2020年2月8日 星期六

to CHURN, lifelong career,lies like a rug, headhunting, recruitment

The biggest recruitment firms hold sway over who rules many of the world's most important organisations

Executives Churn at H-P
A stream of key Hewlett-Packard executives are leaving as the new CEO, Leo Apotheker, reshapes the company. At the same time, Mr. Apotheker is bringing in new recruits and having more executives report directly to him.

A recent study found that more than half of young teachers plan to make teaching a lifelong career, and many more plan to stay for a long time. Yet half of new teachers leave urban classrooms within three years, just as they are beginning to have the strongest impact on student learning. That is a terrible loss for low-income students, whose classrooms experience the greatest churn. Celine Collins founded Teach Plus to improve the achievement of urban children by ensuring that a greater proportion of students have access to excellent, experienced teachers. The article is in the Huffington Post.

譬如說,第四幕用得多的”to CHURN CREAM”,中文採取戲劇用語「搗對」(參考迴龍閣(紅鬃烈馬[八本])),不過這在教育部的國語辭典為「找不到符合的詞彙!」

青春歌仔(澎恰恰) /王寶川 (熊式一)


What do you get if you churn cream? You get butter if you do it long enough.

From 1790 to 1893, patent records show 2440 devices were invented to churn cream into butter, so making butter has always been important. ...

The $500,000 MacArthur awards were announced Tuesday by the Chicago-based John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation. The money, paid quarterly over five years, comes with no strings, allowing winners unfettered freedom to pursue their creativity.

MacArthur winner Amir Abo-Shaeer, a public high school physics teacher in California, said he was expecting a call from a college student named Liz Brooks who was interested in his work when the foundation called to tell him about the grant. There was no Liz Brooks. She was a creation of the foundation to get the busy teacher on the phone.

"I am prepared to lie like a rug," admitted Gallucci, who notified Abo-Shaeer of the grant. Abo-Shaeer, who left a job in industry to become a teacher, wants to train other educators about his innovative curriculum and the importance of recruiting and inspiring female students.

"Right now I teach full time. I can relieve my schedule to be a teacher trainer. If I have an idea that's exciting or interesting, I can try it," he said. The AP article is in the Wall Street Journal.

If someone lies like a rug, they lie to the point where it becomes obvious that they're lying.


  1. The custom of cutting off and preserving the heads of enemies as trophies.
  2. Slang. The process of attempting to remove influence and power from enemies, especially political enemies.
  3. Informal.
    1. The business of recruiting personnel, especially executive personnel, as for a corporation.
    2. The act or an instance of such recruiting.

1 ((略式))(人材の)引き抜き, ヘッドハンティング.
2 首狩り.
3 政敵打倒.


This sales term describes the cycle of acquiring new customers and losing others that characterizes consumer e-commerce and limits long-term customer value due to the ease of switching clientele.
Last updated: June 08, 2004.
(chûrn) pronunciation
A vessel or device in which cream or milk is agitated to separate the oily globules from the caseous and serous parts, used to make butter.

v., churned, churn·ing, churns. v.tr.
    1. To agitate or stir (milk or cream) in order to make butter.
    2. To make by the agitation of milk or cream: churn butter.
  1. To shake or agitate vigorously: wind churning up the piles of leaves. See synonyms at agitate.
  2. To buy and sell (a client's securities) frequently, especially in order to generate commissions.
  1. To make butter by operating a device that agitates cream or milk.
  2. To move with or produce great agitation: waves churning in the storm; so angry it made my stomach churn.
phrasal verb:
churn out
  1. To produce in an abundant and automatic manner: churns out four novels a year.
[Middle English chirne, from Old English cyrn, cyrin.]
churner churn'er n.
1 (バター製造用の)撹乳(かくにゅう)器;飲料撹拌(かくはん)器.
2 ((英))大きなミルク缶.
3 [U]激しくかきまぜる[振り動かす]こと.
1 〈クリーム・ミルクを〉(バターを作るため)(撹乳器で)かきまぜる;〈バターを〉かきまぜて作る, 撹乳器で作る((out));…をかきまぜて(…に)する((to, into ...)).
2 〈水・泥などを〉激しくかき回す, はね上げる, 泡立てる((up))
A fierce wind churned the surface of the pond.
3 〈証券業者が〉〈顧客の証券を〉過度に売買回転する.
1 撹拌器を回す;撹乳器でバターを作る.
2 〈液体・小粒の物体などが〉激しく動く, 泡立つ;〈波などが〉岸を激しく洗う;〈人・車が〉動く, 進む.
3 ((略式))〈胃が〉むかむかする.
4 〈証券業者が〉過度に売買回転をする, 回転商いを行う.
churn ... out/churn out ...
(1) ⇒(他)1
(2) 〈物を〉大量に次々と作る[生み出す], 大量生産する
The restaurant churns out cheap sandwiches.
churn ... up/churn up ...
(1) ⇒(他)2
(2) 〈人を〉いやにならせる, 怒らせる.
