2020年2月14日 星期五

rocketeering, innocuous, racket, 'hate-for-profit racket, 'trolling, crock, stupid, stupefaction, racketeer, Internet troll, patent troll, "un-bloodied", bloody awful/ a bloody nose, brainchild

U.S. charges Huawei with racketeering

The Trump administration significantly ramped up a pressure campaign against the Chinese telecommunications giant by accusing it of federal racketeering and conspiracy to steal trade secrets.
The alleged stolen information included source code and the manuals for wireless technology. A Huawei spokesman did not immediately respond to a request for comment.

A mammogram can cost $150 or $550 in Philadelphia, depending on the provider you choose. But your hospital and insurer may not tell you the price in advance

America's hospitals are a racket
They need a dose of transparency

"A Fox News town hall adds money to the hate-for-profit machine. To which I say: hard pass."

 The Word Defiant installation opens to the public on Tuesday. Photograph: Rah Petherbridge Photography
In the cellars of one of England’s grandest country houses will be a recreation of a university library destroyed by militants in Mosul, Iraq. In a nearby corridor are copies of a bestseller censored by the Pentagon. Upstairs a book banned in China has been inserted in a bookcase of innocuous 19th century volumes.

約翰·阿爾伯特·鮑爾(1882年7月4日-1918年11月20日)是瑞典插畫家。他的主要作品是關於人文風景和神話的,但他也創作肖像畫。他最著名的插畫作品是他早期創作的《侏儒和巨魔》("Among Gnomes and Trolls"),創作自一本瑞典民間傳說和神話故事選集。

(Yes, there he was, John Bauer, with his brown, eternal pipe glued to the corner of his mouth. Now and then he blew a small cloud of brown troll smoke straight up into the turquoise-bleu, sun-sparkling space. And muttered something far behind his tight, narrow lips—not always so easy to decipher. But I, having had the key for many years, understood most of it.)[19]

"How come, Marco Rubio?" the third billboard reads

Venezuelan lawmakers who oppose President Nicolás Maduro were beaten and bloodied on the floor of congress Wednesday.

The Kenyan army has been criticised for its failure to take the fight to Somali terrorists. A new report offers a new, and troubling, reason why

The army denies splitting the profits of a $400m smuggling industry with…

"As the trolls on Reddit grew louder and more harassing in recent weeks, another group of users became more vocal."

"The problem isn’t unique to Twitter."

Google and Facebook Have Already Solved Twitter's Trolling Problem for It
You have to employ some human monitoring to keep out the bad actors

Here's Where Obama Went Off-Script to Troll Republicans
It came at the end

"Much of the upper crust of British society is a racket for the privileged in defiance of the democratic wishes of the majority. That really is the core of Elitist Britain, that while 95% of Britons believe "in a fair society every person should have an equal opportunity to get ahead", the figures in a government report published on Thursday reveal an ingrained unfairness" (via Comment is free)
Owen Jones: Statistics should provoke Britain's media into prolonged period of self-reflection. They probably won't since 54% of top 100 media professionals went to private schools

Two Twitter users sent Zelda Williams malicious photos.

Robin Williams' Daughter Quits Social Media After Being Trolled

To those "sending negativity, know that some small, giggling part of him is...

「即使某塊肉不是泰森公司生產的,消費者的選擇實際上只不過是經過同樣流程包裝成商品的牛肉、雞肉和豬肉而已。它們都是通過泰森開創的系統生產出來的,」報道工業化農業生產的資深記者克里斯托弗·萊昂納德(Christopher Leonard)在他的新書《肉製品勾當》(The Meat Racket)中寫道。

Writing laws to catch patent trolls, individuals who buy up lots of vaguely worded patents and then use them to extract cash from unsuspecting victims, without endangering everyone else is hard. Having tried once before, America's Congress is having another go. The Innovation Act looks set to become law by the end of the year http://econ.st/1iDMzSa


House Passes Bill Aimed at Patent 'Trolls'

Bill Passed Overwhelmingly, 325-91

Updated Dec. 5, 2013 5:28 p.m. ET
WASHINGTON—The House overwhelmingly passed legislation on Thursday aimed at discouraging frivolous lawsuits by patent holders, a move backed by companies like Google Inc. that cited high litigation costs.

The bill, which still requires Senate approval, marks the latest effort by technology companies to constrain the entities they deride as "patent trolls." It would require patent holders who file lawsuits to disclose more...
Racketeering, Smuggling, Sex with Guards: 25 Indicted in Baltimore Prison Scandal
Twenty-five people, including 13 guards, have been busted in a scandal featuring everything from racketeering to smuggling to an inmate impregnating female prison officers.

Cisco Calls Patent Trolls Racketeers

Cisco Systems has unveiled a new strategy for dealing with so-called patent trolls: accuse them of breaking the law.

Gingrich Tells Staff He Wants "Un-Bloodied" GOP Primary
But the current front-runner explains he can still go on the offensive if he decides his record has been "distorted."


譬如說 哈佛大學企業管理評論文集 領導學( 台北:天下文化2000 ) 提到英國航空公司BA 有人稱它是Bloody Awful (頁182)....
翻譯的人照普通義亂翻成 "血腥恐怖"......

bloody在英國的歷史悠久 讀者可參看諸如The New Oxford American Dictionary 等處的說明,......再普通的辭典也有說明:
Chiefly British Slang. Used as an intensive: "Everyone wants to have a convict in his bloody family tree" (Robert Hughes).

3 ((主に英話))いまわしい;べらぼうな;ひどい;まったくの.
(1)直接表現をはばかってb-y, b-dyと伏せ字で書かれることもある. (2)単なる強調にも用いる
You bloody villain!
こんちくしょう, この野郎
What the bloody hell are you saying?

*** 只舉此例 頁191的Moment of Truth 類似 這多是有文化意義的詞

Just for once, Google has been given a bloody nose
The Guardian
In 2004, Google decided that it would digitise all the books currently held in a series of major libraries with the aim of making their contents globally available to anyone with a web browser. The project was the brainchild of Larry Page, ...The 64-year-old Mr. Suitor now flies jetpacks under contract with Thunderbolt Aerosystems, a San Jose, Calif., start-up that hopes to popularize the packs. The company is the brainchild of Nino Amarena, who says his "dream is to be the Henry Ford of rocketeers."

"Inequality is what has turned government into a protection racket for the 1%." - Bill Moyers

Ex-Governor, Now in Prison, Sees Case End 
The United States Supreme Court said that it would not hear an appeal by former Gov. George Ryan of Illinois of his 2006 racketeering and fraud conviction.

troll-in-chief:Donald Trump
Social media lit up when people learned what he was doing.

Alisher Usmanov is trolling a rival of Vladimir Putin.

Again war. Again sufferings, necessary to nobody, utterly uncalled for;
again fraud; again the universal stupefaction and brutalization of men.

In South Korea, volunteer counselors troll the Internet to discourage people from using the Web to trade tips on how to commit suicide and, in some cases, how to form suicide pacts.

In the late 1980s
, Internet users adopted the word “troll” to denote someone who intentionally disrupts online communities. Early trolling was relatively innocuous, taking place inside of small, single-topic Usenet groups. The trolls employed what the M.I.T. professor Judith Donath calls a “pseudo-naïve” tactic, asking stupid questions and seeing who would rise to the bait. The game was to find out who would see through this stereotypical newbie behavior, and who would fall for it. As one guide to trolldom puts it, “If you don’t fall for the joke, you get to be in on it.”
Magazine: The Trolls Among Us

Wired News - USA
By Betsy Schiffman October 15, 2008 | 1:50:32 PM
Categories: Google All that talk about how Google is making us stupid is a bit of a crock, according to a ...



  • Not harmful or offensive.
    ‘it was an innocuous question’
  1. the state of being stupefied.
    "salesmen stood in bored stupefaction"

    1. An earthenware vessel.
    2. A broken piece of earthenware.
  1. Slang. Foolish talk; nonsense: That story is just a crock.
[Middle English crokke, from Old English crocc. Sense 2, short for crock of shit.]


1 ((古風))陶製つぼ[かめ, はち];瀬戸物;((通例~s))(植木鉢の穴をふさぐ)瀬戸物の破片.

2 ((英古風))金属製なべ.

crock of gold (at the end of a rainbow)


verb [I or T]
to leave an intentionally annoying message on a part of the Internet in order to get attention or cause trouble:
His hobby is trolling for newbies.

noun [C]
A well-constructed troll will provoke irate or confused responses from flamers and newbies.

troll (CREATURE)
noun [C]
an imaginary, either very large or very small creature in traditional Scandinavian stories, that has magical powers and lives in mountains or caves

troll [名](北欧伝説で)ほら穴や地下に住む巨人;いたずら好きな小人(▼超自然力をもつとされ, その人形は魔よけに用いられる).


  • 発音記号[tróul]
[動](他)1 〈魚・場所を〉(擬似餌(え)で)流し釣りする.
2 ((古・方言))…を朗々と歌う[話す];…を輪唱する.
1 ((古))朗々と歌う[話す];輪唱する.
2 特定の情報を探す. ▼サイトからサイトへと次々にウェブを渡り歩くsurfingに対する語.
3 (…の)流し釣りをする((for ...)).
1 ((古))輪唱歌.
2 流し釣り;擬似餌[針].
3 じだらくな女.


In Internet slang, a troll (/ˈtrl//ˈtrɒl/) is a person who sows discord on the Internet by starting arguments or upsetting people, by posting inflammatory,[1] extraneous, or off-topic messages in an online community (such as a newsgroup, forum, chat room, or blog) with the deliberate intent of provoking readers into an emotional response[2] or of otherwise disrupting normal on-topic discussion.[3]


小白,又稱為山怪(Troll),可以說是在論壇或BBS這類網路社群誕生的用語。而且原本包括的對象不若現在這麼廣泛,剛開始它只是「白爛」的代稱。在小白這個詞還沒出現之前,網路上多用「白爛」來形容一些搞不清楚狀況的新手或初學者。 此類使用者多數抱有「網路匿名」的想法,認為不論做甚麼事都不會在現實世界中需要付任何責任,只要之後換個帳號就能完全無視以往發生的事。一般有社會責任感的此類使用者,在有較多網路經驗之後,或是發現即使更換帳號都會被發現是同一使用者時,都會放棄經常更換帳號的麻煩做法,變回正常的網路使用者。


  • 洗板,即大量地重複張貼相同或相近內容信息,有的則是打廣告之打工者。
  • 網路訟棍,刻意挑釁激怒網友,逼對方反擊回罵,若出現人身攻擊,就會立刻被截圖遭提告公然侮辱罪,行為舉止相當惡劣。
  • 亦指現實生活中為求肥一己私心,而造出不考慮他人感覺的無常識行為。
    • 例子:在宿舍內常常看色情片甚至做出不雅行為,此種造成室友不悅的行為。
  • 蓄意散播無關所在討論區主題的信息,例如在不恰當的地方賣廣告,發布政治信息,發布色情網址或圖文等非法信息等。
    • 例子:在網上有互動成分的地方到處貼上「網絡排名」等廣告,即使在韓語版本、德語版本、西班牙語版本或世界語版本,也只是貼上一個內容完全是中文的網頁連結,完全沒有解釋連結用途。
  • 不負責任地挑起爭端,言論可能毫無憑據甚至違反科學常理等,語言中還可能帶有明顯的人身攻擊和挑釁意味。
    • 例子:在公開討論區看到與自己意見不同的文章時,立刻發文以粗話辱罵對方,又或是散布假消息甚至以小圈子形式訂立偽法律胡亂框限定義一些詞語的意思和用法,來污衊對方和控制公眾言行,從而達致淨空異己。
  • 在討論中對別人的勸言充耳不聞,無視不利自己的問題,並利用偷換概念的詭辯技巧,意圖將別人的意見打倒(俗稱「專門『死撐』」)。甚至有某些情形,在狀況對自己不利時,採用發布垃圾信息的方式進行洗板以把討論弄得一團糟,甚至蔑造錯誤觀點或動用明顯傾向自身喜惡的觀點不惜扭曲大眾對現事情實況的認知,再配合針對性的大發雷霆情緒統戰,期望搏取大眾同情以得到更強勁和更持續的針對效果和/或打壓效果。
  • 無視版權條例,一而再再而三的轉貼受版權保護的文章。在經過勸諭及警告後還是繼續犯。
  • 使用匿名或分身帳號假造支持言論,或是假造行為模式非常討人厭的異見分子,以減輕針對使用者本身的指責。
  • 當居處於一些資訊平台的管理員職位時,於該等資訊平台針對目標人物/目標族群作出無理的消音(如刪除文章)甚至程度不一的停權(如禁止貼文、禁止瀏覽、禁止登入,甚至註銷帳戶),以打壓目標人物/目標族群的言論空間,減少其對自身或自身所屬族群的威脅,保障自身或自身所屬族群之言行橫行霸道的權力。


    Urban Dictionary: trolling


    Trolling does not mean just making rude remarks: Shouting swear words at someone doesn't count as trolling; it's just flaming, and isn't funny. Spam isn't trolling ...

K-pop - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


K-pop (an abbreviation of Korean pop; Hangul: 케이팝; RR: kei-pap) is a musical genre originating in South Korea that is characterized by a wide variety of ...

Kim Jong-un has declared that North Korean troops are in a "quasi-state of war".

a bloody nose= nosebleed?

conviction (CRIME)
noun [C or U]
when someone is officially found to be guilty of a particular crime:
As it was her first conviction for stealing, she was given a less severe sentence.
He has a long record of previous convictions for similar offences.
The conviction of the three demonstrators has caused public outrage locally.
Compare acquittal.

An original idea or plan attributed to a person or group.
1 頭脳の所産, 創作品, 着想, 創案.
2 創意に富む人, アイデアマン.

(blŭd'ē) pronunciation
adj., -i·er, -i·est.
  1. Stained with blood.
  2. Of, characteristic of, or containing blood.
  3. Accompanied by or giving rise to bloodshed: a bloody fight.
  4. Bloodthirsty.
  5. Suggesting the color of blood; blood-red.
  6. Chiefly British Slang. Used as an intensive: "Everyone wants to have a convict in his bloody family tree" (Robert Hughes).

Chiefly British Slang. Used as an intensive: bloody well right.

tr.v., -ied, -y·ing, -ies.
To stain, spot, or color with or as if with blood.
To make bleed,
as by injuring or wounding: The troops were bloodied in the skirmish.
bloodily blood'i·ly adv.
bloodiness blood'i·ness n.

racket (CRIME)
noun [C usually singular]
1 INFORMAL a dishonest or illegal activity that makes money:
They were jailed for running a protection/prostitution racket.
See also protection at protect.

2 DISAPPROVING a way of making a large unfair profit:
Telephone chat lines are a real racket.


They have been accused of racketeering.

informal An illegal or dishonest scheme for obtaining money: a protection racket More example sentences
The army, on the other hand, is notorious for its protection rackets and other illegal activities in the province.
He warned in certain parts of the country it has created the risk of illegal protection rackets growing up.
Smuggling, bribery, protection rackets and the rise of criminal mafias are some of the common symptoms of rigidly controlled economies.

  1. racketeer[rack・et・eer]

    ((略式))[名]不法者, ギャング, 密輸入, ゆすり屋, ぺてん師, てき屋.

    ━━[動](自)密輸する, ゆする, ぺてんをやる.

    発音記号[rɑ`kitíər | rɔ`k-]
    1 ロケット発射員[操縦者, 乗組員].

    2 ロケット設計技師[科学者].


    Line breaks: racket
    Pronunciation: /ˈrakɪt/NOUN
    [IN SINGULAR] A loud unpleasant noise; a din:
    the kids were making a racket
    1.1ARCHAIC The noise and liveliness of fashionable society.
    2INFORMAL An illegal or dishonest scheme for obtaining money:a protection racket
    2.1A person’s line of business or way of life:I’m in the insurance racket

    VERB (racketsracketingracketed)

    [NO OBJECT, WITH ADVERBIAL]Back to top  
    1Make or move with a loud unpleasant noise:trains racketed by
    2(racket about/around) Enjoy oneself socially; go in pursuit of pleasure or entertainment:she should settle down to raise a family instead of racketing about the world enjoying herself


    mid 16th century: perhaps imitative of clattering.


    1 [U]((時にA ~))((略式))騒音,大騒ぎ,ばか騒ぎ,浮かれ騒ぎ,遊興
    2 ((略式))(酒などの組織的な)密売,密輸;恐喝;不正なやり口,悪事,ぺてん
    3 ((通例THE ~S))組織的非合法活動.
    4 ((俗))生計の道,職業.

    (2)(…の)責任を負う((FOR ...));勘定を払う.

    ━━[動](自)騒ぎ[遊び]回る((AROUND, ABOUT)).
