Beautiful swan rocker, 1890s. Ideal for a nap.
"Want undiluted sovereignty? Go to North Korea."
在軍事博客「戰爭困境」(War on the Rocks)上發表的《中國打不了現代戰爭的十個理由》(Ten Reasons Why China Will Have Trouble Fighting a Modern War)中,卜思高指出,中國軍隊的指揮系統過於陳舊,從事通訊和運輸等非軍事任務的軍事人員太多,而受過聯合指揮作戰訓練的軍官太少。
on the rocks
phrase of rock
- 1.(of a relationship or enterprise) experiencing difficulties and likely to fail."his marriage was on the rocks"
synonyms: in difficulty, in trouble, breaking down, practically over, heading for divorce, heading for the divorce courts; More
- 2.(of a drink) served undiluted and with ice cubes."he ordered a Scotch on the rocks"
synonyms: with ice, on ice
"he ordered a Scotch on the rocks"
rock (MOVE) Show phonetics
1 [I or T] to (cause someone or something to) move backwards and forwards or from side to side in a regular way:
He picked up the baby and gently rocked her to sleep.
If you rock back on that chair, you're going to break it.
2 [T] If a person or place is rocked by something such as an explosion, the force of it makes the person or place shake:
The explosion, which rocked the city, killed 300.
3 [T] If an event rocks a group of people or society, it causes feelings of shock:
The managing director's resignation rocked the whole company.
noun [C]
1 one of the two curved pieces of wood under a rocking chair that allow it to move backwards and forwards
See also rocker at rock (MUSIC).

Recalled Rocker Base
Brown Pony
off your rocker INFORMAL
If you say that someone is off their rocker, you mean that they are behaving in a very strange or foolish way. After submitting my post last night I wondered if my overly optimistic attitude was unrealistic. Only one person has commented on the post and this person seemed to think I was off my rocker a bit
2 rocking chair
1 unable to balance very well:
After two months in a hospital bed, I felt a bit rocky on my feet.
See also rocky at rock (STONE).
2 uncertain and difficult and not likely to last long:
Their relationship got off to a rocky start.