2016年5月4日 星期三

A stitch in time, suture, grizzle, psychic, sew sth up

Surgical sutures

A stitch whose time has come

Oct 29th 2008
From Economist.com

A protein extracted from cows’ blood may provide the best answer yet to the question of how to sew up wounds

"That causes them to go berserk," said David Grizzle, a senior vice president at Continental. Often, on standby, people get out sooner, he said.

4 references to psychic in this book
1.on Page 16:
" ... proper target. Even Freud, with his sometime devotion to the idea of "psychic reality," fostered this cast of mind-since"
2.on Page 28:
" ... tionalist. The latter holds that values are a function of gut reactions, displaced psychic conflicts, temperament, and the like"
3.on Page 32:
"describes the world and you are not in it, there is a moment of psychic disequilibrium, as if you looked into a mirror and saw nothing"
4.on Page 117:
"real too as the psychic geography of those regions in which young people then thought they could find the "isolation" they sought. This was Self ... "

Homi Bhabha, a Harvard English professor and the de facto dean of postcolonial theory (and a friend of Coetzee’s), says the novelist’s power lies precisely in his ability to unsettle. “Disgrace,” he said in a recent interview, is a work of “open seams” rather than “suturing.” In a moment of “real social, historical, psychic crisis,” he said, Coetzee makes readers feel their anxiety rather than resolving it “in the way in which we as progressive liberals would want him to do.” For Bhabha, “Disgrace” is so powerful because it “allows people to project onto it some of their own most heartfelt but violent feelings.”

a stitch used to sew up a cut in a person's body

to sew together a cut in a person's body


Pronunciation: /ˈsuːtʃə/ 


1stitch or row of stitches holding together the edges of a wound or surgical incision:sutures are removed on the 5th to 7th day after the operation
1.1thread or wire used for suturing a wound or incision.
1.2[MASS NOUN] The action of stitching together the edges of a wound or incision.
2seam-like immovable junction between two bones, such as those of the skull.
2.1Zoology junction between the sclerites of an insect’s body.
2.2Geology A line of junction formed by two crustal plates which have collided.


Stitch up (a wound or incision) with a suture:the small incision was sutured


━━ n. 【外科】縫合(糸), 縫い目(のひと針); 【解】(頭蓋(ずがい)の)縫合線.
━━ vt. 縫合する.

psychic (MENTAL) 
(especially of an illness) of the mind rather than the body:
psychic problems

psychic (KNOWING) 
having a special mental ability, for example so that you are able to know what will happen in the future or know what people are thinking:
psychic powers

noun [C]
a gifted psychic (= person with these abilities)

adjective [before noun]
The Society for Psychical Research is investigating reports of a ghost at the old vicarage.

The noun has one meaning:
Meaning #1: a grey wig 灰白髮

The verb grizzle has 2 meanings:
Meaning #1: be in a huff; be silent or sullen
Synonyms: sulkbroodstew
Meaning #2: complain whiningly
Synonyms: whineyammeryawp
grizzle Show phonetics
(especially of a young child) to cry continually but not very loudly, or to complain all the time:
The baby was cutting a tooth and grizzled all day long.
They're always grizzling (= complaining) about how nobody invites them anywhere.

sew sth up (REPAIR) phrasal verb [M]
to close or repair something by sewing the edges together:
I've got to sew up that hole in your jeans.
A nurse will come and sew up that wound for you soon.

A stitch in time (saves nine).

something that you say which means it is better to deal with a problem early before it gets too bad

If you don't repair the oil leak now, you might damage the whole engine. It's a case of a stitch in time.
