2016年5月10日 星期二

it, sex appeal, oomph, demonstrate, demonstration, pato, for the time being


Turkish Liberals Turn Backs on Leader

For an urban elite, including some protesters, Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan’s response to demonstrations has led to a final break from him.



'A Tale for the Time Being'
A diary washes ashore, linking a teenager in Japan and an author in Canada in Ruth Ozeki's latest novel.  
New potatoes and pork simmered with a shiny glaze (Photo by Katsumi Oyama)
JAPANESE HOME COOKING: Simmered new potatoes and...
Try this hearty Japanese staple made with freshly harvested new potatoes packed with vitamin C and pork for that additional oomph. The secret ingredient is yogurt. According to Yoko Munakata of the Better Home Association,...

The journal had just published a call for genuine implementation of the constitution, which notionally guarantees freedom of speech, assembly and publication as well as the right to demonstrate.

谷崎潤一郎(1886-1965) 《陰翳禮讚日本和西洋文化隨筆》( 邱仕俊譯 北京三聯 1992 ) 。該書還有一篇妙文: 關於廁所;也是很精彩的.....包括: 陰翳禮讚/..論懶惰/戀愛與色情/厭客/漫話旅行/關於廁所
 這本書84-88頁談一個不知原文的"英文字"  其實它是"it" 指色情吸引力 sex appeal 與作者提倡的"風情"相反.... 20th Century Words (Oxford出版社:p. 33)
最早使用的是1904年的R. Kipling作品 不過到1927年的Elinor Glyn 才開始流行 傳到日本(作者引用)

In Soccer-Mad Argentina, the National Sport Is a Lame Duck
Argentina designated pato as its national sport in 1953. It remains so today, though few people play it. Now, soccer fans want a change.

it ━━ n. (鬼ごっこなどの)鬼; 〔俗〕 性的魅力, イット.
Valleywag noted that previous reports suggesting Facebook's flip-flop-wearing chief executive, Mark Zuckerberg, would be Sun Valley's 'it' boy were a bit off-base.

━━ n., vi. パタパタという音; ビーチサンダル海灘鞋; 〔話〕 心変わり; とんぼ返り; 【電子工】フリップフロップ(回路); 〔話〕 心変わりする.

off base
Wrong, relying on a mistaken premise, as in His description of the accounting system was totally off base. This metaphoric term originated in baseball, where a runner who steps off a base can be put out. [c. 1940] )

Pato is a game played on horseback that combines elements from polo and basketball. It is the national game of Argentina.
Pato is Spanish for "duck", as early games used a live duck inside a basket instead of a ball. Accounts of early versions of pato have been written since 1610. The playing field would often stretch the distance between neighboring estancias (ranches). The first team to reach its own casco (ranch house) with the duck would be declared the winner.

Pato Demonstration - Monte Hermoso, Argentina

for the time being

for the present; until some other arrangement is made.


1 活力.
2 性的魅力.

 (ĭt) pronunciation
  1. Used to refer to that one previously mentioned. Used of a nonhuman entity; an animate being whose sex is unspecified, unknown, or irrelevant; a group of objects or individuals; an action; or an abstraction: polished the table until it shone; couldn't find out who it was; opened the meeting by calling it to order.
  2. Used as the subject of an impersonal verb: It is snowing.
    1. Used as an anticipatory subject or object: Is it certain that they will win?
    2. Used as an anticipatory subject to emphasize a term that is not itself a subject: It was on Friday that all the snow fell.
  3. Used to refer to a general condition or state of affairs: She couldn't stand it.
  4. Used to refer to a crucial situation or culmination: This is it-the rivals are finally face to face. That's it! I won't tolerate any more foolishness.
  5. Informal. Used to refer to something that is the best, the most desirable, or without equal: He thinks he's it. That steak was really it!
  1. Games. A player, as in tag, who attempts to find or catch the other players.
  2. An animal that has been neutered: The cat is an it.
idiom:with it Slang.
  1. Aware of or knowledgeable about the latest trends or developments.
  2. Mentally responsive and perceptive: I'm just not with it today.
[Middle English, from Old English hit.]
Our Living Language   "I told Anse it likely won't be no need." This quotation from William Faulkner's As I Lay Dying demonstrates a use of it that occurs in some vernacular varieties of American speech. It is used instead of Standard English there when there functions as a so-called existential-that is, when there indicates the mere existence of something rather than a physical location, as in It was nothing I could do. Existential it is hardly a recent innovation-it appears in Middle English; in Elizabethan English, as in Marlowe's Edward II: "Cousin, it is no dealing with him now"; and in modern American literature as well. Although most British and American varieties no longer have this historical feature, it still occurs in some Southern-based dialects and in African American Vernacular English. Use of existential it may actually be increasing in some places, such as Smith Island, Maryland, a historically isolated community. While older Smith Islanders sometimes use existential it rather than there, younger islanders almost always do. • In some American vernacular dialects, particularly in the South (including the Appalachian and Ozark mountains), speakers may pronounce it as hit in stressed positions, especially at the beginning of a sentence, as in Hit's cold out here! This pronunciation is called a relic dialect feature because it represents the retention of an older English form. In fact, hit is the original form of the third person singular neuter pronoun and thus can be traced to the beginnings of the Old English period (c. 449-1100). Early in the history of English, speakers began to drop the h from hit, particularly in unaccented positions, as in I saw it yesterday. Gradually, h also came to be lost in accented positions, although hit persisted in socially prestigious speech well into the Elizabethan period. Some relatively isolated dialects in Great Britain and the United States have retained h, since linguistic innovations such as the dropping of h are often slow to reach isolated areas. But even in such places, h tends to be retained only in accented words. Thus, we might hear Hit's the one I want side by side with I took it back to the store. Nowadays, hit is fading even in the most isolated dialect communities and occurs primarily among older speakers. • This loss of h reflects a longstanding tendency among speakers of English to omit h's in unaccented words, particularly pronouns, such as 'er and 'im for her and him, as in I told 'er to meet me outside. This kind of h-loss is widespread in casual speech today, even though it is not reflected in spelling. See Note at Smith Island.


〔+前置詞+()名詞〕〔…に反対のデモをするagainst〕; 〔…に賛成のデモをする 〔for〕.
【陸海軍, 軍事】 陽動作戦をとる.
ラテン語はっきりと示す」の (DE‐ ‘completely'+monstrāre示す」); 【名詞】 demonstration,【形容詞】 demonstrative


dem • on • stra • tion
demonstrations (複数形)
1 (…に賛成・反対の)示威運動[行動], デモ((for, in favor of ...;against ...))
holdstage] a demonstration foragainst] ...
march in demonstration(s)
2 実物説明;(製品などの)実物宣伝, 実演販売;実物教授, 実地教授, 公開実験集会
a demonstration of a washing machine
teach by demonstration
3 ((形式))(感情などの)表出, 表明((通例 of ...))
give a demonstration of lovegrief
4 論証, 証明;(…ということを)立証[実証]すること((that節));証拠, 実例, 実証, 例証
a demonstration of the principle of gravity
5 《軍事》陽動作戦.
6 《数学・論理学》証明, 立証.


  • レベル:最重要
  • 発音記号[ít]

(主格it, 所有格its, ((廃・方言))it, 目的格it;複数⇒THEY)((人称代名詞三人称中性単数主格・目的語))それは[が];それを[に].
I [代]
1 ((すでに言われた名詞(句)をさして))(▼文頭の従属節の中ではこれから言及する事物をさす).
(1) ((無生物・植物・虫など))
Please shut the door. ” “It is shut. ”
He aimed at a target, but missed it.
的をねらったがうまくゆかなかった(▼次例ではa targetは特定の的をさしていないのでitでは受けられない:He searched for a target, but he couldn't find one.).
(2) ((人間の集団))
His family is a large one. It consists of himself, his wife and six sons.
(3) ((抽象的な概念, 命題, 事))
Democracy, as I understand it, is majority rule.
(4) ((性別が不明か性別を問題にしない場合の子供・赤ん坊・動物))
Where is the dog?” “It's gone. ”
(5) ((動作・行動))
Mary received first prize” “I wish I had been there to see it. ”
2 ((先行文の補語を受けるit))
She was rich and she looked it.
彼女は金持ちの女だ, そしてそのように見えた(▼特徴を示す先行述語の代用形).
3 ((非人称動詞の主語として))
(1) ((事情・状況を漠然とさして))
As it happened, I left the book at home.
Tom is at a total loss when it comes to mechanics.
(2) ((天候・寒暖・明暗・時間・距離をさして))
It is warmer today than (it was) yesterday.
It was stormy last night.
It is two o'clock.
4 ((苦痛・快楽などの原因・存在・場所をさして))
It hurts right here.
5 ((漠然と表現主体をさして))
It says in the paper he expects to win the eleciton.
新聞によれば彼には選挙戦に勝つ目算があるということだ(▼inに続く名詞は新聞・書物・掲示などで, 手紙のような個人的なものは不可).
6 ((形式主語・形式目的語として用い, あとに来る真主語・真目的語をさし, 文の均整を整えたり, 文の一部を強調))
(1) ((後続の語句をさして))
It is the ideal cure for laziness, marriage.
怠け癖を直すには理想的だ, 結婚は.
(2) ((後続の「(for+(代)名詞+)不定詞」/「(of+)(代)名詞」をさして))
It is important (for you) to choose good friends.
He thought it best to say nothing about the matter.
It was careless of you to say such a thing. [=You were careless to say such a thing. ]
そんなことを言うとは君も不注意だった(▼感嘆文ではふつうit wasは省く:How careless of you to say such a thing!)
(3) ((後続の節をさして))
It is true that time is money.
I took it for granted that he would agree with me.
(4) ((後続の動名詞(句)をさして))
It was hard living in that city.
その町は住みにくかった(▼一般に((米))では不定詞を用いたIt was hard to live in that city. のほうが好まれる. この文はThat city was hard to live in. と言い換えられるが, ×That city was hard living in. とはいわない).
7 ((強調構文it is [was] ... that [who, which, when, where]の形式で文の主語・(動詞または前置詞の)目的語・副詞(句)を強調))
Possibly it is the scent that attracts the bees.
It is you who areisangry.
It was after midnight when he arrived there.
It was in the basement that they put mousetraps.
It was a car that he bought.
彼が買ったのは車でした(▼過去の事柄を過去に視点を置いて述べている. It is a car that he bought. 「彼が買ったのは車です」は, 過去の事柄を現在に視点を置いて述べる言い方).
8 ((動詞・前置詞の目的語として))
(1) ((動詞の目的語))
fight it out
rough it
sweat it out
Hook it!
Go it!
John drinks it up on weekends.
(2) ((ある種の名詞が動詞として用いられるときの目的語))
buscab, foot] it
バス[タクシー, 徒歩]で行く
hotel it
He lorded it over us.
(3) ((前置詞の目的語))
Out with it!
We made a night of it.
You are always in the right of it.
9 ((主に黒人方言))((there構文のthereの代わりに用いて))
It's nobody here but me.
II ((指示詞))((その場で注意の焦点にある人・物をさして))(▼日本語ではitに当たる表現がないことが多い)
1 ((注意の焦点にある人))
Who is it?” “It's me. ”
「どなたですか」「私です」(▼It's John and Mary. のようにふたり以上の人をさすこともある).
2 ((場面からそれと分かる物を直接さす))
Oh, how kind of youMay I open it now
どうもありがとう. 今, (それ,)あけてもよろしいですか(▼プレゼントを受け取りながら言う場合など).
3 ((そのようになってしまったことの原因を示して))…のせいだ
It's the coffee.
III [名][U]
1 ((またIt))(鬼ごっこの)鬼
Tom is it now.
2 ((略式))理想, 極致, 並びなきもの, 無比のもの
That steak was really it!
3 ((時にIt))((俗・古風))性的魅力, イット.
4 ((略式))性交, 「あれ」
domake] it (with ...)
give it to a person
5 ((gin and itで))イタリア産甘口ベルモット.
This is it.
思って[言って]いた通りだ[になるぞ];もうだめだ, それ見たことか.
▼よいことにも悪いことにも用いる. 強めてThat's just it. /That's what it is. などともいう.
[古英語hit. HE1(彼が)の中性形]
