2016年4月26日 星期二

circum-, circumference, circumnavigate, circuit, social/closed-circuit, hit the road, fragrance

Picture of the day: From Instagram
Solar Impulse 2 flies over San Francisco on April 23rd 2016. The solar-powered airplane, which is attempting to circumnavigate the globe to promote clean energy and the spirit of innovation, arrived from Hawaii after a three-day journey across the Pacific Ocean

 Ms. Ono has also become a frequent presence on the social circuit in New York, attending fund-raisers and fashion parties, like the one for the debut of Lady Gaga’s fragrance at the Guggenheim Museum in September.小野女士還是紐約社交界的常客,經常參加籌款活動和時尚派對,比如9月她出現於Lady Gaga在古根海姆博物館舉辦的香氛?首發式

 German Car Makers Hit Road
Volkswagen's plan to invest $65 billion in its global operations over the next three years marks the latest push by Germany's auto industry to limit its exposure to crisis-stricken Europe.

台灣旅英柳琴中阮演奏者與假聲男高音莊承穎,即將在成立於倫敦19年歷史的亞洲音樂中心(Asian Music Circuit)舉辦彈撥樂講座並現場演奏。 莊承穎自12歲起學習彈撥樂柳琴與阮咸,曾獲得聲樂器樂多個獎項,並於2008年成為第一位獲選台北國家音樂廳樂壇新秀的假聲男高音。

EU Plans Cameras to Monitor Fishing Boats' Catch
The EU is considering closed-circuit cameras for fishing boats as part of a plan to revive the bloc's efforts to stop overfishing in its waters.

hit the road
Fig. to depart; to begin one's journey, especially on a road trip; to leave for home. It's time to hit the road. I'll see you. We have to hit the road very early in the morning.

cir·cuit (sûr'kĭt) pronunciation
    1. A closed, usually circular line that goes around an object or area.
    2. The region enclosed by such a line. See synonyms at circumference.
    1. A path or route the complete traversal of which without local change of direction requires returning to the starting point.
    2. The act of following such a path or route.
    3. A journey made on such a path or route.
  1. Electronics.
    1. A closed path followed or capable of being followed by an electric current.
    2. A configuration of electrically or electromagnetically connected components or devices.
    1. A regular or accustomed course from place to place; a round: a salesperson on the Detroit-Minneapolis-Chicago circuit; a popular speaker on the lecture circuit.
    2. The area or district thus covered, especially a territory under the jurisdiction of a judge in which periodic court sessions are held.
    1. An association of theaters in which plays, acts, or films move from theater to theater for presentation.
    2. A group of nightclubs, show halls, or resorts at which entertainers appear in turn.
    3. An association of teams or clubs.
    4. A series of competitions held in different places.
intr. & tr.v., -cuit·ed, -cuit·ing, -cuits.
To make a circuit or circuit of.

[Middle English, circumference, from Old French, from Latin circuitus, a going around, from past participle of circumīre, to go around : circum-, circum- + īre, to go.]

1 巡回, 巡行, 一周, 周遊, 巡回[周遊]旅行;寄り道の旅行;回り道, 迂回(うかい);回って歩くこと;((通例修飾語句を伴って))…巡り;(特に)パーティー巡り
make the [a] circuit of the town
make a circuit in order to avoid him
an entertainer on the club circuit
2 定期的な巡回(裁判官の地方巡回・牧師の説教巡回・セールスマンの巡回販売など);巡回裁判官, 巡回牧師, セールスマン
a circuit-riding lawyer
be on circuit
3 巡回裁判区[教区];(セールスマン・郵便配達人などの)巡回[配達]区域;(芸人の)巡業経路.
4 周囲, 周り(の距離);(境界線で囲まれた)地域, 地方
the circuit of the valley
5 (映画館・劇場などの)興行系列, チェーン.
6 《電気》回路, 回線, 配線系統
a TV circuit
7 (野球・アメフトなどの)連盟, リーグ.
8 《野球》ベース一周, ホームラン
a circuit clout [blow, drive, wallop]
hit for the circuit
9 (カーレース用の)サーキット.
10 《スポーツ》巡回トーナメント;((the 〜))その参加選手;((英略式))サーキットトレーニング
do circuits
[ラテン語circuitus (circum(丸く)+īre(行く)+-tus過去分詞語尾=丸く回った)]


Pronunciation: /ˈsəːkəm/ 


About; around (functioning within the word as an adverb as in circumambulate, or as apreposition as in circumpolar).


From Latin circum 'round'.

An electric circuit providing an uninterrupted, endless path for the flow of current.
A television transmission circuit with a limited number of reception stations and no broadcast facilities.closedcircuit closed'-cir'cuit (klōzd'sûr'kĭt) adj.
