2020年2月16日 星期日

loo and portaloo, pee for free, horror story, lavatory. lav, bog, Gents

Toilet Humour Draws The Crowds At The Edinburgh Festival

A guerrilla campaign called London Loo Codes publicises access codes for toilets across the city. It can be of particular help to the homeless

Horror story printed on toilet paper in Japan

14 hours ago

TOKYO (AP) — In a country where ghosts are traditionally believed to hide in the loo, a Japanese company is advertising a new literary experience — a horror story printed on toilet paper.

Each roll carries several copies of a new nine-chapter novella written by Koji Suzuki, the Japanese author of the horror story "Ring," which has been made into movies in both Japan and Hollywood.

"Drop," set in a public restroom, takes up about three feet (90 centimeters) of a roll and can be read in just a few minutes, according to the manufacturer, Hayashi Paper.

The company promotes the toilet paper, which will sell for 210 yen ($2.20) a roll, as "a horror experience in the toilet."

Toilets in Japan were traditionally tucked away in a dark corner of the house due to religious beliefs. Parents would tease children that a hairy hand might pull them down into the dark pool below.

Would this help you go to the loo?
Humans are designed to squat and the modern invention of sitting on a toilet keeps a kink in the colon.

My children never flush the loo/toilet after them.

英語的美感來自於你總是可以用一種比較委婉的方式來表達它。想說廁所時,你可以用「廁所」一詞,或者也可以說盥洗室(lavatory)、盥室(lav)、洗手間(restroom)、衛生間(loo)、茅房(bog)、茅廁(john)、水廁(water closet)、華盛頓俱樂部(WC)、男廁(Gents)、女廁(Ladies)等等。他說,英語是這世界上最有創意的語言。

我不確定當時我真的了解威爾的重點,但是到了課程快結束時,我已經隱約可以體會他試圖說明的是什麼了。我揮別老師們,爸媽把我從薩福克郡(Suffolk)載回薩里郡(Surrey)。那是九月的第一天。我們在倫敦郊區的一間加油站停了下來,我看著車窗外面,注意到一張破爛的《倫敦標準晚報》(Evening Standard)海報,上面用嘲諷的語氣寫了一排字:「多迪(註)與黛安娜身亡」(Dodi and Di Dead)。

等到我們的車開回下摩特雷克路的時候,我把那幾個音節在腦海裡重新排列組合:多—迪,迪—多,戴—戴。那新聞標題所報導的是令人如此悲傷的一件事,但只要稍稍改成「Dodi and Di Die」,唸起來就像「多迪與呆呆」,多麼好笑啊。


---摘自《當金龜車尬上MINI:英德交流三百年》 http://goo.gl/hr9w8b

(註)黛安娜前王妃(Princess Diana)去世前的情人,多迪.法耶德(Dodi Fayed)

pee Show phonetics
verb [I or T]

1 [U] urine

2 [S] when you urinate:
I must go for/must have a pee.

 (URINATE) Show phonetics
to urinate:
Daddy, I want to wee!
when a group of friends (female, but could be male also) unfortunately decide to go to the bathroom together, and hold a conversation while they all pee. most people would find this awkward.
I don't appreciate it when Carrie decides to join me for a pee party.
