2020年2月7日 星期五

go from strength to strength, in a row, get all the ducks in a row, like water off a duck's back,

Britain playing an even more active role in the Indo-Pacific region, and Japan will continue to be a particularly important partner.

 Two years earlier, Mr Lo and his son had been blacklisted for drug-trafficking by the United States. In 2008 Americans were forbidden to trade with them. This was water off a duck’s back. Asia World went from strength to strength.

Q. So how’d you overcome that?
A. You could see the tools were on their way. Every year, you’d go to conventions and there was excitement about what was coming. My plan was to get all the ducks in a row for when the genome was mapped. While we waited, we tried to lay some groundwork by trying to find single genes that control the normal hair growth cycle. By looking for rare hair-loss diseases where only one gene was the factor, we learned some of that. My lab found six such genes.
A succession without a break or gap in time: won the title for three years in a row.

go from strength to strength

develop or progress with increasing success: his party has gone from strength to strength since he became leader

like water off a duck's back

referring to a potentially hurtful remark which has no apparent effect on the person involved:it was like water off a duck’s back to Nick, but I’m sure it upset Paul

in a row
(1) ⇒1
(2) 連続して
two nights in a row
win three games in a row
