2016年4月16日 星期六

burden, burden of proof, "have not carried the burden" of proving, financial burden of participating

Strict codes of conduct and the financial burden of participating are causing independent labels and stores to opt out of Record Store Day
Strict codes of conduct and financial burdens mean that many stores are…

appeared poised to emerge from bankruptcy by today after the Supreme Court declined to hear a challenge to the sale of most of its assets to Fiat.

The decision by the Supreme Court, disclosed in a two-page order, made it clear that the justices were not ruling on the merits of the challenge by some Indiana funds, which had protested the government's treatment of Chrysler's secured lenders.

Instead, according to the order, the Indiana funds "have not carried the burden" of proving that the Supreme Court needed to intervene.

Chrysler won an additional concession on Tuesday, when a federal judge approved its request to terminate 789 dealer franchises immediately.

Now Chrysler must contend with a brutal market place, with Americans largely shunning new cars. It also faces a potentially formidable foe: General Motors, itself trying to slim down through a government-sponsored reorganization.

Go to Article from The New York Times»

And some of this burden of translation ......此譯本的某些要旨和....

━━ n. 要旨, 要点; (歌の)繰返し.

burden Show phonetics
noun [C]
1 a heavy load that you carry:
The little donkey struggled under its heavy burden.

2 something difficult or unpleasant that you have to deal with or worry about:
the burden of responsibility
My elderly mother worries that she's burden to me.
Buying a house often places a large financial burden on young couples.

burden Show phonetics
verb [T]
I don't want to burden (= trouble) you with my problems.

burdensome Show phonetics
adjective FORMAL
causing difficulties or work:
a burdensome task


━━ n. 荷 (load); 重荷, 負担; 厄介; (船の)積載量.
 bear the burden 苦しい仕事[つらいこと]に耐える.
 burden of proof 【法】(the ~) 挙証の責任.
━━ vt. 重荷を負わす ((with)); 厄介をかける.
 bur・dened ━━ a. 悩まされた ((with)); (重い荷物をやっと)担いで.
 bur・den・some ━━ a. 重い; 厄介な.

burden of proof

n. Law.
The responsibility of proving a disputed charge or allegation.
