2016年5月8日 星期日

articulate, historicity, joined at the hip

articulate, historicity,  joined at the hip

我與他再出發到臺大圖書館聽:王德威 教授「華夷風起」-- 華語語系文學主題書展專題演講。王教授很博學多文,所以可注意他連"花果飄零、靈根自植"和"宅茲中國" (住的在地之處叫中國)等多照顧到了,孔子學院將對台統戰方式發動向世界統戰.....articulation翻譯成表述、historicity 翻譯成歷史維度.....2015.5.8

領導學研究大師 詹姆斯‧奧圖James 0'Toole 出版  Leading Change (Jossey-Bass)
第九章〈Deming Ignored:Premature Articulation or Flawed

 That's all she wrote


An articulation of a sudden and unforeseen end to one's hopes or plans.

These thoughts are consonant with the view articulated by Marshall McLuhan in Understanding Media: The Extensions of Man, in which he explicitly speaks of technology in prosthetic terms, though he doesn’t, as far as I can discover, use the terms “prosthetic” or “prosthesis.” He writes, “Any extension, whether of skin, hand, or foot, affects the whole psychic and social complex,” and his goal in Understanding Media, is to explore these effects.

 historicity 是一個學界各說各話的字。Oxford Dictionaries說 它指的是歷史的真/確實:
Historical authenticity:例 :the historicity of bible narrative
McLuhan 可能是西方末代接受古典語言教育而用文法思考科技等社會現象的,這對西方人都是挑戰呢。我欣賞小讀者的"奮戰"翻譯精神,雖然這些注解都很難懂。
prosthsisLinguistics. 1 《文法》語頭音添加. Prothesis.The addition of a letter or syllable at thebeginning of a word, as in Spanish escuela derived from Latin scola.

這樣的領導帶動公司同步管理營業銷售與營收成長,以及其效能成長的能力。這些因素讓公司進行由上而下的『連體』(joined at the hip)管理;這種結合堪稱是維持與促進公司獲利的關鍵。」 (阿莫得‧費根堡兄弟/著 『品質大師費根堡談管理資本:驅動創新、獲利與成長的企業新引擎』(The Power of Management Capital )簡美娟譯,台北:美商麥格羅‧希爾(McGraw-Hill)國際出版公司,2005,第190頁。)

這句『連體』(joined at the hip),我請小讀者(丁丁)發表其看法,他給個妙譯:「焦孟式管理...?」
我們查「教育部國語辭典」:【焦孟不離】 之解釋: 焦,焦贊。孟,孟良。相傳焦贊與孟良二人交情很好,幾乎天天處在一起。後用焦孟不離比喻感情深厚,形影不離。如:他倆是焦孟不離,只要找到一個,另一個必然也在。

這hip joint為「股関節.」。joined at the hip 為一美國之(幽默)口語,表示花很多時間在一起,黏在一起。
譬如說,華盛頓郵報有篇介紹當今青年學生性關係之用語Hip-joined or hooking up? (By Cheryl Wetzstein)之中,如此說法:Another common scenario is for a couple to become so entangled with each other -- eating, sleeping, living together -- that they are considered to be "joined at the hip."


(är-tĭk'yə-lĭt) pronunciation

  1. Endowed with the power of speech.
  2. Composed of distinct, meaningful syllables or words, as human speech.
  3. Expressing oneself easily in clear and effective language: an articulate speaker.
  4. Characterized by the use of clear, expressive language: an articulate essay.
  5. Anatomy. Consisting of sections united by joints; jointed.

v., -lat·ed, -lat·ing, -lates. (-lāt') v.tr.
  1. To pronounce distinctly and carefully; enunciate.
  2. To utter (a speech sound) by making the necessary movements of the speech organs.
  3. To express in coherent verbal form; give words to: couldn't articulate my fears.
  4. To fit together into a coherent whole; unify: a plan to articulate nursing programs throughout the state.
  5. Anatomy. To unite by forming a joint or joints.
  6. Architecture. To give visible or concrete expression to (the composition of structural elements): a spare design in which windows and doors are barely articulated.
  1. To speak clearly and distinctly.
  2. To utter a speech sound.
  3. Anatomy. To form a joint; be jointed: The thighbone articulates with the bones of the hip.
[Latin articulātus, past participle of articulāre, to divide into joints, utter distinctly, from articulus, small joint. See article.]
articulately ar·tic'u·late·ly adv.
articulateness ar·tic'u·late·ness or ar·tic'u·la·cy (-lə-sē) n.

articulate (SAY) Show phonetics
verb [T] FORMAL
1 to express in words:
I found myself unable to articulate my feelings.
Many people are opposed to the new law, but have had no opportunity to articulate their opposition.

2 to pronounce:
When children first learn to talk, there are some sounds that they find difficult to articulate.

articulation Show phonetics
noun [U]
A good singer needs to have good articulation (= a clear way of pronouncing words).


━━ a. (言語が)音節のある; (論説が)理路整然たる; (ことばが)はっきりした; はっきり意見が言える; 関節のある; 区切りのある.
━━  v. はっきり発音[表現]する; 関節でつなぐ[つながる].
 ar・tic・u・lat・ed ━━ a. 連結式の.
articulated lorry 〔英〕 トレーラートラック.
 ar・tic・u・late・ly ━━ ad.
 ar・tic・u・late・ness ━━ n.
 ar・tic・u・la・tion ━━ n. 節, 関節; 分節; 【音声】調音; (言語による)表現; 接合, 連結; はっきり発音すること; 発音(法).
