2020年2月13日 星期四

【#逐字學英文國際日報】77:domino effect, domino and domino theory, masquerade, masked Ball, Ponzi scheme

China's travel restrictions have had a domino effect, disrupting logistics networks and wreaking havoc on industries from oil refining to device manufacturing. 

Édouard Manet
The Masked Ball at the Opera, 1873

There could be a domino effect.

Founded by a can-opener magnate, Ezubao was really a Ponzi scheme masquerading as China’s largest peer-to-peer lender

The collapse of large Ponzi schemes have been known to bring down…

"The whole thing was a masterfully done masquerade," Steve Korotash, associate regional director of enforcement in the S.E.C.'s Fort Worth office, told the Houston Chronicle in an interview.

"......當中國政府在1997年推出固定匯率制時﹐其意圖不是為了阻止人民幣升值﹐反而是為了防止人民幣大幅貶值。中國經濟泡沫在1995-96年的破裂為中國在國內外製造了一大堆壞帳。當時企業贏利驟減﹐實際的經濟增長率很可能降到了4%以下。屋漏偏逢連陰雨﹐這時又爆發了亞洲金融危機﹐許多投資者因此確信﹐人民幣將是接下來倒地的那張多米諾骨牌﹐短期資本開始以前所未有的速度逃離中國。中國政府此時決定讓人民幣匯率與美元形成事實上的掛鉤關係﹐這是在向世界明確承諾人民幣不會貶值。......" (WSJ)


domino effect
domino theory

".....曾協助詹森總統出版回憶錄的資深編輯艾倫.艾什爾(Aaron Asher)最近透露,他在一九七一年最後一次前往德州鄉下拜訪詹森,這位被越戰折磨得不想再當總統的德州佬,大肆批評尼克森實行的「越戰越南化」政策。他說,越南軍隊爛到極點,一旦實施「越南化」,則整個越南將會淪陷,越南淪共後,共產黨將像刀切牛油一樣入侵菲律賓,然後再進攻夏威夷。詹森很洩氣地說:「我的孫子將在亞洲打共產黨。」

在旁邊靜聽的詹森夫人(Lady Bird-- 剛以94歲過世)對她丈夫的說法有點不以為然,委婉地認為越共不會向外擴張。艾什爾深知詹森脾氣火爆,尤不喜歡有人當面唱反調,趕快溜出房間不敢聽詹森向夫人發飆的吼聲。

冷戰時代的所謂骨牌理論(domino theory),從杜魯門一直到老布希都堅信不疑,也都被這個理論牽著鼻子走,害美國每年花了多少天文數字的國防經費。越南赤化三十二年後,不但未切入菲律賓,反而努力引進資本主義和消費主義。......" (林博文)


2010年11月24日 星期三

The domino effect


The domino effect is a chain reaction that occurs when a small change causes a similar change nearby, which then will cause another similar change, and so on in linear sequence. The term is best known as a mechanical effect, and is used as an analogy to a falling row of dominoes. It typically refers to a linked sequence of events where the time between successive events is relatively small. It can be used literally (an observed series of actual collisions) or metaphorically (complex systems such as global finance, or in politics, where linkage is only a hypothesis).

dom·i·no1 (dŏm'ə-nō') n., pl. -noes or -nos.
n. - 帶頭巾的上衣, 骨牌, 半截假面--這翻譯有問題 請以"DOMINO MASK"等 google其圖

A small rectangular wood or plastic block, the face of which is divided into halves, each half being blank or marked by dots resembling those on dice.

dominoes or dominos (used with a sing. or pl. verb) A game played with a set of these small blocks, generally 28 in number.

A country expected to react politically to events as predicted by the domino theory: “The dominos did indeed fall in Indochina” (Arthur M. Schlesinger, Jr.).

[French, probably from domino, mask, perhaps because of the resemblance between the eyeholes and the spots on some of the tiles. See domino2.]

dom·i·no2 (dŏm'ə-nō')
n., pl. -noes or -nos.

A costume consisting of a hooded robe worn with an eye mask at a masquerade.
The mask so worn.
One wearing this costume.
[French, probably from Latin (benedīcāmus) dominō, (let us praise) the Lord, dative of dominus, lord.]

    1. A costume party at which masks are worn; a masked ball. Also called masque.
    2. A costume for such a party or ball.
    1. A disguise or false outward show; a pretense: a masquerade of humility.
    2. An involved scheme; a charade.
intr.v., -ad·ed, -ad·ing, -ades.
  1. To wear a mask or disguise, as at a masquerade: She masqueraded as a shepherd.
  2. To go about as if in disguise; have or put on a deceptive appearance: The stowaway masqueraded as a crew member.
[French mascarade, from Italian mascarata, variant of mascherata, from Old Italian maschera, mask. See mask.]
masquerader mas'quer·ad'er n.


変化《動》masquerades | masquerading | masqueraded カナマスカレイド 文節mas・quer・ade

  • 自動
  • 1. 仮装{かそう}する、変装{へんそう}する
  • 2. ふりをする、他人{たにん}になり済ます
  • 3. 《イ》他人{たにん}になり済ましてコンピュータシステムにアクセスする
  • 1. 仮装{かそう}パーティー、仮面舞踏会{かめん ぶとうかい}
  • 2. 見せかけ

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