2016年5月4日 星期三

OK, okay, tolerance, lactose intolerance, press freedom, Galápagos syndrome,

Press freedom across the world has worsened, even in some parts of Europe
Looking at intolerance of journalism on World Press Freedom Day. From…

From Instagram: Grabbing a coffee or tea for a work colleague is a thoughtful act, which should promote team unity. However, the reality does not always reflect this. Anyone with lactose intolerance who has forced out a smile and “thank you” after being handed a milky coffee can attest to this. To avoid any refreshment faux pas in The Economist office, our infographics department created this ‪#‎Dailychart‬ style tea and coffee requirements grid http://econ.st/1omQq2O

Liberals in Egypt Embrace the Military, Stifling Doubts

Liberal and leftist Egyptians have long had an uneasy relationship with the military, but since it pushed out President Mohamed Morsi, they have been intolerant of dissenters.

Another Way to  Spell OK
Another Way to
Spell OK
So, which is it: OK, ok, O.K. or okay? All of the alternate spellings seem to be okay. Or OK. The spelling of the word is not the only thing that there are questions about. The etymology is also still somewhat in question. A favorite explanation for the word's origin was given by etymologist Allen Walker Read, who did research on "okay" in the 1960s. He said that in the 1830s and 1840s, Boston newspapers liked to use punny abbreviations in their articles. One of the jokes that was printed by The Boston Morning Post on this date in 1839 had an intended misspelling of "all correct." It was abbreviated as "O.K.," for "oll korrect." Another popular belief is that the word "okay" came from the Choctaw word "okeh." Both US presidents Andrew Jackson and Woodrow Wilson commonly used "okeh."
I'm OK; You're OKThomas A. Harris, his self-help book's title and catch-phrase
Analysts say NEC and other Japanese cellphone makers were tied too closely to Japanese network operators, developing what has come to be known in that country as a “Galápagos” effect; devices were cut off from the evolution of the phone business elsewhere. As a result, the makers failed to grasp the significance of the rise of the smartphone.
分析人士称,NEC及其他日本手机制造商 与日本网络运营商捆绑过紧,形成了日本所谓的“加拉帕戈斯效应”(Galápagos effect,指某种产业或者产品只在某国国内占有较大市场份额,并形成孤立市场——译注)。日本的手机完全隔绝于别国手机业务的进化。所以,日本手机制 造商没能意识到智能手机崛起的重要性。
Galápagos syndrome or Jalápagos (Japan + Galapagos) is what the Japanese call when they develop a product that evolves isolated from world markets. The term comes from the Galápagos Islands where Darwin studied plants and animals that were genetically isolated.[1]

[edit] Usage

  • "Japan’s cellphones are like the endemic species that Darwin encountered on the Galápagos Islands — fantastically evolved and divergent from their mainland cousins — explains Takeshi Natsuno, who teaches at Tokyo’s Keio University."[1]
  • "Japanese phones suffer from 'Galapagos Syndrome' — are too complex to survive abroad.[2]
  • "It has been claimed that the indigenous American automotive industry has suffered from the Galapagos Syndrome – its products have evolved separately from the rest of the world."[3]
  •  lactose intolerance   "tolerance的胡適和intolerance的魯迅(Ⅲ)
    此君英文程度這樣差, 什麼 "tolerance的" 而大談胡適?
  • Synthetic DNA on the Brink of Yielding New Life Forms

    Washington Post Staff Writer
    Monday, December 17, 2007; Page A01

    It has been 50 years since scientists first created DNA in a test tube, stitching ordinary chemical ingredients together to make life's most extraordinary molecule. Until recently, however, even the most sophisticated laboratories could make only small snippets of DNA -- an extra gene or two to be inserted into corn plants, for example, to help the plants ward off insects or tolerate drought抗旱.

    tolerance (ABILITY TO BEAR) Show phonetics
    noun [U]
    1 the ability to bear something unpleasant or annoying, or to continue existing despite disadvantageous conditions:
    My tolerance of heat is considerably greater after having lived in the Far East for a couple of years.

    2 SPECIALIZED an animal's or plant's ability not to be harmed by a drug or poison over a long period of time:
    a greater tolerance of/to the drug

    tolerant Show phonetics
    I think men are less tolerant of stress than women.
    SPECIALIZED Compared to other plants, rye is more tolerant of drought.

    tolerate Show phonetics
    verb [T]
    to bear something unpleasant or annoying, or to continue existing despite disadvantageous conditions:
    It seems these ants can tolerate temperatures which would kill other species.


    (ĭn-tŏl'ər-əns) pronunciation
  • The quality or condition of being intolerant; lack of tolerance.
  • Medicine. Extreme sensitivity or allergy to a drug, food, or other substance: lactose intolerance.


Syllabification: (in·tol·er·ant)
Pronunciation: /inˈtälərənt/
  • not tolerant of views, beliefs, or behavior that differ from one’s own:he was intolerant of ignorance
  • unable to be given (a medicine or other treatment) or to eat (a food) without adverse effects:intolerant of aspirin [in combination]:these patients were lactose-intolerant
  • (of a plant or animal) unable to survive exposure to (physical influence).




mid 18th century: from Latin intolerant-, from in- 'not' + tolerant- 'enduring' (see tolerant)

(lăk'tōs') pronunciation
  1. A disaccharide, C12H22O11, found in milk, that may be hydrolyzed to yield glucose and galactose.
  2. A white crystalline substance obtained from whey and used in infant foods, bakery products, confections, and pharmaceuticals as a diluent and excipient. Also called milk sugar.
