2020年2月17日 星期一

【#逐字學英文國際日報】63:swarm, pall (CLOUD) , clouds and doubts, silver lining, under a cloud, every cloud has a silver lining

Rush hour in China’s most dangerous village is lethal
A dangerous road carved out of the side of a huge canyon in central China...

Drug Research in China Falls Under a Cloud


Glaxo's problems in China may not just be about its sales practices. They may also concern its research.

Karen Miranda

New Swarms Keep City’s Bee Officer Busy

Black swarms of overcrowded, homeless honeybees, like these on West 135th Street, have proliferated this season in New York City, possibly because of the mild weather. 

Google's deal to buy Motorola Mobility will likely put more pressure on an already struggling Nokia. But there could be a silver lining.

Germany's Nazi history is clouded by myths.

譬如說 cloud of theories and interpretations....
是很多的理論和詮釋 不是 理論雲冉冉昇起

Epic Stock Rally Finding Few Fans
U.S. stocks are near their highest level in almost five years. But market participants are skeptical, pointing to economic clouds and doubts about whether expectations for fresh monetary stimulus.

Credit Crisis Spreads a Pall Over Silicon Valley
Entrepreneurs and investors believe the question is when, not if, the country’s cradle of innovation will be hurt.

The high flyers at the Paris Air Show

There have been worrying times too for the aviation industry. The Air
France plane crash over the Atlantic and the worldwide recession have cast
a pall over the usually glamorous Paris Air Show underway this week outside
the French capital.

The DW-WORLD Article

under a cloud

under suspicion or discredited: he left under something of a cloud, accused of misappropriating funds

pall (CLOUD)
1 [C] a thick dark cloud of smoke:
Palls of smoke obscured our view.

2 [S] a negative atmosphere:
The bad news cast a pall over the evening.
A pall of embarrassment descended on the room.

1 [C][U]雲
a sea of clouds
Every cloud has a silver lining.
((ことわざ)) どんな雲も裏は銀色に光っている;どんな悪い事にもよい面がある.
2 雲状のもの, もうもうとしたもの(ほこり・煙など);(…の)煙((of ...))
a cloud of steam
clouds of sand
3 (…の)大群, 集団((of ...))
a cloud of mosquitos
in clouds
4 (鏡・大理石などの)曇り, きず;((古))斑点(はんてん).
5 暗くする[曇らせる]もの;憂愁, 暗影, かげり, 気配
a cloud on the horizon
a cloud over one's happiness
cast a cloud
6 (女性用の)軽い肩掛け.
floating on (the) clouds
in the clouds
(1) 空高く.
(2) 〈人が〉ぼんやりして;空想にふけって
with one's head in the clouds
(3) 〈計画などが〉実際的でない, 実行不可能な.
on cloud nine
((略式))とても幸福で, 有頂天の.
under a cloud
1 …を雲でおおう, 曇らせる((up))
The steam clouded up the windows.
2 …に暗い影を投げかける;〈名声などを〉かげらす;〈人に〉嫌疑をかける, 恥辱を与える
cloud a person's good reputation
3III[名]([副])]…を暗くする;…を(…で)陰気にする, 憂うつにさせる((with ...));〈悩み・怒りなどが〉〈顔に〉表れる
Her face was clouded with despair.
4 〈問題などを〉あいまいにする;…を混乱させる;〈頭などを〉鈍らせる
My judgment was clouded by my feelings.
5 〈物の〉表面を別の色でまだらにする
clouded amber [marble]
6 〈液体を〉白濁させる.
1 〈空・窓などが〉曇る((over, up)).
2 〈顔が〉(苦悩・心配で)曇る, 暗くなる((over)).
3 〈液体が〉白濁する.
[古英語clūd(岩, 岡). 雲は積み重なると岩山に見える. △CLOD

    1. A visible body of very fine water droplets or ice particles suspended in the atmosphere at altitudes ranging up to several miles above sea level.
    2. A mass, as of dust, smoke, or steam, suspended in the atmosphere or in outer space.
  1. A large moving body of things in the air or on the ground; a swarm: a cloud of locusts.
  2. Something that darkens or fills with gloom.
  3. A dark region or blemish, as on a polished stone.
  4. Something that obscures.
  5. Suspicion or a charge affecting a reputation.
  6. A collection of charged particles: an electron cloud.

v., cloud·ed, cloud·ing, clouds. v.tr.
  1. To cover with or as if with clouds: Mist clouded the hills.
  2. To make gloomy or troubled.
  3. To obscure: cloud the issues.
  4. To cast aspersions on; sully: Scandal clouded the officer's reputation.
To become cloudy or overcast: The sky clouded over.

in the clouds
  1. Imaginary; unreal; fanciful.
  2. Impractical.
[Middle English, hill, cloud, from Old English clūd, rock, hill.]
cloudless cloud'less adj.

 silver lining
A silver lining is a metaphor for optimism in the common English-language idiom "Every cloud has a silver lining."[2]烏雲後的光
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The origin of the phrase is traced to John Milton's 'Comus' (1634) with the lines,
Was I deceiv'd, or did a sable cloud
Turn forth her silver lining on the night?[3]

Real-world use

Cloud seeding to increase precipitation (rain or snow) often uses silver iodide as cloud condensation, which has led to the use of the expression "every cloud has a silver lining" within that industry.

every cloud has a silver lining

proverb Every difficult or sad situation has a comforting or more hopeful aspect, even though this may not be immediately apparent:after the fire two years ago few could see the silver lining


Pronunciation: /ˈlʌɪnɪŋ/ 
1A layer of different material covering the inside surface of something:self-clean oven linings
1.1An additional layer of different material attached to the inside of a garment or curtainto make it warmer or hang better:leather gloves with fur linings

swarm    noun

large or dense group of flying insects:a swarm of locusts
1.1large number of honeybees that leave a hive en masse with a newly fertilized queen in order toestablish a new colony.
1.2(a swarm/swarms of) A large number of people or things:a swarm of journalists
1.3A series of similar-sized earthquakes occurringtogether, typically near a volcano.
1.4Astronomy large number of minor celestial objectsoccurring together in space, especially a denseshower of meteors.


[NO OBJECT]Back to top  
1(Of flying insects) move in or form a swarm:(as adjective swarmingswarming locusts
1.1(Of honeybeesants, or termitesissue from thenest in large numbers in order to mate and foundnew colonies:the bees had swarmed and left the hive
2[NO OBJECT, WITH ADVERBIAL] Move somewhere in largenumbers:protesters were swarming into the building
2.1(swarm with) Be crowded or overrun with (movingpeople or things):the place was swarming with police


  • 発音記号[swɔ'ːrm][名]
1 (巣分かれする)ミツバチの群れ;(巣箱の)ミツバチの一群, 群蜂(ぐんぽう).
2 ((しばしば〜s))(集団で移動する昆虫・鳥・小動物・人などの)群れ, 大群((of ...));(賞品・請求書などの)山
a swarm of mosquitoes
3 《生物》遊走子群.
1 〈ミツバチが〉巣分かれする;《生物》群飛[群遊]する.
2 〈人・車などが〉多数で[群れをなして]動く;〈人・動物などが〉(場所・人に)群がる, あふれる((over, around, through ...))
Demonstrators swarmed around the embassy.
3 〈場所が〉(人・動物などで)いっぱいになる((with ...)).
━━(他)((受身))〈場所が〉(…で)いっぱいになる((with ...)).
