2016年10月19日 星期三

armed to the teeth, fed up to the back teeth




be fed up/sick to the back teeth: 片語(主要為英國或澳洲非正式用語),指對某情況拖延太久或對某事一再被討論感到厭煩或生氣,如He’s been treating me badly for two years and, basically, I’m fed up to the back teeth with it. (他惡整我已經兩年了,老實說我已經忍無可忍。)
When you are extremely irritated and fed up with something or someone, you are fed up to the back teeth.

A call has gone out for grandparents around Spain to down tools recently and go on strike - because they’re sick to the teeth of all that childcare.


armed to the teeth

Formidably armed.
  • The Bedford, a NATO battleship armed to the teeth, is on patrol in the North Atlantic when it receives two guests via helicopter.
  • Two warriors, armed to the teeth, stand alert, ready to defend the demolition team in case of a raid by bandits.
  • Twenty-two men exited the aircraft, all clothed in dark fatigues and all armed to the teeth.

armed to the teeth. ... The expression to the teeth meant “well equipped” in the 14th century, when knights often wore head-to-foot armor. The idiom, however, only gained currency in the mid-1800s, at first still applied to weapons or other military equipment.  Armed to the teeth | Define Armed to the teeth at Dictionary.com

to the teeth
  1. Lacking nothing; completely: armed to the teeth; dressed to the teeth.
