Perhaps the most important factor behind its success is the size of the potential market—300m people who are just above very poor could apply for small loans to start businesses
The price of rhodium has leapt by 55% in the first three weeks of January alone
紀念David Kerridge
On Oct. 31, Q2 Music celebrates new music's favorite holiday, Halloween, with Q2's first 24-hour scarathon of hair-raising microtones, densely clustered choruses and heart-pumping slasher film suites:
今年他過世了. 我用英文寫篇感謝給其家人.
Entry from World dictionary
- forming nouns denoting an action or activity which is carried on for a very long time or on a very large scale, typically to raise funds for charity:talkathon walkathon
on the pattern of (mar)athonSouth Africans Seek Meaning in a Shooting
Reeva Steenkamp,
who was shot by the sprinter Oscar Pistorious, had big plans for her
newfound fame, including speaking about violence against women in South
Africa, friends and family said.
After Dead Heat, Sprinters Agree on Runoff
Allyson Felix and Jeneba Tarmoh will race to settle the final spot for the women’s 100 meters at the Olympics.
IN BRIEF: A running race that is about 26 miles long. Also: Any long hard contest.
Life is often compared to a marathon, but I think it is more like being a sprinter; long stretches of hard work punctuated by brief moments in which we are given the opportunity to perform at our best. — Michael Johnson
déad héat[déad héat]
デッドヒート, 接戦;(接戦の結果の)同着
- [spríntər]
[名]短距離選手, スプリンター.
-athon 許多造新字
譬如日本的yamathon - Yama是山 山間的馬拉松等
- Sports.
- A cross-country footrace of 26 miles, 385 yards (42.195 kilometers).
- A long-distance race other than a footrace: a swimming marathon.
- A contest of endurance: a dance marathon.
- An event or activity that requires prolonged effort or endurance.
[After MARATHON (so called because a messenger ran from there to Athens to announce a victory over the Persians in 490).]
-athon 許多造新字
譬如日本的yamathon - Yama是山 山間的馬拉松等
Pournovin and his friend Paul Kissen organized the first Yamathon in November 2010.
A more daunting challenge is planned for May 13: the Oxfam Trailwalker, a 100-kilometer trek around the foothills of Mount Fuji on May 13-15, which participants must complete in under 48 hours.
Teams from Taiwan, Argentina, Russia win Facebook global hackathon
Facebook developers from Taipei, Taiwan; Buenos Aires, Argentina; and Moscow have won Facebook's worldwide hackathon, with apps that let users bookmark "Likes," tell stories, and analyze connections. The social network announced its winners today ...
See all stories on this topic »
2 (同点者どうしなどによる)優勝決定戦, 決戦
(2) 現場で[に].
(3) ((俗))困って, (生命の)危険にさらされて.
(4) ((略式))相手に期待される立場で, なんとかしなければならない立場に.
(5) 現物で[の], 現金で[の]
a runoff election
- 発音記号[spɑ't | spɔ't]
2 (泥・インクなどの)しみ, よごれ;斑点(はんてん), まだら, ぶち;《天文》(太陽の)黒点
6 《トランプ》(ダイヤなどの)マーク;数字札(2から10までのカード);((略式))(さいころなどの)目, 点;《ビリヤード》スポット(玉を置く位置を示す台上の印).
7 ((通例a 〜))((主に英略式))少し, 少量(の…), 1杯(の…), 一飲み((of ...))
9 ((略式))=spotlight[名]1.
10 ((〜s))(商品取引で)現物, 直物.
change one's spots
have a soft spot (in one's heart) for ...
((米略式))…をかわいがる, 愛する, …が好みである.
hit the high spots
in a (bad [tight]) spot
in spots
((米))時々;ある点では, ある程度は.
knock spots off [out of] ...
((略式))〈人・物に〉(…で)飛び抜けてまさる;…を圧倒的にしのぐ((at ...)).
on [upon] the spot
(1) (すぐ)その場で, ただちに(2) 現場で[に].
(3) ((俗))困って, (生命の)危険にさらされて.
(4) ((略式))相手に期待される立場で, なんとかしなければならない立場に.
(5) 現物で[の], 現金で[の]
put a person on the spot
━━[動](〜・ted, 〜・ting)(他)
1 …を見つける, 発見[探知]する, 〈所在を〉突き止める;…を(…と)見抜く, 見きわめる((as, for ...));〈勝ち馬などの〉目星をつける
Spot the differences.
2 ((通例受身))…をよごす;…に(…の)しみをつける, (色などの)斑点をつける, まだらにする((with ...));〈名声などを〉汚す, 傷つける
3 …を置く, 配置する, 散在させる.
4 ((略式))…にスポットライトを当てる.
5 …にねらいを定める.
6 ((米))
(1) 《スポーツ》〈相手に〉〈ハンディなどを〉与える.
(2) (貸しとして)やる, おごる.
(1) 《スポーツ》〈相手に〉〈ハンディなどを〉与える.
(2) (貸しとして)やる, おごる.
7 ((米俗))〈金を〉貸す.
2 〈布・紙などが〉汚れる.
4 《アメフト》〈審判が〉ボールを置く.
1 即座の;即金の
spot payment
現金払い, 頭金払い
v., spot·ted, spot·ting, spots.
in spots
現金払い, 頭金払い
- A place of relatively small and definite limits.
- A mark on a surface differing sharply in color from its surroundings.
- A blemish, mark, or pimple on the skin.
- A stain or blot.
- Games.
- A mark or pip on a playing card; a spade, club, diamond, or heart.
- A playing card with a specified number of such marks on it indicating its value.
- Informal. A piece of paper money worth a specified number of dollars.
- A location; a locale.
- A point of interest: There are a lot of spots to visit in the old city.
- A position or an item in an ordered arrangement.
- Informal. A situation, especially a troublesome one.
- A flaw in one's reputation or character.
- A short presentation or commercial on television or radio between major programs: a news spot.
- Informal. A spotlight.
- pl. spot or spots. A small croaker (Leiostomus xanthurus) of North American Atlantic waters, having a dark mark above each pectoral fin and valued as a food and sport fish.
- Chiefly British. A small amount; a bit.
v., spot·ted, spot·ting, spots.
- To cause a spot or spots to appear on, especially:
- To soil with spots.
- To decorate with spots; dot.
- To harm; besmirch.
- To place in a particular location; situate precisely.
- To detect or discern, especially visually; spy.
- To remove spots from, as in a laundry.
- Sports. To yield a favorable scoring margin to: spotted their opponents 11 points.
- Sports. To act as a spotter for (a gymnast, for example).
- Informal. To lend: Can you spot me $25 until payday?
- To become marked with spots.
- To cause a discoloration or make a stain.
- To locate targets from the air during combat or training missions.
- Made, paid, or delivered immediately: a spot sale.
- Of, relating to, or being a market in which payment or delivery is immediate: the spot market in oil.
- Involving random or selective instances or actions: a spot investigation.
- Presented between major radio or television programs: a spot announcement.
in spots
- Now and then; here and there; occasionally.
- Without delay; at once.
- At the scene of action.
- Under pressure or attention; in a pressed position.
[Middle English, from Old English.]
spottable spot'ta·ble adj.
2 現地の, 地方放送局から送られた;番組の間に挿入される〈広告など〉.
━━[副]((英略式))(時間的に)ちょうど, かっきりに.
[中英語spotte. 原義は「濡(ぬ)らされた小部分の土地」. △SPOUT]-athon
Entry from World dictionary