2016年5月10日 星期二

mothering, Lent, Ash Wednesday, Mother's Day, Mothering Sunday

在倫敦求學的第一年,還記得是三月的一個週末,校園裡面變得特別冷清。一問之下,才知道當地的同學紛紛回家過「Mothering Sunday」了,也就是英國的母親節。後來我有機會到其他國家,例如印度尼西亞、以色列等,發現如果把世界各國不一樣的母親節排在日曆中,前後幾乎可以涵蓋一整年。

 Mothering Sunday

Line breaks: Mother|ing Sun¦day

Definition of Mothering Sunday in English:


The fourth Sunday in Lenttraditionally a day for visiting or giving a present to one’s mother. Compare with Mother's Day.
Lent :四旬期;(舊稱)嚴齋期;封齋期:自聖灰禮儀日起,至復活節前的四十天之齋戒期,為紀念耶穌受難,並準備耶穌復活節,也為望教友作領洗前的準備。
Ash Wednesday :聖灰禮儀星期三;聖灰日:四旬(封齋)期的第一天,是日神父在教友額頭上塗以聖灰,並說:「人!你要記著,你原是土,將來仍要歸於土(創三 19 )。」或說:「你要悔改,信從福音。」此日應守大、小齋表示痛悔己罪。
[名]((英)) 里帰り.
Mothering Sunday

Mother's Day


A day of the year on which mothers are particularly honoured by their children. In North America and South Africa it is the second Sunday in May; in Britain it has become another term for Mothering Sunday.


Pronunciation: /ˈmʌðə/ 


1A woman in relation to her child or children:she returned to Bristol to nurse her ageing mothera mother of three
1.1A female animal in relation to its offspring:[AS MODIFIER]: a mother penguin
1.2archaic (Especially as a form of address) an elderly woman.
1.3[AS MODIFIER] Denoting an institution or organization from which others of the same type derive:the initiatives were based on the experience of the mother company
1.4informal An extreme example or very large specimen of something:I got stuck in the mother of all traffic jams
2(MotherMother Superior, or Reverend Mother)(Especially as a title or form of address) the head of a female religious community.
3North American vulgar slang short for motherfucker.


1(often as noun mothering) Bring up (a child) with care and affection:the art of mothering
1.1Look after (someone) kindly and protectively, sometimes excessively so:she mothered her husband, insisting he should take cod liver oil in the winter
2dated Give birth to:her declining years had tricked her into believing she’d mothered another son of God


Old English mōdor, of Germanic origin; related to Dutch moeder and German Mutter, from an Indo-European root shared by Latin mater and Greek mētēr.

Words that rhyme with mother
