2016年4月10日 星期日

triumph, occult, occultation, invitation-only Mass

Large views always triumph over small ideas."

Once more Britain seems to question the wisdom of the liberal economic credos of its recent past.

"Alexander the Great triumphed because he brought to his battlefields a ferocious fighting force of tribal warriors personally devoted to the Macedonian monarchy; but he also picked the Persian empire to pieces, attacking at its weak points and exploiting its internal divisions."
--from "Intelligence in War: The value--and limitations--of what the military can learn about the enemy" by John Keegan

“Who can go to them to proclaim that Christ has triumphed over death and all those occult powers?” he asked guests at an invitation-only Mass in the blue-domed splendor of St. Paul’s Church in the capital.


When the cloud shut down on the morning shine,
And darkened the sun,
I said, "So ended that joy of mine
Years back begun."

But day continued its lustrous roll
In upper air;
And did my late irradiate soul
Live on somewhere?
An occultation is an event that occurs when one object is hidden by another object that passes between it and the observer. The word is used in astronomy (see below) and can also be used in a general (non-astronomical) sense to describe when an object in the foreground occults (covers up) objects in the background. In the general sense, occultation applies to the visual scene from low-flying aircraft and in Computer-Generated Imagery (CGI) technology, where foreground objects obscure distant ones in a dynamic way as the scene changes.

past tense: triumphed; past participle: triumphed
  1. 1.
    achieve a victory; be successful.
    "they had no chance of triumphing over the Nationalists"
    synonyms:winsucceed, be successful, come first, be the victor, be victorious,gain a victory, carry the day, carry all before one, prevail, take the honours/prize/crown, come out on top More
  2. 2.
    (of a Roman general) ride into ancient Rome after a victory.


━━ a. 神秘[秘教,超自然,魔術]的な; (the ~) (占星術などの)秘学.
 ━━ n. 姿を隠すこと; 【天文】掩蔽(えんぺい).
oc・cult・ism ━━ n. 神秘学; オカルト信仰[研究].
oc・cult・ist ━━ n. 神秘主義者, 神秘学者.
