There’s no word on what type of engine or fuel system the straddling bus would have, but we have our fingers crossed for a zero-emissions electric bus that could really make a difference in one of the most polluted cities in the world.
Today she talks about a prominent Zimbabwean businessman who turned down a position in Mugabe’s government and now lives in council accommodation in London (‘I’m not going to say where; the Mugabe regime has long fingers’).
Fingers of black-velvet flame extended into a subtle, almost transparent netting toward a velvet neckband and bare-shouldered bodice. 一道道火苗似的黑絲絨伸展到纖細得幾乎透明的網紗接到絲絨領口和露肩的緊身衣上
As Price of Oil Soars, Users Shiver and Cross Their Fingers
Apple’s shareholders are also hoping that the iPad will live up to its billing as a seminal device in the history of computing. They have seen the company’s share price soar. Defying the recession, on January 25th Apple announced the best quarterly results in its 34-year history with revenues rising to $15.7 billion and profits to $3.4 billion—an increase of 32% and 49% respectively over the previous year. They will be keeping their fingers crossed that the iPad turns into another billon-dollar hit rather than a flop like Apple TV. Whether or not that turns out to be the case, Mr Jobs has already proven heroic enough to merit a portrait on the Yerba Buena Center’s walls.
Samsung child labor allegations contradict recent audit ...
(someone) to the police:he was fingered by a supergrass and charged with murder
put on airs 裝腔作勢
Assume a haughty manner, pretend to be better than one is, as in I'm sick of Claire and the way she puts on airs. Airs here means "a manner of superiority." [c. 1700]
- The technique used in playing a musical instrument with the fingers.
- The indication on a musical score of which fingers are to be used in playing.
1 指で触れる[いじる]こと.
2 《音楽》運指法, 指の運び;[C]運指記号.have (or keep) (one's) fingers crossed
1. To hope for a successful or advantageous outcome.
cross one's fingers (or keep one's fingers crossed)
- However all concerned are keeping their fingers crossed in the hope that the work will be completed.
- We are keeping our fingers crossed and hoping that the blood tests will prove negative.
- This year, we'll just have to keep our fingers crossed and hope all will be well.
round-shouldered | (adjective) Denoting a faulty posture characterized by drooping shoulders and a slight forward bending of the back. |
Synonyms: | hunched, stooped, crooked |
Usage: | I remember those girls merely as faces in the schoolroom,...cut off below the the ink-smeared tops of the high desks that were surely put there to make us round-shouldered and hollow-chested. |
Having the shoulders and upper back rounded.
Carl Sandburg. 1878– |
76. Fog |
THE fog comes | |
on little cat feet. | |
It sits looking | |
over harbor and city | |
on silent haunches | 5 |
and then moves on. |
1 飾りのあるベスト:婦人服の一種.
2 婦人服の胴部;女性用胴着.
1 台襟:カラーを取りつける部分.
2 ネックバンド:瓶などの首に張る帯状ラベル.
(1) 急ぐ.
(2) 熱心に仕事を始める.
(2) 手出し[干渉]する.
(2) 〈原因などを〉的確に指摘する;…を思い出す.
(3) …を見つける, の位置[ありか]を突き止める.
▼米国電話電信会社が職業別電話帳(Yellow Pages)の宣伝に使った文句.
(1) 〈犯人を〉当局に密告する, 指す, 当人であると認める.
(2) 〈人・場所を〉(殺人・強盗などの対象として)指示する, 選ぶ.
Definition of finger
[with object]- 3 Music play (a passage) with a particular sequence of positions of the fingers. See also fingering1.
Old English, of Germanic origin; related to Dutch vinger and German Finger
1 手指, 指(▼ふつう親指(thumb)以外);((〜s))手. ⇒TOE[名]1
2 (手袋・グローブの)指.
5 ((俗))警官;密告者, スパイ, 「いぬ」;すり.
6 《音楽》運指.
7 ((the 〜))((俗))こぶしから突き立てた中指(▼Fuck you!を意味する).
be [feel] all fingers and thumbs/One's fingers are all thumbs.
burn one's fingers/get one's fingers burnt
cross one's fingers
get [pull, take] one's fingers out
((英略式))(1) 急ぐ.
(2) 熱心に仕事を始める.
give a person the finger
((米略式))〈人に〉くそくらえと言う, くそくらえという身振りをする. ⇒[名]7
have a finger in the [every] pie
(1) かかわり合いを持つ, 参加[関係]する.(2) 手出し[干渉]する.
have ... at one's fingers' ends
…に精通している, を熟知している.
have [keep] one's finger on the pulse
(…の)実情を正確に知っている, 動向を把握している((of ...)).
keep [have] one's fingers crossed
(人さし指の上に中指を交差させて)願いがかなうことを祈る;(…になるよう)願う, 祈る((that節)).
lay [put] one's [a] finger on ...
(1) ⇒[名]1(2) 〈原因などを〉的確に指摘する;…を思い出す.
(3) …を見つける, の位置[ありか]を突き止める.
Let your fingers do the walking.
指で散歩しましょう, 電話帳を操って調べましょう.▼米国電話電信会社が職業別電話帳(Yellow Pages)の宣伝に使った文句.
not lift [move, raise, stir] a finger
何一つしない;(…しようと)しない((to do)).
point the finger of scorn [suspicion] at ...
pull [take, get] one's finger out
((英略式))(…の)妨害を中止する((over ...));本気で仕事にとりかかる.
put the finger on ...
((俗))(1) 〈犯人を〉当局に密告する, 指す, 当人であると認める.
(2) 〈人・場所を〉(殺人・強盗などの対象として)指示する, 選ぶ.
put two fingers up at ...
run around with one's finger up one's ass
((米卑))どたばた[あたふた]している, 気ばかりあせって何もできない.
slip through one's fingers
snap one's fingers
(…を)さげすむ, 軽蔑[無視]する((at ...)).
with a wet finger
楽々と, 苦もなく.
work one's fingers to the bone
1 …に指で触れる;…をいじり回す;…をいじってだめにする[汚す].
2 〈楽器を〉指で弾く;〈曲を〉ある運指法で弾く;〈楽譜に〉運指法を指示する.
3 …を盗む, くすねる;〈わいろなどを〉受け取る.
4 ((主に米略式))〈犯人などを〉(警察などに)密告する, たれこむ((to ...));指摘する((as ...)).
1 (…を)指でさわる, ひねくりまわす, もてあそぶ((with ...)).
2 指で演奏する, 運指法に従って弾く.
3 〈岸壁などが〉指状に広がる((out, across)).altimeter
- 音節
- al • tim • e • ter
- 発音
- æltímətər | ǽltimìːtə
- altimeterの変化形
- altimeters (複数形)
1 (航空機の)高度計.
2 (一般に)高度測定器.