2016年5月9日 星期一

journeyman's pragmatism, journeyman performer, "the one-off product,journeywork "the one-off product,

Gennady Tkachenko-Papizh said he hopes to travel to London soon to work on recording an album.
What's That Sound? Nature? No, It's This Guy's Voice


Gennady Tkachenko-Papizh, a journeyman performer, found widespread web renown for his televised displays of imitating sounds from nature.

Success in Hollywood came late to Robert Altman, and by the time he became a celebrity at 45, it seemed he had already settled into the role that suited him - the grand old man, cantankerous and wayward. He was compared to Fellini, as a creator of a cinematic world entirely his own, to Welles and to Stroheim. Like the latter two, he knew spectacular decline after glory, but unlike them, had ajourneyman's pragmatism that allowed him to carry on, and more than once to resurface triumphantly.

Lasse Schmackelsen, a placement officer at the company, has had good experiences with German employees.
"They are very motivated," he said. At 21 euros ($31) an hour, a journeyman earns nearly double of what he would in Germany. The higher cost of living in Norway is offset by additional contributions by the employer, like payments for accommodations and work clothes.

Why then, is there any interest in avant-garde visual art? For capitalist reasons, as he reiterates, as already implied in The Age of Extremes. Avant-garde art has increasingly become "the sort of art which was primarily bought for investment" (p. 516). His example is "minimal art," which in his description involves "adding an individual's name to piles of brick or soil" (p. 516). As he says in Behind the Times, the avant-garde "mode of production," which involves "the one-off product, ascribable to one and only one maker," regarded as a "high-status 'artist,' as distinct from the journeyman artisan or 'hack,'" "belongs typically to a society of patronage or of small groups competing in conspicuous expenditure, and indeed these are still the foundation of the really lucrative art trade" (p. 17).
--  Eric Hobsbawm, Behind the Times: The Decline and Fall of the 20th-Century Avant-Gardes (London, Thames and Hudson, 1998), 48 pages.  



滿(出)師學徒工 熟練工

(一人前の)職人[工]; (独創力はないが)一応は腕の確かな人.
noun [C]
1 OLD-FASHIONED a skilled worker who is qualified to work at their particular job and who usually works for someone else

2 any worker who produces good, but not excellent work


Pronunciation: /ˈdʒəːnɪmən/ 

NOUN (plural journeymen)

1A worker or sports player who is reliable but not outstanding:[AS MODIFIER]: a solid journeyman professional
2historical A trained worker who is employed by someone else:[AS MODIFIER]: a journeyman carpenterjourneymen printers


Late Middle English: from journey (in the obsolete sense 'day's work') man; so named because the journeyman was no longer bound by indentures but was paid by the day.

  1. [名詞] (pl. -men[-mən,-mèn])
  2. 1 (一人前になった)職人. cf. APPRENTICE
  3. 2 (平凡な仕事の分野の)熟練者,老練家.
  4. 3 ((古)) 日雇い職人[労働者].
  5. 4 ((侮蔑的)) 下働きをする人,日の目を見ない仕事をする人.
  6. 5 インパルスクロック(impulse clock):親時計(master clock)から電気信号を受けて動くダイヤル式補助時計.


    音節jóurney • wòrk
  1. [名詞]
  2. 1 (職人の)手間仕事;日雇い仕事.
  3. 2 決まりきった仕事;卑しい仕事;下働き.
  4. [語源]
