2016年4月8日 星期五

open, unfold, in half, clinical endpoint, hot mic, du jour, take a back seat, driver's seat

Crisis Unfolds at H-P Over CEO
Hewlett-Packard's board met to consider ousting Chief Executive Leo Apotheker, after a turbulent 11-month tenure in which the market value of the technology giant was cut nearly in half.

China Author Open to Google Deal
The first Chinese author to sue Google for publishing book extracts online without consent is open to a settlement but still wants an apology.

Hot Mic Catches Obama's Private Remarks in Seoul

Tells Russian president: "After my election I have more flexibility." 



 hot mic

Mathematics and Democracy and What We Know

LESSONS LEARNED FROM MATHEMATICS AND DEMOCRACY “Indeed, as the twenty-first century unfolds, quantitative literacy will come to be seen not just as a minor variation in the way we functioned ...

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AMD, based in Sunnyvale, Calif., has been grappling with problems that include tougher competition from rival Intel Corp. and technical glitches in some long-awaited products. The company on Monday announced a sharper than expected drop in first-quarter revenues from the period ended in December, and plans for a 10% reduction in its workforce.
Roger Kay, an analyst at Endpoint Technologies Associates, characterized Mr. Hester as a technology visionary whose role was less important as AMD's focus has shifted to improving the execution of its operations. "The visionary role is taking a back seat for the moment," Mr. Kay said. "Operations are the subject du jour."

    The primary endpoint of a clinical trial is the endpoint for which subjects are randomized and for which the trial is powered. Secondaryendpoints are endpoints that are analyzed post hoc, for which the trial may not be powered nor randomized.

    Clinical endpoint - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

du jour
adjective [only after n] 
(of food in a restaurant) the particular type available today

du jour

(də zhʊr, dūpronunciation
  1. Prepared for a given day: The soup du jour is cream of potato.
  2. Most recent; current: the trend du jour.
[French : du, of the + jour, day.]

take a back seat
to choose not to be in a position of responsibility in an organization or activity

back-seat driver
noun [C]
a passenger in a car who keeps giving advice to the driver that the driver has not asked for:
FIGURATIVE It is expected that the former prime minister will be a back-seat driver (= have a controlling influence on what happens) in the new government.

Toyota takes driver's seat in sales
Newsday - Long Island,NY,USA
Toyota Motor sold almost 300000 more vehicles than General Motors in the first half of 2008 putting the Japanese automaker on a course to overtake GM, ...

driver's seat

A position of control or authority.

(ŭn-fōld') pronunciation

v., -fold·ed, -fold·ing, -folds. v.tr.
  1. To open and spread out (something folded); extend.
  2. To remove the coverings from; disclose to view.
  3. To reveal gradually by written or spoken explanation; make known.
    1. To become spread out; open out: Spring flowers unfolded everywhere.
    2. To develop, as if by spreading out: A brilliant career unfolded.
  1. To be revealed gradually to the understanding: A solution to the problem unfolded as they spoke.
unfoldment un·fold'ment n.

    1. Affording unobstructed entrance and exit; not shut or closed.
    2. Affording unobstructed passage or view: open waters; the open countryside.
    1. Having no protecting or concealing cover: an open wound; an open sports car.
    2. Completely obvious; blatant: open disregard of the law.
    3. Carried on in full view: open warfare; open family strife.
    4. Sports. Not closely defended by an opponent: an open receiver.
    1. Not sealed or tied: an open package.
    2. Spread out; unfolded: an open book.
  1. Having interspersed gaps, spaces, or intervals: open ranks; an open weave.
    1. Accessible to all; unrestricted as to participants: an open competition.
    2. Free from limitations, boundaries, or restrictions: open registration.
    3. Enterable by registered voters regardless of political affiliation: an open primary.
    4. Computer Science. Of or relating to a file that can be accessed.
    1. Lacking effective regulation: an open town in which gambling predominated.
    2. Not legally repressed: open drug trafficking.
    1. Susceptible; vulnerable: open to interpretation; an issue that is open to question.
    2. Willing to consider or deal with something: open to suggestions.
    1. Available; obtainable: The job is still open.
    2. Available for use: an open account; the only course open to us.
  2. Ready to transact business: The store is open.
  3. Not engaged or filled: has an open hour for emergency cases.
  4. Not yet decided; subject to further thought: an open question.
    1. Characterized by lack of pretense or reserve; candid: Please be open with me. See synonyms at frank1.
    2. Free of prejudice; receptive to new ideas and arguments: She listened to the proposal with an open mind.
    3. Generous: He is very open with his time.
  5. Printing.
    1. Widely spaced or leaded. Used of typeset or other printed matter.
    2. Having constituent elements separated by a space in writing or printing: The word sea horse is an open compound.
  6. Music.
    1. Not stopped by a finger. Used of a string or hole of an instrument.
    2. Produced by an unstopped string or hole or without the use of slides, valves, or keys: an open note on a trumpet.
    3. Played without a mute: an open wind instrument.
  7. Linguistics.
    1. Articulated with the tongue in a low position, as the vowel in far.
    2. Ending in a vowel or diphthong: an open syllable.
  8. Designating a method of punctuation in which commas and other marks are used sparingly.
  9. Being in operation; live: an open microphone.
  10. New England. Clear. Used of weather. See Regional Note at fair1.
  11. Electricity. Containing a gap across which electricity cannot pass: an open circuit.
  12. Mathematics.
    1. Of or relating to an interval containing neither of its endpoints.
    2. Of or being a set such that at least one neighborhood of every point in the set is within the set.
    3. Of or being a set that is the complement of a closed set.
  13. Sports.
    1. Having the forward foot farther from the intended point of impact with the ball than the rear foot: an open batting stance.
    2. Held or swung with the top or outer edge of the striking face pointing slightly farther away from the objective than the lower or inner edge: The club struck the ball with an open face, causing a slice.
  14. Physics. Of or relating to a model of the universe in which there is not sufficient matter to halt its expansion.

  1. To release from a closed or fastened position.
  2. To remove obstructions from; clear.
  3. To make or force an opening in: open an old wound.
    1. To form spaces or gaps between: soldiers opening ranks.
    2. To break the continuity of; make a gap in: open a circuit.
    1. To remove the cover, cork, or lid from.
    2. To remove the wrapping from; undo.
  4. To unfold so that the inner parts are displayed; spread out: open a newspaper.
    1. To get (something) going; initiate: open a campaign.
    2. To commence the operation of: open a new business.
  5. Games. To begin (the action in a game of cards) by making the first bid, placing the first bet, or playing the first lead.
  6. To make available for use: opened the area to commercial development; opened the computer file and retrieved some data.
  7. To make more responsive or understanding.
  8. To reveal the secrets of; bare.
  9. Sports. To modify (one's stance), as in baseball or golf, so that it is open.
  10. Law. To recall (an order or judgment) for a reexamination of its merits.
  1. To become open: The door opened slowly.
  2. To draw apart; separate: The wound opened under pressure.
  3. To spread apart; unfold.
  4. To come into view; become revealed: The plain opened before us.
  5. To become receptive or understanding.
    1. To begin; commence: The meeting opened with a call to order.
    2. To begin business or operation: The store opens early on Saturday.
  6. To be performed, shown, or made available to the public for the first time: The play opens next week.
  7. To be priced or listed at a specified amount when trading begins: Shares opened high and fell sharply.
  8. Games. To make a bid, bet, or lead in starting a game of cards.
  9. To give access: The room opens onto a terrace.
1 〈戸・窓・目などが〉あいている;〈箱・瓶・溝などが〉ふたの(して)ない, 〈車・ボートなどが〉屋根のない(⇔shut, closed)

open windows

an open box

an open bottle

an open car

keep one's eyes [ears] open

push [pull] open the gate [=push [pull] the gate open]

He always wears sports shirts open at the neck.

2 〈本・花などが〉開いた;〈新聞などが〉広げられた;〈包みなどが〉封をしていない, 包まれていない

an open envelope

an open wound

leave the book open

welcome with open arms

3 〈土地などが〉広々とした, 開けた, 見通しのよい;〈建物などが〉(…に)面して((to ...))

open area

the open sea

open warfare

an open view

an open field

a room open to the south


(1)〈場所・行事が〉公開の;〈場所・物が〉利用[入手]できる;(…に)開放されている((to ...))

an open court

an open invitation

The world is always open to the young.

(2)〈コンテスト・大会が〉だれでも参加できる, オープン(参加)の

an open golf tournament

(3)((通例叙述))〈店・学校・銀行・病院などが〉あいている, 営業中の[で];〈催し物が〉開催中の[で]

be open all night


(1)すきまのある, まばらな

open teeth

an open distribution of population

an open weave


an open order

(3)《印》〈印刷物が〉行間[語間]の広い, 字詰めのあらい;〈活字が〉アウトライン型の.

6 〈時間が〉あいている, 予定がない

I have some open time on Sunday.

7 〈職・地位などが〉空席の, ふさがっていない

We still have one position open for an English teacher.


(1)隠してない;〈うわさなどが〉公然の, 周知の

an open secret

open violation of the law

an open scandal

(2)〈人・態度などが〉率直な, あけっ広げな

I will be open with you about the matter.

9 寛大な, 気前のよい

He gives to charity with an open hand.


(1)(批判などを)受けやすい, 招きやすい;(…に)無防備な((to ...))

open to question

open to temptation

(2)〈人・心などが〉(提案などを)受け入れる用意がある;(情に)動かされやすい((to ...));〈社会などが〉開放的な

open mind

be open to our ideas




(3)〈(往復)切符が〉(乗車)期日を指定していない, オープンの.

12 〈漁猟期・区域が〉解禁の.


(1)〈問題などが〉未解決の, 未決定の

leave [keep] it open


an open account

14 〈小切手が〉持参人払いの, 普通の

an open check
普通小切手. ⇒CROSSED 2


(1)〈気温・天候などが〉温暖な, 温和な

a relatively open January

(2)〈川・港などが〉氷結しない, 不凍の

an open harbor

open water

16 〈沿岸などが〉航海上の危険がない.

17 〈動物が〉妊娠していない.

18 《楽》〈オルガンのパイプが〉先端が開いている;〈弦が〉開放の, 開放音の.

19 《声》〈母音が〉開母音の, 〈音節が〉開音節の;〈子音が〉開子音の( /s/ /f/ など).

20 《数》〈区間などが〉開いている.

21 便通[通じ]がある.


1III[名]([副])] 〈戸・目・箱などを〉あける, 開く(⇔shut);…を開く, 広げる((up))

open (up) a door

open a doorway [a can]

open one's mouth [eyes] wide

open a map

open a letter

open a book to [on, ((英))at] page 12

2 〈土地を〉開発する;〈道・可能性などを〉切り開く((up));…を利用できるようにする, 役にたつようにする

open new land for settlement

open a path through a forest

Studying abroad opened up a new world for him.



open the drain


open the bowels



(1)…を明るみに出す, 暴露する;…を打ち明ける;〈秘密などを〉漏らす((up))

open (up) the tombs of the ancient kings

open (up) one's mind [=oneself]

(2)〈心などを〉(…に)開く((up, out/to ...))

open (up [out]) one's heart to pity

5 《軍》〈隊列を〉散開させる.

6III[名]([副])] 〈店などを〉開く, 〈公共施設などを〉(…に)公開する, 開放する((up/to ...));〈口座を〉開く

open a shop

open once all-white schools to black children

open an account at a bank

7 〈討議・行為などを〉始める, 〈会議・議会の〉開会を宣言する;《法》〈訴訟を〉開始する;冒頭陳述をする

open fire at [on]

8 《海》…が見えるように針路を進む.

9 〈金庫などを〉(…で)爆破する((with ...));…に押し入る

open a bank safe with dynamite

10 《コンピュ》〈ファイル〉を開く.


1I([副])] 〈戸・箱などが〉開く, あく;〈戸・通路などが〉(…に)通じている, 向いている((into, off to, to, upon, on ...))(▼囲いのある場所などの中へはいれるという場合にはinto, 場所の表面に重点がある場合にはontoまたはonを用いる)

a door that opens into the kitchen [on to a street]

The door opens inward [outward].

The window opens to the west.

The room opened on a view of the river.

2I([副])] 〈学期・会期・興行・活動などが〉(…で)始まる((with ...));〈建物・劇場などが〉一般公開する

The play opened yesterday.

American baseball games always open with the national anthem.


(1)視野が開ける;〈景色などが〉見えてくる, 開けてくる((out, up))

A lovely vista opened up before us.


These flowers open in spring.

4 〈心が〉広くなる;〈未知の物・事が〉(人に)わかるようになる((to ...))

The wonders of botany were opening to him.

5 (考え・気持ちなどを)打ち明ける;暴露する;話し始める

At last he opened up about his problems.

6 (本・新聞などを)開く. ⇒(他)

Open to [((英))at] page 32.

7 〈軍隊などが〉散開する.

8 〈猟犬が〉(においをかぎつけて)ほえる.

9 《トランプ》最初のビッド[賭(か)け]をする.

open out






[open ... out/open out ...]

(1)〈たたんだ物を〉広げる, より大きくする.



(4)…を(人に)打ち明ける((to ...)).



open up


(1)行動を開始する;(…に)砲撃[銃撃]を開始する((on, at ...)).

(2)(人と)親しくなる, 打ち解ける((to ...)).

(3)秘密を打ち明ける, 口を割る. ⇒(自)


Don't open up until you get out on the highway.


Police officers. Open up!
警察だ. ドアを開けろ.




[open ... up/open up ...]

⇒(他), , ,


1 ((the ~))開けた所, あき地;戸外, 野外, 露天, 広場

sleep out in the open

2 広々とした水面.

3 ((the ~))隠しだてしないこと;周知

be (out) in the open

come (out) into the open

4 [U](就職などの)機会, 勤め口.

5 開き口, 孔.

6 ((the O-))(特にゴルフの)オープントーナメント.


[名][U]開放;率直さ, あからさま;寛大.

[ プログレッシブ英和中辞典 提供:JapanKnowledge ]
