Well, we might get more specific answers from Mamet's book, Theatre -- the reason his one on the Colbert Report in the first place. But Mamet explains that theater has always been a struggling (and therefore dying) art form. In the interview, that for a long time now theater has been called the "fabulous invalid." The stage is fabulous in that it is vibrant, expressive, and relevant to society. It is, however, an "invalid" because the cost to produce a show has often financially crippled its investors.
As he marks his first year running the show, Google's CEO sends out a long missive reaffirming that it's still "possible to make money without being evil." by Charles Cooper April 5, 2012 1:22 PM PDT Follow @coopeydoop Larry Page marked his one year ...
《中英對照讀新聞》Pope has heart but can’t donate it anymore 教宗雖有愛心,但已無法捐贈器官
Pope Benedict has a soft spot in his heart for organ donations but his body parts can’t be donated to save lives after he dies, the Vatican says.
A doctor in Germany had been using the fact that the pope possessed an organ donors’ card from a medical association to advocate the practice. The Vatican asked him to stop but he did not.
To settle the matter, the pope’s secretary, Monsignor Georg Gaenswein, sent a letter to the doctor and the missive was reported in the German programme of Vatican Radio.
"It’s true that the pope owns an organ donor card ... but contrary to public opinion, the card issued back in the 1970s became de facto invalid with Cardinal Ratzinger’s election to the papacy," Vatican Radio quoted from the letter.
In 1999, six years before he was elected to the papacy, then Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger disclosed that he always carried an organ donor’s card with him and encouraged the practice as "an act of love".
Vatican officials say that after a pope dies, his body belongs to the entire Church and must be buried intact. Furthermore, if papal organs were donated, they would become relics in other bodies if he were eventually made a saint.
As the President worked, squads of cleaners, painters, and varnishers hastened to refurbish the private apartments down the hall. He sent word that he and Mrs. Roosevelt would occupy the sunny riverview suite on the south corner. Not for them the northern exposure favored by their predecessors, with its cold white light and panorama of countless chimney pots.
A pall of death and invalidism hung over the fusty building. Roosevelt
decided to remain at his brother-in-law's house until after the
weekend. It was as if he wanted the White House to ventilate itself of
the sad fragrance of the nineteenth century. Edith and the children
would breeze in soon enough, bringing what he called "the Oyster Bay atmosphere."
From Latin valetudo (state of health), from valere (to be strong or well). Ultimately, from the Indo-European root wal- (to be strong), which is also the source of valiant, avail, valor, value, countervail, polyvalent, and wieldy. Earliest documented use: 1703.
"Broadway theatre has long been known as 'the fabulous invalid', but could the old valetudinarian finally have caught a fatal cold?" — Charles Spencer; British Theatre Will Thrive in a Downturn; The Telegraph (London, UK); Dec 10, 2008.

- Barely credible; astonishing: the fabulous endurance of a marathon runner.
- Extremely pleasing or successful: a fabulous vacation.
- Of the nature of a fable or myth; legendary.
- Told of or celebrated in fables or legends.
[Middle English, mythical, from Old French fabuleux, from Latin fābulōsus, from fābula, fable. See fable.]
fabulously fab'u·lous·ly adv.fabulousness fab'u·lous·ness n.
chimney pot [Show phonetics] 非壁爐
noun [C]
a short pipe, often made of clay, fixed to the top of a chimney
noun [C]
a short pipe, often made of clay, fixed to the top of a chimney
invalidism Am invalidity 1. 病弱,傷殘;傷病者比率no pl a. fig invalidité f; ~ of an evidence nullité f d'une preuve(from Dictionnaire Cambridge Klett Compact) 久病
Definition: [n] chronic ill health
See Also: health problem, ill health, unhealthiness
Webster's 1913 Dictionary
Definition: \In"va*lid*ism\, n.
The condition of an invalid; sickness; infirmity.
soft spot:名詞,指溫柔、傷感的感覺,或指弱點,片語have a soft spot for sb/sth則指對某人或某事情有獨鍾或特別關心,如She’d always had a soft spot for stray animals.(她向來對流浪動物特別有感情。)n.
- A tender or sentimental feeling: has a soft spot for stray animals.
- A weak or vulnerable point: a soft spot in the nation's defense strategy.
- See fontanel.
missive:名詞,正式用語,指公文、書信,如She sent a ten-page missive to the council, detailing her objections.(她寄了一封長達十頁的正式信件給議會,信中詳述她的反對理由。)

A written message; a letter. See synonyms at letter.
[From Middle English (letter) missive, (letter) sent (by superior authority), from Medieval Latin (litterae) missīvae, feminine pl. of missīvus, sent, from Latin missus, past participle of mittere, to send.]
de facto:片語,法律用語,指事實上的(而非法律上的或廣為接受的),如The city is rapidly becoming the de facto centre of the financial world.(這座城市正迅速成為金融世界的實質中心。)
Syllabification: in·va·lid
Pronunciation: /ˈinvəlid/
verb (invalids, invaliding, invalided)
[with object] Back to topDerivatives
mid 17th century (as an adjective in the sense 'infirm or disabled'): a special sense of 2) in Oxford Dictionaries (US English)">invalid2, with a change of pronunciation.invalid2
Syllabification: in·val·id
Pronunciation: /inˈvalid/