mr. Wu to a celebratory dinner when Alison Pill, an actress who appears in “Milk,” arrived at the studio. She had come for a fitting of an emerald dress she plans to wear to the Screen Actors Guild Awards on Sunday.
“When I saw the movie,” Mr. Wu told her, “I cried.”
But it was Ms. Pill who appeared star-struck as she replied, “I’m the next Michelle Obama!”
or star-struck adj.
Fascinated by or exhibiting a fascination with fame or famous people: “The star-struck tone of the text suggests that the author is giving us an exclusive peek into the secret lives of the justices” (Richard A. Epstein).