2020年2月23日 星期日

lap up, go-go, rightward, curving downwards

This is why we need a new sewer network in London. Arrow pointing rightwards then curving downwards
The Thames Tideway has reached the half way point in construction. ⬇️

In the 1980s, Go-Go bands played every night in DC. Now Go-Go is a symbol against gentrification in the city

The Filipino president has presided over adequate economic growth, high infrastructure spending and a regime of brutality—the public is lapping it up
His bloody war on drugs has not dented his popularity

Rodrigo Duterte is still the people's choice

His bloody war on drugs has not dented his popularity


形容詞 限定用法の形容詞としての意味・使い方副詞としての意味・使い方



adj. Informal.
Of or relating to discotheques or to the energetic music and dancing performed at discotheques.
[From à GOGO.]

go-go2 ('gō'pronunciation
adj. Informal.
  1. Marked by assertive action: a go-go sales executive.
    1. Of, relating to, or engaging in a type of speculative, short-term stock-market operation: a go-go fund.
    2. Characterized by the fast growth and development that invites speculative investment: go-go industries such as microprocessing and laser technology.

Definition of lap up

1to respond to enthusiastically or accept eagerlyshe simply lapped up admiration— Helen Howereadiness to lap up the latest sensation— Herbert Brucker

2DRINKsat there … lapping up the wonderful Japanese beer— J. A. Michener

noun [C usually singular]
the top surface of the upper part of the legs of a person who is sitting down:
Come and sit on my lap and I'll read you a story.
━━ n. (座位での)ひざ; (スカートなどの)ひざの部分; (山の)ふところ; 育てる環境; 保護[責任,管理など]の範囲; 庇護, 支配; 【スポーツ】(走路の)1周, (プールの)1往復; (旅行などの)1区間; 【機】ラップ, 研磨盤; (糸の)ひと巻き; 重なり.
 in Fortune's lap 好運に恵まれて.
 in the lap of luxury ぜいたく三昧(ざんまい)をして.

in the lap of luxury
living in very comfortable conditions because you have a lot of money

 in the lap of the gods 運にまかせて, 人力が及ばない.
in the lap of the gods UK
describes a situation that cannot be controlled and which depends only on good luck:
The doctors have done everything possible for him, so his recovery now is in the lap of the gods.

 lap of honor (レース後に勝者が)拍手に応えて1周すること.

━━ v. (-pp-) 折り重ねる[なる] ((over)); 包む ((in)); 大切にする; 【スポーツ】1周する, 1周(以上)抜く.
 lap belt (車の)シートベルト.
 lap・board (テーブル代わりに使う)ひざ板.
 lap dance ラップダンス (lap dancing) ((ストリッパーが客のひざの上で演じるセクシーな踊り)).
lap-dance vi. ラップダンスを踊る.
 lap・dog ペット犬 ((チンなど)); 〔話〕 人の支配下にある者, 子分.
 lap・ful ━━ n. ひざ上1杯(の数量).
 lap・ping ━━ n. 〔米俗〕 ラッピング, 埋め合わせ[たらい回し]横領 ((顧客から横領した金を埋め合わせるために別の顧客の現金をさらに横領し,先の顧客の口座に入れて取り繕う行為)).
 lap robe ひざ掛け(毛布,毛皮) (〈英〉rug).
 lap time 【スポーツ】1周時間, ラップタイム.
 lap・top ━━ a., n. ラップトップコンピュータ (lap・top computer).
