2016年5月6日 星期五

flamboyant, losing mayoral candidates, respectable, a formidable, growing force

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The Independent - 2 hours ago

The respectable DPP performance proves that the opposition is a formidable, growing force. At least two of the losing mayoral candidates are strong potential DPP presidential candidates. They can now devote their full energies toward the race ahead, not saddled by day-to-day mayoral responsibilities or with governance records to defend. The outcome of that race will be the definitive referendum on Mr. Ma's leadership, with broad implications for cross-Strait relations and the future of the U.S.-Taiwan-Mainland China triangle.

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The flamboyant MP is standing as the Conservative candidate for the forthcoming London mayoral election

首都倫敦市長選舉,也有一位搞笑人物不但參 選,而且聲勢節節看漲。 波利斯.強森(Boris Johnson)代表在野的保守黨出馬,挑戰工黨現任市長李文 斯頓。他頂著一頭搶眼的金色亂髮,散發似乎永遠用不完 的精力,運用語不驚人死不休的天分, ...

very confident in behaviour, or intended to be noticed, especially by being brightly coloured:
a flamboyant gesture
The writer's flamboyant lifestyle was well known.
His clothes were rather flamboyant for such a serious occasion.

noun [U] ━━ n. 華麗さ; けばけばしさ.
Her flamboyance annoys some people but delights others.

 flam・boy・ant ━━ a. 燃えるような; 華麗な; 人目をひく; 火炎模様の.
