I never thought there was going to be any sort of nostalgia for childhood in the 1970s, a time of skyrocketing divorce, “latch key kids” and newly liberated adults who sometimes behaved rather badly toward their much less with-it offspring.
Yet now, with middle age encroaching upon the girls who cut their hair like Dorothy Hamill and carried lunchboxes that sported the face of the original Bionic Woman, the seventies are coming back to life, and looking a whole lot better in retrospect.
Last month, American Girl introduced Julie of 1974, the latest doll in the company’s “historical” line, with a set of accompanying books, written by the children’s author and seventies girl Megan McDonald and filled with fun facts about Shirley Chisholm, the ERA, Title IX, Billie Jean King and the etymology of Ms.
This week came “The Daring Book for Girls,” the work of two almost-middle-aged writers whose goal, they told me, wasn’t just to complement the mega blockbuster “The Dangerous Book for Boys,” but also to offer an escape route out of the high-pressure, perfectionist, media-saturated and competitive world of girlhood in our time. The way they do it: by offering up an alternative kind of girl culture that looks and sounds a whole lot like … life in the 1970s.
“The Daring Book for Girls” teaches the art of playing jacks and handclap games, roller skating, darts, jump rope, gin rummy and daisy chains. There’s fun and old-fashioned feminism: “Putting Your Hair Up With a Pencil” and “A Short History of Women Inventors and Scientists.” Instead of e-mail, instant messaging, group weigh-ins or slumber parties organized around “America’s Next Top Model,” the authors offer instructive chapters on “Clubhouses and Forts,” “Writing Letters,” “Telling Ghost Stories” and “Fourteen Games of Tag.”
There’s “How to Negotiate A Salary,” “Every Girl’s Toolbox,” “Public Speaking” and “Finance: Interest, Stocks and Bonds” (favorites of mine). My daughter Julia – a target “tween” – went wild over “Reading Tide Charts,” “Vinegar and Baking Soda” and “Making a Willow Whistle.”
“We looked at what we ourselves enjoyed doing,” said author Andrea J. Buchanan. “We asked ourselves: what should girls know?” added co-author Miriam Peskowitz. “And we went from there.”
Unlike “The Dangerous Book for Boys,” which harkens back to a prelapsarian state of boyhood that some have dated to the 1950s and others to Edwardian England, “The Daring Book for Girls” can’t be too backward-looking. After all, the 1950s weren’t really a heyday for girl power. The 1970s, too, Buchanan and Peskowitz acknowledged, had their frustrations and limitations for the girls on the very cusp of social change. But the era of their girlhood, the authors believe, was, overall, less toxic.
“Girls have more opportunities now,” Peskowitz said. “But the culture is more horrid. Girls jump into womanhood at nine. It may have been more fun in some ways to have been a girl in 1963 or 1973 without the pressures.”
“The Dangerous Book for Boys” spent 20 weeks on the New York Times best-seller list and is slated to become a Disney film. If the “Daring” book does anywhere nearly as well, then it could mark the start of a pop culture re-imagining of modern girlhood – one, perhaps, with an emphasis on doing rather than seeming, on growing rather than shrinking, and on exploring rather than shutting down.
That would be nice. If only.
If only, with its faux-antique binding, black and white etchings, and Girl Scout Handbook-like straightforwardness, “Daring” didn’t have the persistent feel of a reliquary. If only my own tween’s enthusiasm for it (“Will you help me put up my hair with a pencil?”) weren’t a sign that it’s not going to play well with the Hannah Montana crowd. If only my own admiration for it wasn’t, pretty much, the kiss of death: the Geek seal of approval. (“Girls,” I breathed, misty-eyed, in the car recently. “Just think: one day you’ll have a lot of homework and we can all go to the library together and share a table!”)
Peskowitz, who has a Ph.D. in ancient history and religion, may find it a thrill to apply her professional knowledge to teaching girl readers about “Queens of the Ancient World.” Other mothers may find similar ways to communicate the passions of their lives – poetry, or chemistry, or camping — to their girls via the “Daring” book’s pages. Yet, while all this will undoubtedly strengthen individual mother-daughter bonds, I wonder if it will have any wider effect. What power can any of us – moms and daughters, adrift in the cultural mainstream — have against the hugely seductive, hypnotic machine that has brought us Paris, Miley, Lindsay and more?
Not much — unless there are a whole lot more of us out there than I think.
A family counselor I heard speak last Spring said she believes that young girls today who get caught up in skinniness, fashion, popularity, pop culture and boys are, essentially, “underemployed.” Their brains, she said, need to be engaged by things larger than themselves: things like hobbies, sports, art, music or community service. If they’re not, there’s a vacuum, and all kinds of wretched stuff comes to fill their minds instead.
I thought of this woman’s words on Halloween, catching glimpses trick or treating of the tweens dressed in this year’s much-talked-about “bawdy” attire or simply in costumes that were more fashion-y than fun. These girls were striking. There was a self-consciousness to them, an inward-turnedness, that was joyless, and disturbing. It was way too adult-like and way too heavy a thing for their young and (invariably) skinny shoulders to bear.
I don’t know exactly how we can relieve them of the burdens of toxic girlhood. We can’t – and shouldn’t – raise them in a total media vacuum. We can’t simply preach at them, or badger them, or cloister them or dress them in the kind of puppy-dotted turtlenecks that are now showing up in some nostalgia-stoking holiday catalogues.
The only thing we can do is provide some sort of inspiration – of a kind of womanhood that makes them want to connect to the better aspects of the girlhood we once knew. And then, give them the space and the time to make it their own.


(prē'lăp-sâr'ē-ən) pronunciationadj.
Of or relating to the period before the fall of Adam and Eve.
[PRE– + Latin lāpsus, fall; see lapse + –ARIAN.]
Lapsarianism is the set of Calvinist doctrines describing the theoretical order of God's decree (in his mind, before Creation), in particular concerning the order of his decree for the fall of man and reprobation. The name of the doctrine comes from the Latin lapsus meaning fall.
Supralapsarianism (also antelapsarianism) is the view that God's decrees of election and reprobation logically preceded the decree of the fall while infralapsarianism (with a minor variant, sublapsarianism) asserts that God's decrees of election and reprobation logically succeeded the decree of the fall.

An Office Full of 20-Somethings
U.S. News & World Report - Washington,DC,USA Everything you learned from Peter Drucker still applies. But—roughly—times 10. Note: I am asked to keep it short here, but feel free to add your own ...




used after a number like 20, 30, etc. to refer to the age of a person who is between 20 and 29, 30 and 39 years old, etc., or to a person who is of this age
I'd guess she's thirty-something.
Most of these places are aimed at twenty-somethings.
三十歲是個尷尬的年紀,進入「thirty-something」的關鍵時期。「thirty- something」,「三十好幾」,要背上很多人的期待。

Badger to death

more like this...
...other phrases about:


Harass or persecute.


The phrase 'badger to death' alludes to the nocturnal burrowing mammal Meles meles, that is, the badger. At first sight it would seem intuitive that the expression refers to the fate of badgers in badger-baiting, an erstwhile so-called sport in which badgers were pitted against dogs and the protagonists tore each other apart. However, those fights weren't as one-sided as we may now suppose. Badgers were chosen for this entertainment as they are extremely tenacious when cornered and have the ability to bite their prey until their teeth meet. This fact has led to the alternative view that 'badgering to death' originally referred to the fate of the dogs and meant 'killed by a badger'. We aren't ever likely to know which of these derivations is correct, although most etymologists favour the former explanation.
Badgered to death'Badgering' has been used as a verb to denote persecution for some time. Francis Grose gave a definition of it in the 1785 edition of his invaluable glossary A Classical Dictionary of the Vulgar Tongue:
Badger, to confound, perplex, or teaze.
The first record that I can find of 'badgered to death' in print doesn't refer directly to badgers, nor to fighting dogs, but is a metaphorical reference to theatrical performers. This reference is found in Charles Dibdin's journal of the dramatic arts The By-stander; or, Universal Weekly Expositor, 1790, in which he gives the following advice:
It is always worth a manager's while to engage a performer for three years. The first he is a drudge; the second he is a servant of all work; the third badgered to death, and at length dismissed.
Badger baiting was made illegal in the UK in 1835 and instances of it are now rare, but it still does go on and prosecutions are occasionally brought. Despite that decline, the phrase has been given a new lease of life in recent years. Many UK dairy farmers claim that badgers, which are carriers of Bovine TB, are responsible for spreading the disease and killing their cattle. Of course, tabloid newspapers usually report TB outbreaks with the headline 'cows are badgered to death'.


(adjective) In accord with the most fashionable ideas or style.
Synonyms:cutting-edge, up-to-date
Usage:Angela takes her fashion cues from whatever the with-it boutiques downtown are promoting.


Pronunciation: /bʌɪˈɒnɪk/ 


1Having or denoting an artificial, typically electromechanical, body part or parts:there’s no doubt that Aird’s bionic arm has transformed his life
1.1informal Having exceptional strength, endurance, or ability:working out in gyms in an attempt to become bionic men
2Relating to bionics.





1960s: from bio- 'human', on the pattern of electronic.