2016年4月12日 星期二

lustration, salutatorian, 'extrajudicial abduction' , hand over fist, Pigs might fly, root for, frenemy, valedictory,valedictorian, 'Make a mountain out of a molehill'.

CNN International

Taiwan has accused China of carrying out a "gross violation of basic human rights" after eight Taiwanese citizens were deported from Kenya to mainland China.


Misha Semenov, an architecture major, has been named valedictorian of the Class of 2015. Neil Hannan, a classics major, will be salutatorian. Congratulations to both!

Semenov will deliver the valedictory address at Princeton's Commencement ceremony on Tuesday, June 2, and Hannan will deliver the traditional salutatory oration in Latin.

  Fewer than 60 percent of students with autism earn a diploma. He graduated at the top of his class.

Montel Medley: "Having a disability doesn’t mean you have a disadvantage."

Making a Mountain Out of a Digital Molehill

In Panetta’s Final Stretch of Tenure, a New Crisis Emerges

LONDON — A trip to Europe for the United States’ defense secretary, had felt like valedictory lap, but the tone changed with news of the abductions

China's Ministry of Public Security said Monday that it conducted the nine-province operation in December after receiving reports of child abductions from southern China's Fujian and Yunnan provinces. The ministry said the child trafficking activities ...

Gas: Coal's Worst Frenemy

You know things are bad when you start rooting for the enemy. For coal miners, it's that bad.


Frenemy - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Frenemy - Cached
"Frenemy" (alternately spelled "frienemy") is a portmanteau of "friend" and "enemy" that can refer to either an enemy disguised as a friend or someone who's ...

 Google is still pulling in money hand over fist, but Wall Street is hungry for the company's next act. 

Jesse Matthew was found on a beach some 1,300 miles from where he's wanted in the disappearance of missing student Hannah Graham. He had been sought on suspicion of abduction with the intent to defile:http://cnn.it/1Dyt9Gg
官方公佈檔案的行為,也惹來外界質疑,像現在這樣任意公佈舊檔案,那麼當年推行除垢法(lustration law)意義何在。1991年通過的除垢法已經排除那些曾任特務線民或情治高官,出任重要政經職位的權利。甚且現在公佈的檔案只有名單,而缺乏他們與情治 單位合作的具體事證,那該如何評斷或公佈這些資料的意義何在。普拉克激烈的抗議動作得到社民黨的支持,針對官方表示還會陸續公佈相關資料,社民黨表示他們並不關心過去的問題,也無意重開檔案。
轉型正義週訊 Vol.11 (2008/8/6) 
* 2008-08-05捷克:公佈共黨時期情治檔案引起爭議東歐各國在共黨垮台後,多頒佈施行淨化法(Lustration Law),曾在共黨時期為情治單位或秘密警察服務,或擔任告密者的人,會被禁止出任重要公職。繼阿爾巴尼亞之後,馬其頓(Macedonia)終於也已經 開始準備實施淨化法,堪稱最晚著手清理共黨遺產的國家。

hand over fist
If you make or lose money hand over fist, you make or lose a lot of money very quickly:Business was good and we were making money hand over fist.


Line breaks: ab|duc¦tion
Pronunciation: /əbˈdʌkʃn/


1The action of forcibly taking someone away against their will:they organized the abduction of Mr Cordes on his way to the airport[COUNT NOUN]: abductions by armed men in plain clothes
1.1(In legal use) the illegal removal of a child from itsparents or guardians:the man is also accused of the attemptedabduction of another youngster
2Physiology The movement of a limb or other part away from the midline of the body, or from another part. The opposite of adduction (see adduct1).


Line breaks: lus|trate
Pronunciation: /ˈlʌstreɪt/


Purify by expiatory sacrificeceremonial washing, or some other ritual action:soul lustrated in the baptismal waters


early 17th century: from Latin lustrat- 'purified by lustral rites', from the verb lustrare, from lustrum (see lustrum).
    A freeing from sin, guilt, or defilement: purgationpurificationSeeclean/dirtyreligion.

[L. lustratio: cf. F. lustration.]
1. The act of lustrating or purifying.
And holy water for lustration bring.
Dryden. 2. (Antiq.) A sacrifice, or ceremony, by which cities, fields, armies, or people, defiled by crimes, pestilence, or other cause of uncleanness, were purified.

Modern use

In the period after the fall of the various European Communist states in 1989–1991, the term came to refer to the policy of limiting participation of former communists, and especially informants of the communist secret police, in the successor governments or even in civil service positions. As of 1996 various lustration laws of varying scope were implemented in the Czech RepublicSlovakiaHungaryAlbaniaBulgaria, the Baltic States (LithuaniaLatviaEstonia), GermanyPolandRomaniaRussia[citation needed] and Ukraine[citation needed]; it should be noted that regional differences were very significant (for example, in the Czech Republic and Germany the lustration was much stronger than in other countries). As of 1996 lustration laws did not exist in Belarus, nor in the former Soviet Central Asian Republics (KazakhstanKyrgyzstanTajikistan, and Uzbekistan) (Ellis, 1996).
The main goal of lustration is to rid these countries of any past abuses that had occurred under a former regime. This purification process is carried in many ways such as banning former members of the communist parties, or people involved, from being involved in public positions.[2]


val • e • dic • to • ry
valedictories (複数形)
1 ((米))卒業生総代の告別演説.
2 (一般に)別れの言葉, 告別の辞.

valedictory Line breaks: val¦edic|tory
Pronunciation: /ˌvalɪˈdɪkt(ə)ri /


  • Serving as a farewell:a valedictory wave
    NOUN (plural valedictories)
Back to top  
  • A farewell address:this book of memoirs reads like his valedictory

valedictorian Line breaks: val¦edic|tor¦ian
Pronunciation: /ˌvalɪdɪkˈtɔːrɪən/


  • (In North America) a student who delivers the valedictory at a graduation ceremony.
音節ab・duc・tion 発音記号/æbdˈʌkʃən/
【生理】 (手・足などの)外転.


  • 発音記号[rúːt]

1 〈豚などが〉(食べ物をあさるため)鼻で地面を掘る((about, around));〈人が〉(物を捜して;…の中を)かき回す, 探す((about, around/for ...;through, in, among ...))
root around in the cabinet for a notebook
2 ((略式))(…を)声援[応援]する(cheer)((for ...)).
━━(他)〈豚などが〉〈庭などを〉鼻先でほじくり返す;〈人が〉〈秘密・真実などを〉明るみに出す, 探り出す, 〈人を〉見つけ出す((out));[root A out B/root B out for A]〈A(人)にBを〉捜し出して[見つけて]やる
He rooted us out a hammer from the garage.
have a (good) root round


Definition of molehill


  • a small mound of earth thrown up by a mole burrowing near the surface: the frosts and lack of plant growth will serve to make molehills stand out more


make a mountain out of a molehill

exaggerate the importance of something trivial: a barrister must make mountains out of molehills, to find a point of law where none had previously been known to exist

Pigs might fly

A humourous/sarcastic remark, used to indicate the unlikeliness of some event or to mock the credulity of others. For example, "I might make a start on papering the back bedroom tomorrow". "Yes, and pigs might fly".


'Pigs might fly, or as some would have it 'pigs may fly', is an example of an adynaton, that is, a figure of speech that uses inflated comparison to such an extent as to suggest complete impossibility. Other examples are 'It is easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle...' and 'Make a mountain out of a molehill'.
A correspondent recently drew my attention to a book by John Winthrop and wondered if it might be the origin of the expression 'pigs might fly'. Winthrop was an English Puritan explorer who settled in Massachusetts in 1630 and recounted his story in The History of New England, 1630-1649, which was transcribed from Winthrop's 17th century notes and published in 1908:
In this year one James Everell, a sober, discreet man, and two others, saw a great light in the night at Muddy River. When it stood still, it flamed up, and was about three yards square; when it ran, it was contracted into the figure of a swine: it ran as swift as an arrow towards Charlton, and so up and down about two or three hours.
Whether Everett and his pals had been at the fermented cranberry juice or whether they were the first to record an attempted alien abduction we don't know, but we can be sure that their visions weren't the source of the popular saying. The original version of the succinct 'pigs might fly' was 'pigs fly with their tails forward', which is first found in a list of proverbs in the 1616 edition of John Withals's English-Latin dictionary - A Shorte Dictionarie for Yonge Begynners:
Pigs fly in the ayre with their tayles forward.
This form of the expression was in use for two hundred years as a sarcastic rejoinder to any overly optimistic prediction made by the gullible, much as we now use "...and pigs might fly".
Pigs might flyWhy pigs? Other creatures were previously cited in similar phrases - 'snails may fly', 'cows might fly' etc., but it is pigs have stood the test of time as the favoured image of an animal that is particularly unsuited to flight. It is probably the bulkiness of the creatures and their habit of rooting in earth that suggests an intensely ramping nature [...and it's nice to have an opportunity to sneak in the little-used 'ramping', which means no more nor less than 'unable to fly'].
Thomas Fuller, in Gnomologia, 1732, was the first to explicitly single out the pig as a ham-fisted aeronaut:
That is as likely as to see an Hog fly.
The first example that I can find of our currently used 'pigs may fly/pigs might fly' form is from The Autobiography of Jack Ketch By Charles Whitehead, 1835:
Yes, pigs may fly, but they're very unlikely birds.
Having an autobiography that is written by someone else is commonplace in the celebrity-obsessed 21st century, but wasn't in Ketch's day. Ketch was the executioner employed by Charles II and his days were lived out in the 17th century, so, unless our eponymous hangman really was a ghost writer, we have to assume the words of an 'autobiography' written 150 years after his death were Whitehead's rather than his.
Flying pigs appeared in print in the UK quite often throughout the rest of the 19th century. The Illustrated Times referred to them in an issue in August 1855:
...pigs might fly. An elephant, too, might dance on the tight-rope,
Pigs may flyLewis Carroll also conjured one up in Alice's Adventures in Wonderland, 1865:
"I've a right to think," said Alice sharply... "Just about as much right," said the Duchess, "as pigs have to fly."
It can't be long before another correspondent adds to the list of unlikely origins of 'the whole nine yards' and suggests that it derives from Winthrop's 'three yards square' combustible aerial pig.

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