2020年1月1日 星期三

【#逐字學英文國際日報】43: aunt, cousin, agony aunt, ancestor, kindredness, blood relative

Agony aunt advice columns through the ages often did more than reflect social change: they advocated it

Bobbi Gibb, a former Tufts student and the first woman to finish the‪#‎BostonMarathon‬, is this year's grand marshal: http://tuft.su/23rySNw

以前傅雷翻譯"貝姨" 解釋中西親屬稱謂

近日讀些中國翻譯 多"父親的妹妹"等等譯法 悲乎

The film is the "blood relative" of 2008's Cloverfield, rather than a sequel.

On this date in 1851, The New-York Daily Times was born. It cost one cent and was the ancestor to The New York Times. Read all about it in New York Today: http://nyti.ms/1aT8wch

agony aunt
person, usually a woman, who gives advice to people with personal problemsespecially in a regular magazine or newspaper article

西方部分甥侄等,參考"巴爾札克 貝姨 傅雷譯序"等的還原。

(ănt, änt) pronunciation
    1. The sister of one's father or mother.
    2. The wife of one's uncle.
  1. Used as a form of address for an older woman, especially by children.
[Middle English aunte, from Anglo-Norman, from Latin amita, paternal aunt.]
aunthood aunt'hood n.

1 おば;おじの妻.
(1)呼びかけの表現に用いる場合は単独またはAunt ...(名)の形を使い, (姓)には用いない. (2)mother などとの対比から, やさしさに欠ける, 口うるさいなど, 好ましくない含みがはいる場合もある:I hoped you'd grow up a good daughter to me, not a critical aunt. お前には口うるさい女じゃなく親思いの娘になってほしいと思っていたのに. (3)叔母(おば)と伯母(おば)の区別はしない.
2 [U]((方言))(よその)おばさん, おばちゃん.
3 ((俗))売春宿の女将(おかみ);年配の売春婦.
4 ((俗))年配の男の同性愛者.
My (sainted) aunt!
((驚きなど))おや, あら.
(kŭz'ĭn) pronunciation
  1. A child of one's aunt or uncle. Also called first cousin.
  2. A relative descended from a common ancestor, such as a grandparent, by two or more steps in a diverging line.
  3. A relative by blood or marriage; a kinsman or kinswoman.
  4. A member of a kindred group or country: our Canadian cousins.
  5. Something similar in quality or character: "There's no mistaking soca for its distant Jamaican cousin, reggae" (Michael Saunders).
  6. Used as a form of address by a sovereign in addressing another sovereign or a high-ranking member of the nobility.
[Middle English cosin, a relative, from Old French, from Latin cōnsōbrīnus, cousin : com-, com- + sōbrīnus, cousin on the mother's side.]
cousinhood cous'in·hood' n.
cousinly cous'in·ly adj.
cousinship cous'in·ship' n.
(1) いとこ(first cousin, full cousin, cousin-german)
He is cousin to [=a cousin of] the Mayor.
(2) またいとこ, はとこ(second cousin).
2 親類, 縁者.
3 ((まれ))(性質・言語・利害などがよく似た)いとこ分, 兄弟分;((呼びかけ))友, 仲間;よく似たもの;(地理的に)近いもの.
5 ((俗))くみしやすい相手, かも.
first cousin once [twice] removed
(1) いとこの子[孫].
(2) 父母[祖父母]のいとこ.
first cousin to ...
[古フランス語←ラテン語consōbrinus ( con-共に+soror姉妹+-INE1=母の姉妹に属するもの→いとこ)]

Definition of kindredness

plural -es
  1. :  the quality or state of being related :  kinship


Pronunciation: /ˈansɛstə/
Translate ancestor | into French | into German | into Italian | into Spanish


  • a person, typically one more remote than a grandparent, from whom one is descended:he could trace his ancestors back to James the First
  • an early type of animal or plant from which others have evolved: the ancestor of most dolphins is not clear both species of elephant have a common ancestor
  • an early version of a machine, system, etc.:this instrument is an ancestor of the lute


Middle English: from Old French ancestre, from Latin antecessor, from antecedere, from ante 'before' + cedere 'go'

Spelling help

Remember that the ending of ancestor is -or.
