Exxon is leading the pushback against plans to cap the production of plastics, saying alternatives to plastic packaging could have a higher emissions footprint: https://on.ft.com/3UtWtwc
As supermarkets frantically work to restock shelves and calm panicked shoppers, some stores are taking steps to protect older and vulnerable customers who may be at the greatest risk from the novel coronavirus,
CNN's Brian Todd reports.
For centuries swelling bellies would be edited out of artworks, considered improper and unseemly
The surprising history of “pregnancy portraits”
"Good heavens, my dear boy, don't look so tragic! The secret to remaining young is never to have an emotion that is unbecoming."
--Lord Henry to Dorian from THE PICTURE OF DORIAN GRAY
"The secret of life is never to have an emotion that is unbecoming."
--Mrs Allonby from "A Woman of No Importance""There is nothing in the whole world so unbecoming to a woman as a nonconformist conscience. And most women know it, I am glad to say."
-- Oscar Wilde
Prices Fuel Anger in Brazil, Home of the $30 Pizza

The price of living in Brazil keeps rising, and the push-back against increases has escalated from shopping abroad for cheaper goods to staging protests.
Shell Pushes Back Against Nigerian Oil Thefts13
Honor Code
It's no longer debatable that boys are lagging in school. Serving them effectively is going to require some scrambling of educational culture.
Since March 11th last year, however, Japanese firms have been under fire for almost the opposite reason: being too quick to react to the cataclysmic earthquake, tsunami and subsequent nuclear meltdown. For this reason, wrote Yoichi Funabashi, a former chief editor of the Asahi Shimbun daily, shortly after the tsunami, senior industrialists were careful not to mention the “C” word (China) when discussing their plans. Fleeing troubles at home by moving production there looked unseemly and unpatriotic.
Aggressive Acts by Iran Signal Pressure on Its Leadership
A flurry of actions and statements by Iran this week suggest its leaders are responding frantically, and more unpredictably, to the tightening of sanctions by the West.
FCC Web Rules Create Pushback
The head of the FCC outlined a proposal for regulating the Internet that he described as a middle ground between "heavy-handed' regulation and a do-nothing approach.
. How Cocaine Scrambles Genes in the Brain
By Maia Szalavitz
Research in mice increases our understanding of how addiction works — and could lead to new treatments
Local Papers' Web Scramble
Newspaper publishers are scrambling to change the way they sell ads, as Web companies begin to dominate the market for local ads online. But it may be a case of too little, too late.
Human Rights | 02.08.2009
Good governance is the key to managing 'land grabbing'

Großansicht des Bildes mit der Bildunterschrift: African farmers produce increasingly for the international market
Rich countries have been buying huge plots of land in poor nations in a trend that has been called a new scamble for Africa. Olivier de Schutter, the UN's point man on the issue, tells DW what to do about it.
Olivier de Schutter has been the UN Special Rapporteur on the Right to Food since May 2008. He is a law professor at the Catholic University of Louvain and at the College of Europe in Natolin and holds degrees from Harvard University, the International Institute of Human Rights in Strasbourg and the Catholic University of Louvain.
Congratulations Dr Ahmed Shaheed, newly appointed UN Special Rapporteur on the Freedom of Religion or Belief.
Pronunciation: /ˌrapɔːˈtəː/
A person who is appointed by an organization to report on the proceedings of its meetings:the UN rapporteur
More example sentences
Late 18th century: French, from rapporter 'bring back'. [名詞] (pl. rap・por・teurs[~z;Fr. ~]) ラポルトゥール,報告担当者:報告書類を整理し,行政機関,委員会などに提出する者.
Special Rapporteurs often conduct fact-finding missions to countries to investigate allegations of human rights violations. They can only visit countries that have agreed to invite them.
Aside from fact-finding missions, Rapporteurs regularly assess and verify complaints from alleged victims of human rights violations. Once a complaint is verified as legitimate, an urgent letter or appeal is sent to the government that has allegedly committed the violation. If no complaint has been made, Rapporteurs may intervene on behalf of individuals and groups of people of their own accord.
v., -bled, -bling, -bles.
- To move or climb hurriedly, especially on the hands and knees.
- To struggle or contend frantically in order to get something: scrambled for the best seats.
- To take off with all possible haste, as to intercept enemy aircraft.
- Football.
- To run around with the ball behind the line of scrimmage in order to avoid being tackled while searching for an open receiver.
- To run forward with the ball when unable to complete an intended pass play. Used of a quarterback.
- To mix or throw together haphazardly.
- To gather together in a hurried or disorderly fashion.
- To cook (beaten eggs) until firm but with a soft consistency.
- Electronics. To distort or garble (a signal) so as to render it unintelligible without a special receiver.
- To cause (aircraft) to take off as fast as possible, as to intercept enemy aircraft.
- The act or an instance of scrambling.
- An arduous hike or climb over rough terrain.
- An unceremonious scuffle or struggle.
- Sports. See motocross.
- A swift takeoff of military aircraft in response to an alert or attack.
[Perhaps blend of obsolete scamble, to struggle for, and dialectal cramble, to crawl.]
━━ vi. はう, はい[よじ]上る[はい降りる] ((up; down; along)); 急いで…する ((to do)); 奪い合いする ((for)); はびこる; 【空軍】緊急発進する.
━━ vt. かき混ぜる ((up)); かき集める ((up, together)); いり卵にする; (盗聴防止のため)周波数を変える; (信号を)暗号化する; 【軍】緊急発進させる.
━━ n. はい[よじ]上り; (pl.) 争奪 ((for)); ごたまぜ; (オートバイの)スクランブルレース; 【空軍】緊急発進.

v. i.
[imp. & p. p. Scambled ; p. pr. & vb. n. Scambling.]
[Cf. OD. schampelen to deviate, to slip, schampen to go away, escape, slip, and E. scamper, shamble.]
1. To move awkwardly; to be shuffling, irregular, or unsteady; to sprawl; to shamble. «Some scambling shifts.» Dr. H. More. «A fine old hall, but a scambling house.» Evelyn.
2. To move about pushing and jostling; to be rude and turbulent; to scramble. «The scambling and unquiet time did push it out of . . . question.» Shak.
v. t.
To mangle. [Obs.] Mortimer.
scramble (MOVE QUICKLY)
1 [I usually + adverb or preposition] to move or climb quickly but with difficulty, often using your hands to help you:
She scrambled up the steep hillside and over the rocks.
He scrambled into his clothes (= put them on quickly) and raced to fetch a doctor.
As the burning plane landed, the terrified passengers scrambled for the door (= tried to reach the door quickly).
2 [I] to compete with other people for something there is very little of:
[+ to infinitive] People are scrambling to buy property before prices rise even further.
noun [S]
1 a climb which is difficult so that you have to use your hands to help you:
It was a real scramble to the top of the hillside.
2 an act of hurrying:
[+ to infinitive] As soon as the plane landed there was a mad/wild scramble to get out.
3 a hurried attempt to get something:
After the death of the dictator there was an unseemly scramble for power among the generals.
adj., -li·er, -li·est.
- Not in accord with accepted standards of good taste; grossly improper. See synonyms at improper.
- Not suited to the circumstances; inappropriate.
[形](-li・er, -li・est;more 〜, most 〜)((形式))〈行為が〉品の悪い, 不体裁な;不適当[不穏当]な;時[所]を得ない
━━[副]((まれ))下品に, 見苦しく;不適当に.
In an improper or inappropriate manner.
unseemliness un·seem'li·ness n.
- Not appropriate, attractive, or flattering: an unbecoming dress.
- Not in accord with the standards implied by one's character or position: conduct unbecoming an officer. See synonyms at improper.
In aviation, pushback is an airport procedure during which an aircraft is pushed backwards away from an airport gate by external power. Pushbacks are carried out by special, low-profile vehicles called pushback tractors or tugs.
2 (at an airport) the action or an instance of moving an airplane from a passenger terminal to a runway or taxiway.