Robocars are being put to the test on China's chaotic roads.
“At that time Math son of Mathonwy could not live unless his feet were in the lap of a virgin, except when the turmoil of war prevented him.”
―from THE MABINOGION (c. 1350–1410)
The 11 stories of The Mabinogion, first assembled on paper in the fourteenth century, reach far back into the earlier oral traditions of Welsh poetry. Closely linked to the Arthurian legends–King Arthur himself is a character–they summon up a world of mystery and magic that is still evoked by the Welsh landscape they so vividly describe. Mingling fantasy with tales of chivalry, these stories not only prefigure the later medieval romances, but stand on their own as magnificent evocations of a golden age of Celtic civilization. This translation of The Mabinogion has, since its first appearance in 1949, been recognized as a classic in its own right. It was last revised by Gwyn Jones and his wife, Mair, in 1993. Preface by John Updike. READ more here:…/the-mabinogion-by-tran…/#
The iPhone 7 lapped the Note 7.
Inside Europe | 02.08.2008 | 07:05
A visit to Venice’s Kosher Hotel
A Venetian hotel is now attempting to turn the tide to deliver special services for Jewish tourists.
The charm of Venice’s canals means a hotel room with a canal view is high on the list of priorities for visiting tourists. The sound of water lapping by the window or hearing the banter of gondoliers plying the city’s waterways will always have its romantic appeal. Yet for one group of visitors, Venice hasn’t always been so welcoming or charming.Reporter Nancy Greenleese
Jewish Life in Chemnitz
The German city of Chemnitz in the state of Saxony has been making headlines recently as the birthplace of Germany's first Kosher beer. Called "Simcha," it was created by the brothers Lars-Ariel and Uwe Dziuballa. While the two Jewish restaurant owners are pleased with the sudden media interest, they are also disappointed that the issue of Jewish integration is of less public interest than beer. The brothers say that while beer might be normal to Germans, Jewish life is less so.
past tense: lapped; past participle: lapped
- 1.overtake (a competitor in a race) to become one or more laps ahead.
"she lapped all of her rivals in the 3,000 metres"
synonyms: overtake, overhaul, outstrip, outdistance, leave behind, pass, go - 2.LITERARYwrap or enfold someone or something in (something soft).
"he was lapped in blankets"
synonyms: wrap, swathe, cover, envelop, enfold, encase, wind, swaddle, twist, surround
"he was lapped in blankets"
verb [I or T] -pp-
(of waves) to hit something gently, producing quiet sounds:
The water lapped against the side of the pool.
The waves gently lapped the shore.
in the lap of the gods
adjective 潔食的
1 (of food or places where food is sold etc.) prepared or kept in conditions that follow the rules of Jewish law:
kosher food/meat
a kosher restaurant/butcher/shop
2 INFORMAL HUMOROUS legal, able to be trusted and therefore good:
Their business activities aren't quite kosher.
n. Nautical.
One who propels a gondola.
A gòndola is a traditional Venetian sculling boat. Gondolas were for centuries the chief means of transportation within Venice and still have a role in public transport, serving as traghètti (ferries) over major canals.
Wikipedia article "Gondola".