It's Sunday.
Cast that first stone with The Jesus Slingshot
From the DM Archives.
For now, Dodson said he is prepared to live with Google's offer to reset the price of employee options with a strike price below Google's closing price on March 6. "But it puts all of us that have invested in the company en garde," he added.
Miranda Seymour’s odd and oddly affecting memoir instantly catapults her father into the front rank of impossible and eccentric English parents.
Mr. Robbe-Grillet’s best-known works of fiction include “Les Gommes” (“The Erasers”), a 1953 novel about a detective investigating an apparent murder who ends up killing the victim, and “Le Voyeur” (1955), about the world seen through the eyes of a sadistic killer. His last novel, published last year, was “Un Roman Sentimental” (“A Sentimental Novel”).
In 1963 he wrote “Pour un Nouveau Roman” (“Toward a New Novel”), a highly regarded critical essay laying the theoretical foundations of the genre. It became the French avant-garde’s bible and catapulted Mr. Robbe-Grillet to star status among Parisian intellectuals. 2008/2
Used to warn a fencer to assume the position preparatory to a match.
[French : en, on + garde, guard.]
queen is threatened. In English-speaking popular culture, ..
eccentric (STRANGE) adjective
strange or unusual, sometimes in an amusing way:
eccentric behaviour
eccentric clothes
noun [C]
My mother's a bit of an eccentric.
1 [U] the state of being eccentric:
His eccentricity now extends to never washing or changing his clothes.
2 [C] an eccentric action:
Her eccentricities get stranger by the day.
the avantgarde group noun [S]
(the work of) the painters, writers, musicians and other artists whose ideas, styles and methods are highly original or modern in comparison to the period in which they live:
New York is the international capital of the musical avantgarde.
avant-garde art/cinema/painting
It was one of the first avant-garde works to appeal to a wide audience.
noun [C]
1 a device which can throw objects at a high speed:
In the past, armies used catapults to hurl heavy stones at enemy fortifications.
On that type of aircraft carrier, a catapult was used to help launch aircraft.
2 UK (US slingshot, AUSTRALIAN ENGLISH ALSO shanghai) a Y-shaped stick or piece of metal with a piece of elastic fixed to the top parts, used especially by children for shooting small stones
(kăt'ə-pŭlt', -pʊlt')catapult
verb [T usually + adverb or preposition]
1 to throw someone or something with great force:
When the two vehicles collided, he was catapulted forwards.
2 be catapulted into sth to suddenly experience a particular state, such as fame:
The award for best actress meant that almost overnight she was catapulted into the limelight.
"Thumping fall" likely refers to a fall that makes a loud, heavy sound, like a "thump".
Here's a more detailed explanation: