2020年2月19日 星期三

greens, environmentalist, environment impact, The Greens: The Environment, demilitarization

Red meat is about 35 times as damaging to the environment as a bowl of greens

Going vegan for two-thirds of meals could cut food-related carbon emissions by 60%
A deadly occupation: Environmentalists in Honduras
One year ago, environmentalist Berta Cáceres was murdered in Honduras – most likely because she was fighting a controversial dam project. The crime has yet to be solved and killings in the country continue.

 In the midst of all this, calls for rewriting the Constitution, long a cause of the right, are getting louder. Both Shinzo Abe and Shintaro Ishihara, leaders of the two main opposition parties, have declared constitutional revision a priority. Many of my friends in Hiroshima fear that this will be used to discard Japan’s peace clause, opening the possibility of militarization and even nuclear arms.


Children's Bookshelf: The Environment

More children's books, on green themes.

Greens now Germany's largest opposition party

The Greens have overtaken the Social Democrats as Germany’s largest
opposition party, according to a new poll. If national elections were held
today, Germany would likely have its first Green chancellor.

The DW-WORLD.DE Article

The noun greens has one meaning:
Meaning #1: any of various leafy plants or their leaves and stems eaten as vegetables
Synonyms: green, leafy vegetable

The Greens
Environmentalist political party founded in West Germany in 1979. Initially it arose out of protests against nuclear power in Germany in the 1970s, and later it embraced all forms of environmentalism. In 1979 about 250 ecologist and environmentalist groups merged, and the first "green" representative was elected to the state parliament in the West German state of Bremen. The following year the organization officially formed itself as a federal party. It called for the dismantling of the Warsaw Pact and NATO and the demilitarization of Europe. It first won representation in the national parliament in 1983. It experienced almost constant ideological tensions between its left wing and a more pragmatic faction. In 1989 a Green Party opposed to reunification was established in East Germany. In 1993, following German reunification, the Greens and Alliance '90, a coalition of various grassroots organizations, agreed to merge. From 1998 to 2005 the Green Party held national political power as a junior coalition partner in the government headed by Social Democratic Party leader Gerhard Schröder.
For more information on Green Party of Germany, visit Britannica.com.

(1) 緑(色)の, 草色の
green jade
(2) 緑の葉[草木]でおおわれた, 青々とした;〈季節が〉新緑の;〈冬が〉雪のない.
2 青物野菜を用いた;〈まぐさが〉青草の
green salad
green vegetables
青菜, 青物野菜.
(1) 〈果物などが〉未熟の, 青い;〈食物が〉調理していない, 生の, 未加工の.
(2) 〈木材が〉乾燥していない;〈皮が〉なめしてない;〈れんがなどが〉焼いてない
green timber [wood]
4 ((略式))〈人が〉未経験の, 未熟な, 青二才の, うぶな((in, at ...));まぬけな, だまされやすい;〈馬が〉まだ馴らされていない
a green sailor
He is still green at the job.
5 最新[最近]の;最近来たばかりの;〈記憶などが〉生々しい, 新しい
a memory yet green
6 ((略式))(病気・恐怖などで)青ざめた;(船酔いなどで)気分が悪い;(嫉妬(しっと)などで)青ざめた, 嫉妬深い((with ...))
a green eye
be green with envy
7 活気のある, 元気な;若々しい
an aged man still green in spirit
8 〈計画などが〉ゴーサインの出た;〈装置などが〉作動準備完了の.
9 ((時にG-))環境保護(団体)の;環境にやさしい.
(as) green as grass
世間知らずで, 無知の.
Color me green.
turn green
(1) 急に気持ち悪くなる.
(2) (あることが)とてもいやになる.
1 [U][C]緑色, 草色
the first green of spring
2 [U]緑色の絵の具[塗料, 染料];[C]緑色の服[布].
3 青信号.
(1) 草地, 草原, 緑地, 芝生.
(2) (ローンボウリング用の)グリーン.
(3) 《ゴルフ》(パッティング)グリーン
green in regulation
5 (弓術の)射的場.
6 (町・村の)芝の生えた共有地.
7 ((〜s))
(1) ((米))装飾用の緑葉[緑枝];緑葉冠.
(2) ((略式))青野菜.
(3) (米陸軍の)青緑色の軍服.
(4) ((米))手術着.
8 [U]青春, 若々しい元気;((略式))未熟, うぶ
Do you see any green in my eye?
9 ((the Greens))(ドイツ・英国などの)緑の党;アイルランド国民党.
10 環境保護運動.
11 [U]((俗))金, (特に)紙幣;質の悪いマリファナ;((〜s))性交.
1 …を緑色にする[染める, 塗る], 緑化する.
2 〈地域を〉植樹で緑化する.
3 …に環境問題への関心をもたせる.
4 ((俗))…をだます, かつぐ, ごまかす.
━━(自)緑色になる, 緑化する, 青々となる.
[古英語grēne. 原義は「成長する」であったが, 成長する草の色から「緑」の意となった. △GRASS, GROW
