2016年5月1日 星期日

darn, damned, do (or try) one's damnedest, genitalia-inclusive, the damned. damned well

last judgment
David Lees / Corbis
Judge Not
Tourists crowd into the Sistine Chapel for its ceiling, but also for its altar wall, home to Michelangelo's "The Last Judgment." The towering fresco, completed in 1541, was painted under Pope Paul III. The detail above, from the lower right corner of the wall, show where the damned descend after being judged by Christ. After the Pope's master of ceremonies criticized this genitalia-inclusive "Last Judgment" as inappropriate, Michelangelo painted him in as Minos, a judge of Hell, encircled by a serpent and fitted with the ears of an ass.

 There are three thng Ray Kroc does damned well

「A Princeton professor has posted his “CV of failures”—a résumé of jobs not won, awards not awarded, papers rejected. As it went viral, he added a “meta-failure”: “This darn CV of Failures has received way more attention than my entire body of academic work.”」

Urban Dictionary: Darn

darn. A commonly used substitute for 'Damn,' in craptacular American animated series. *A giant flaming comet speeds towards the archvillian of some cartoon, ...


Line breaks: damned


  • 1(In Christian belief) condemned by God to suffer eternal punishment in hell: damned sinners (as plural noun the damned) the spirits of the damned

  • 2 [attributive] informal Used for emphasis, especially to express anger or frustration: it’s none of your damned business [as submodifier]: she’s too damned arrogant

  • 2.1 (damnedest) North American Used to emphasize the surprising nature of something: the damnedest thing I ever saw

他續指大學應為言論及表達自由的象徵,能容納各種不同的意見及對社會有正面影響,而他作為校長及其他教職員的職責,會應盡自己最大的努力(do our damnedest)去捍衞這些原則。


do (or try) one's damnedest

Do or try one’s utmost: I tried my damnedest to lift the ball

  • [dʒènətéiliə]
[名](複)《解剖学》(外部)生殖器, (外)性器.

the damned

damnation :處罰;懲罰;天譴;指責:多指犯大罪之人在地獄所受的處罰-永遠與天主隔離。拉丁文稱為 damnatio 下地獄的靈魂英文稱 the damned 或稱 the lost souls 。教會禁止信友妄加猜測某某人是否已下地獄。
