2024年4月16日 星期二

replaceable, cement ties. A new book demolishes the underlying concept of “Western” or “European” civilisation. Even seasoned history buffs will find much that is new and fascinating

A new book demolishes the underlying concept of “Western” or “European” civilisation. Even seasoned history buffs will find much that is new and fascinating

President Tsai Ing-wen headed to Eswatini on Tuesday to cement ties with Taiwan's only diplomatic ally in Africa, as China intensifies political pressure on the island. 

In full: https://buff.ly/45VqeJw.

Photo: Wang Yu Ching/Office of the President.


1. 俄羅斯並非糧食和化肥制裁的受害者。 

2. 烏克蘭出口的穀物,對面臨糧食危機的低收入國家尤其重要。 

3. 烏克蘭在國際小麥市場的缺口無法由俄羅斯填補。 

4. 對世界上最需要糧食的人民而言,俄羅斯既不是慷慨的捐贈者也不能提供保障。 

5. 設立「黑海穀物倡議」安全航運走廊的目的,並非為烏軍作掩護。 

Kremlin’s data distortions and misleading math cannot hide the facts. The Kremlin launched an unprovoked and unjustified full-scale invasion of Ukraine. The Kremlin continues to block Ukraine’s ports and endanger civilian shipping vessels transporting food. The Kremlin is using hunger as a weapon. Here is Russia’s War on Ukraine’s Grain and Global Food Supply, in Five Myths:

Myth One: “Russia is a victim of sanctions on food and fertilizer.”

Myth Two: “Low-income nations do not benefit from the grain initiative.” 

Myth Three: “Ukraine’s share of the world wheat market is replaceable – by Russia.” 

Myth Four: “Russia is the magnanimous benefactor and guarantor of food for the world’s neediest.”

Myth Five: “The BSGI security corridor provided cover for Ukraine’s military activity.”
