2016年4月16日 星期六

polite, Politesse, de rigueur, ground beef, beef mince or hamburger meat

liberal and polite education

Ground beef, beef mince or hamburger meat, is a ground meat product, made of beef finely chopped by a meat grinder. In North America it is commonly called Hamburger. It is called mince or mince(d) meat outside North America, but can then also include pork.
Wikipedia article "Ground beef". 絞(牛)肉

Beef that has been ground or finely chopped. The price of ground beef (also called hamburger) is determined by the cut of meat from which it was made and the amount of fat incorporated into the mix. High-fat mixtures are less costly but will shrink more when cooked. The least expensive product is sold as regular ground beef or regular hamburger. It's usually made with trimmings of the less expensive cuts such as brisket and shank, and can contain up to 30 percent fat. The moderately priced ground chuck is the next level of ground beef. Because it contains enough fat (about 15 to 20 percent) to give it flavor and make it juicy, yet not enough to cause excess shrinkage, ground chuck is the best meat for hamburgers. The leanest (around 11 percent fat) and most expensive of the ground meats are ground round and ground sirloin. Though they're great for calorie watchers, they become quite dry when cooked beyond medium-rare. Ground beef is sold fresh and frozen, prepackaged in bulk (usually 1 to 5 pounds) or in preformed patties. It may also be ground to order. The way it is used determines how the beef should be ground. In general, the finer the beef is ground, the more compact it will be when cooked. For instance, firm-textured combinations such as meatloaf or meatballs should be made with beef that has been ground at least 2 or 3 times. For hamburgers, however, where a light, juicy texture is preferable, the beef should be coarsely ground. Ground beef should be lightly wrapped before storing in the coldest section of the refrigerator for up to 2 days. To freeze, shape into individual patties or a large, flat disk and wrap with freezer-proof packaging. It can be frozen up to 6 months. See also beef; hamburger.

When It Comes to Politesse, There Is No End to the Lessons
Never use the word “toilette” when asking a host for directions to the powder room; try to avoid going there at all. Never say “Bon appétit” at the start of a meal. Don’t talk loudly. Never discuss your religion or your money at dinner. Eat hamburgers, pizza, foie gras and sorbet with a fork. Always say “bonjour” to the bus driver, and to fellow passengers on elevators. “Pas mal” doesn’t necessarily mean “Not bad.” It can mean “Great!”

【徐德進看歐美藝壇】(台北:文星,1966),hamburger之兩譯:"火腿肉餅,美國人天天吃的。" (頁54)、"牛肉餅" (頁64)。

Wikipedia 2015:漢堡(英語:Hamburger;美式英語多簡稱為Burger;文言/粵/吳:漢堡包

),是指使用圓形麵包內夾餡料的一種食品ハンバーガー (hamburger) とは、焼いたハンバーガーパティ[1]を専用のバンズに挟み込んだサンドイッチの一種。アメリカ合衆国を代表する国民食であり、ファーストフードの一つとして各国にフランチャイズ展開がなされている事から広く知られている。


Pronunciation: /pəˈlʌɪt/ 

ADJECTIVE (politerpolitest)

1Having or showing behaviour that is respectful and considerate of other people:they thought she was wrong but were too polite to say so
1.1[ATTRIBUTIVE] Relating to people who regard themselves as more cultured and refined than others:the picture outraged polite society


Late Middle English (in the Latin sense): from Latin politus 'polished, made smooth', past participle of polire.
  1. 《形容詞》(1)丁寧な;礼儀正しい (2)教養のある;上品な;上流の

[F.] n. (形式的な)礼儀正しさ.

de rigueur

