2015年3月8日 星期日

self-driving, chase, rigor mortis, after market, chase, first officer, co-pilot

Widespread embrace of self-driving cars could eliminate 90% of all auto accidents in the U.S., according to a new study.
Report predicts mass adoption of auto-piloted vehicles beginning in about...

Flight Was Deliberately Diverted, Malaysia Says
Prime Minister Najib Razak said in a news conference that data indicated that someone took action to change the course of the plane, which traveled for seven hours after it lost contact with ground control.

In a dog-eat-dog world, President Obama is the cat, and Mitt Romney is chasing his own tail.

 Seeking Co-Pilots for Self-Driving Car
Google could join with auto makers to bring its self-driving car technology to market, offer it as an after-market product or even give away the technology, a manager at the Internet company said.

Five seconds. That's all it takes for workers at the Tokyo's Tsukiji fish market to turn a wildly struggling sea bream into seafood bound for market.
Go Maeda, a 20-year-old worker at fishery products wholesale company Yamafu Suisan, has a remarkable skill. Despite his young age, he handles up to 1,000 sea breams a day.
After inserting the tip of a knife into a fish near its gill, he thrusts again to make an incision near the tail, from where he puffs air into the body before dropping the fish into icy water.
The technique is called "shinkei nuki" (nerve- pulling). It is used by fishery products wholesalers to delay the process of rigor mortis and keep fish fresh.

 after market
The market for parts and accessories used in the upkeep or enhancement of a previous purchase, as of a car or computer.

after-market af'ter-mar'ket adj.

rigor mortis
(môr'tĭs) pronunciation
Muscular stiffening following death.

[Latin : rigor, stiffness + mortis, genitive of mors, death.]


  • レベル:大学入試程度
  • 発音記号[tʃéis]

1 …を追いかける, 追跡[追撃]する;〈獲物を〉狩る;追いつめる((along, down, up))
chase a rabbit
2 …を追い求める;((略式))〈女性などを〉(しつこく)追い回す;〈人に〉(…のことで)(しつこく)言う, せきたてる((up/for ...)).
3III[名]([副])]…を追い出す, 追い払う((off, away))
chase him out of the room
4III[名]([副])]((主に米))〈強い酒を〉飲んだあと口直しに(炭酸水などを)飲む((down/with ...))
chase the Johnnie Walker (down) with a little beer
5 …を捜し出す, 見つけ出そうと努力する((up, down)).
6 《野球》〈投手を〉ノックアウトする, 降板させる.
1 (…を)追いかける, 追い求める((after ...));追いかけ回す((round, around)).
2 ((略式))急ぐ, 走る((off));(…を)駆けめぐる((about/about ...)).
Go chase yourself!
1 追跡, 追撃, 追求
in (full) chase of ...
give chase to ...
havehold] ... in chase
lead a person a (hard) chase
2 ((the 〜))狩猟, (特に)キツネ狩り;((集合的))猟師たち.
3 ((the 〜))追跡される人[動物, 船], 獲物;追求物.
4 ((英))(囲いのない私有の)猟場;鳥獣を飼う[狩る]権利.
6 《映画》追跡場面
a car chase
cut to the chase
いちばん大事なことに集中する, 本題にはいる
Cut to the chase
[中フランス語←ラテン語captiāre (seize). △CATCH

First officer (civil aviation) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

In commercial aviation, the first officer is the second pilot (sometimes referred to as the "co-pilot") of an aircraft. The first officer is second-in-command of the ...
