2016年5月6日 星期五

organ, carabinieri, wildcat, artisanal

Without wildcat miners, cities like San Francisco, Johannesburg and Melbourne might never have been built
A boom in artisanal mining offers lessons in development

The carabinieri may not be marching into Tripoli just yet

No country has more to gain from ending the chaos in Libya than Italy

The State and Revolution — Chapter 1 - Marxists Internet Archive


What is now happening to Marx's theory has, in the course of history, happened ...According to Marx, the state is an organ of class rule, an organ for the ...

Karl Marx—author of the world's best-selling political pamphlet, the "Manifesto of the Communist Party"—was born on May 5th 1818

Karl Marx: one of The Economist's most loyal readers
Philosopher Karl Marx died on this day in 1818


Pronunciation: /ˌkarəbɪˈnjɛːri/ 

NOUN (plural carabinieri pronounced same)

A member of the Italian paramilitary police.


Italian, literally 'carabineer'.
卡賓槍騎兵隊[1][2][3] ( 義大利語:Arma dei carabinieri) ,是義大利共和國現時的國家憲兵,主要職責包括管理軍隊及協同義大利警察維持社會治安。在過去,卡賓槍騎兵曾經是義大利陸軍第一支組成部隊,但自2000年3月31日開始,這支極具陸軍傳統文化的部隊正式升格為義大利海陸空三軍之外的第四個獨立軍種,由國防部直接管轄和指揮 [4] 。

A department or organization that performs a specified function:the organs of local government
4A newspaper or periodical which promotes the views of a political party or movement:he repositioned the journal as a leading organ of neoconservatism

  • 5 (通例公的な)機関
    1. 6 (政党などの)機関誌[紙];マスメディア,放送局
      • house organ
      • (会社の)社内誌.

    2. wildcat 

      Pronunciation: /ˈwʌɪl(d)kat/ 


      1A small native Eurasian and African cat that is typically grey with black markings and abushy tail, noted for its ferocity.
      • Felis silvestris, family Felidae, the African race of which is believed to be the ancestor of the domestic cat
      1.1Any of the smaller members of the cat family, especially (in North America) thebobcat.
      1.2hot-tempered or ferocious person (typically used of a woman).


      1(Of a strike) sudden and unofficial:legislation to curb wildcat strikes


      [NO OBJECT] US
    3. artisanal 

      Pronunciation: /ɑːˈtɪzən(ə)l/ 


      1Relating to or characteristic of an artisan:artisanal skillsartisanal workshops
      1.1(Of a product, especially food or drink) made in a traditional or non-mechanized way:artisanal cheeses
