Wall Street's Brutal Week Slashed Nearly 3,600 Points From Dow
The New York Times Company Chairman Arthur Sulzberger Jr. reiterated Thursday that the media will remain publicly traded, despite "brutal" conditions that threaten the survival of newspapers.
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The film presents a sensitive, human hero who is made aware of the brutality of war through his love for his nurse Kaete (British actress Lena Headey). Despite the exciting air escapades in his Fokker Dr 1, Richthofen discovers that war is not a game.
The noun high fashion has one meaning:
Meaning #1: trend-setting fashions
Synonyms: haute couture, high style

Shawn Baldwin for The New York Times
A Symbol of Piety Is High Fashion in Egypt
It has become popular among men to have a circle of callused skin on the forehead, which emerges when worshipers press their heads to the ground for prayer.

n., pl. -lus·es.
- A localized thickening and enlargement of the horny layer of the skin. Also called callosity.
- The hard bony tissue that develops around the ends of a fractured bone during healing.
- Botany.
- Undifferentiated tissue that develops on or around an injured or cut plant surface or in tissue culture.
- The hardened, sometimes sharp base of the floret of certain grasses.
To form or develop such hardened tissue. See Usage Note at callous.
[Latin, masculine of callum.]

escapade n [C] ━━ n. 気まま[突飛]な行為; いたずら (prank).
an act involving some danger, risk or excitement because it is different from usual or expected behaviour:
Her latest escapade was to camp outside a department store on the night before the sale.
brutal adjective
1 cruel, violent and completely without feelings:
a brutal dictator
He had presided over a brutal regime in which thousands of people had 'disappeared'.
He was imprisoned in 1945 for the brutal murder of a 12-year old girl.
2 not caring about someone's feelings:
She spoke with brutal honesty - I was too old for the job.
The old man had been brutally attacked/murdered.
To be brutally honest/frank, you look fat in that dress.
noun [C or U]
the brutalities of war
Seeing so much brutality (= cruelty) towards prisoners had not hardened them to it.
brutalize, UK USUALLY brutalise
verb [T]
to treat someone in a cruel and violent way:
The police in that country routinely brutalize prisoners.
ブルータリズム (brutalism) またはニュー・ブルータリズム (new brutalism) は、1950年代に見られるようになった建築の形式で、冷酷で厳しい獣のような(すなわちブルータルな)手法を用いた表現主義である。