2016年5月22日 星期日

Juvenescence : A Cultural History of Our Age

Robert Pogue Harrison is Rosina Pierotti Professor in ­Italian Literature at Stanford. His most recent book is Juvenescence: A Cultural History of Our Age.
 (October 2015)


Pronunciation: /ˌdʒuːvəˈnɛs(ə)ns/ 


[MASS NOUN] formal
The state or period of being young:figurative in the juvenescence of the year
More example sentences
  • A silhouette portrait of Talbot as a boy of seven, drawn in 1807 by an unknown hand, opens this monumental book about the birth and juvenescence of a medium.
  • I believe that the happiest individuals are those who have reclaimed their juvenescence, or the power to grow young.
  • Gyllenhaal’s juvenescence is the magic that makes even Graysmith’s most mundane actions sparkle.



Pronunciation: /dʒuːvɪˈnɛs(ə)nt/  


Early 19th century: from Latin juvenescent- 'reaching the age of youth', from the verbjuvenescere, from juvenis 'young'.

Younger Than That Now

A new book reflects on generation gaps and how they get that way. Scott McLemee takes a look.
December 10, 2014

...More to the point we are part of the changes, even when we are incapable of recognizing them. (Especially then, in fact.) It’s possible to get some perspective on things -- to challenge, or at least evaluate, what we’ve come to accept and expect from the world – through learning about the past, or formulating questions, or absorbing stories and other cultural expressions of other people.
Harrison coins the expression heterochronicity to point out the reality the present is never pure or self-contained. The people around us are being pushed and pulled by senses of the world (including memories and expectations) that can be profoundly different from our own, and from one another. Heterochronicity is the matrix of generational conflict, butJuvenescence explores it through readings of Antigone andKing Lear rather than the contrasts between boomers and millennials.
The book is somehow both digressive and closely reasoned, and arguably it owes as much to Giambattista Vico or Stephen Jay Gould as it does to Hannah Arendt. The words “cultural history” appearing in the subtitle are not especially helpful in conveying the quality of the book, which would more accurately be called a meditation -- or, better still, ananatomy. (But then that might be even more misleading in the era of Viagra and cosmetic surgery.) It’s odd and brilliant -- clearly the product of thought given time to ripen.

Juvenescence: A Cultural History of Our Age
羅伯特.柏格.哈里森 Robert Pogue Harrison 著
梁永安 譯
你多大年紀?愈是考慮這個問題,它就愈難回答,因為人類有許多不同的老化方式:生物上、心理上、社會上的,此外還有一個文化年紀(culture age)。如果這樣考慮年齡,我們或許比想像中老很多。
但作者史丹佛大學教授羅伯特.柏格.哈里森(Robert Pogue Harrison)認為,在年紀變得更老的同時,人類的外觀、行為、心智、生活方式,以及最重要的「欲望」上,卻又變得驚人年輕。就此而言,我們可說是活在一個返老還童的時代。
今日大大延長的「青春」具有危險性。癡迷於年輕的社會,事實上卻正在對其自以為崇拜的年輕發起戰爭。社會的集體幼兒化(infantilize)欲望破壞了跨世代連續性(intergenerational continuity),也粉碎了世界的相對穩定性,需要「長者」和「機構制度」所體現的智慧加以彌補。哈里森寫道:「『天才』專注於創造屬於未來的新事物,『智慧』專注於繼承過去的遺產,在把它們傳遞下去的過程中予以更新。」
